Great Bear Wilderness Tiptoe Hunter, there are secrets here
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
I believe you asked for threads. Here is a Rodyn thread. Let me know what you want it to be for skill wise.

Rodyn tiptoed down the mountain. Forcing himself to pay attention to the vibrations and sounds underfoot. He was separating the hunting prey. He had taught Melaneus Recently how to do this and he wanted to make sure he kept up with his own training.

He stopped a moment to breath in the air around him. Scent the different prey animals that ran rampant. To worship as he knew how. To give thanks to the world around him. Just by breathing, by listening.
"I used to be so afraid of looking into the night sky, so vast.. so deep.."
27 Posts
Ooc — Peppermint
Scout or naturalist would be ideal.  Also, should I tag you in my rp posts?

Latte thought she must have jumped a foot in the air when she caught the scent of a wolf on the wind.  Before this unpleasant surprise, she had been peacefully snoozing under a tree with amber tipped leaves.  Had she been paying better attention, she might have realized that this was a sign of autumn's imminent arrival--but as she rarely paid her surroundings much attention, she did not.  Latte's inattentiveness was promptly made obvious with the startled yip she made when she ran into a bush scrambling to locate the wolf she had scented.

I may not be comfortable with certain topics due to the fact that I am a minor.  Cursing and suggestive or sexual behavior (beyond simple romance), even in-character, is a definite no for me.  If you wouldn't be comfortable posting something knowing that there may be a child reading it, do not post it during a roleplay with me.  :)

Latte gives out compliments like grandmas give out candy.  She sees the beauty in almost everything, I promise you that she is not flirting with your character.  Like, seriously, she compliments snails. 

-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
No you only need to tag once when trying to let someone know you wrote a post for them, like I did for you. After the initial one it will be in their mail and their threadlog if they answers it.

Rodyn heard a noise and lifted his head. It didn't sound prey like, it sounded a bit like a wolf. A wolf in trouble perhaps? He sniffed once, trying to discern where it was coming from and then slowly he started towards it. Cautious. Large paws silent against the ground.

Rodyn caught the form and then the little dog materialized and he backed up a step or two. Umm Hello?

He tilted his head curious about this dog. There were so many dogs around here. He wondered at it. Where did they all come from.
"I used to be so afraid of looking into the night sky, so vast.. so deep.."
27 Posts
Ooc — Peppermint
Latte untangled herself from the bush and cautiously took a step backwards.  She set her gaze on the wolf and studied him.  Despite her usual apprehension around wolves, he seemed a lot less intimidating than the other wolves that she'd met, less... sharp.  Realizing that she must be staring, Latte let out a nervous laugh, suddenly aware of the leaves stuck in her fur and how awkward this must feel.  "Hi... well,"  At a complete loss for what to say, she sat down and began picking leaves out of her coat.

I may not be comfortable with certain topics due to the fact that I am a minor.  Cursing and suggestive or sexual behavior (beyond simple romance), even in-character, is a definite no for me.  If you wouldn't be comfortable posting something knowing that there may be a child reading it, do not post it during a roleplay with me.  :)

Latte gives out compliments like grandmas give out candy.  She sees the beauty in almost everything, I promise you that she is not flirting with your character.  Like, seriously, she compliments snails. 

-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn was trying to keep his body language neutral and not scare the she dog. He thought of T.K. and a pang slid along his chest and dug deeply. He didn't know where his little friend was and he missed them. Hoped they had healed nicely.

Rodyn gave a soft chuckle. Hello. What's your name?
"I used to be so afraid of looking into the night sky, so vast.. so deep.."
27 Posts
Ooc — Peppermint
"I'm Latte."  She replied, ceasing her grooming.  "What about you?"  

Latte brightened a bit.  She liked being asked her name.  It was simple and easy and hard to mess up, unlike most conversation--it also helped that Latte liked her name.  It was a nice name, she thought, though she had no idea what it meant.  Most importantly, it reminded Latte of home... wherever that was.  She was starting to lose hope that she'd ever find it.  

Speaking of which... "What are you doing out here?"  Latte cocked her head, curious. Surely, he hadn't just been wandering around before she came along. She was trying to find her family, but she doubted that the wolf was doing the same.

I may not be comfortable with certain topics due to the fact that I am a minor.  Cursing and suggestive or sexual behavior (beyond simple romance), even in-character, is a definite no for me.  If you wouldn't be comfortable posting something knowing that there may be a child reading it, do not post it during a roleplay with me.  :)

Latte gives out compliments like grandmas give out candy.  She sees the beauty in almost everything, I promise you that she is not flirting with your character.  Like, seriously, she compliments snails. 

-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn smiled. I'm Rodyn Ardeth. I hail from Village Moonglow. A sense of pride colored his words. He was not born to moonglow, but it was his home all the same. He had thrown his lot in with them and that is where it would stay.

Rodyn looked around and shrugged. Hunting, taking stock of the prey animals. So that I know where they are to feed my village.

He didn't know how to tell her, he was just existing. Enjoying the time here, reveling in the world around him while doing tasks for his pack.
"I used to be so afraid of looking into the night sky, so vast.. so deep.."
27 Posts
Ooc — Peppermint
"Wait, does that mean that you're from a pack?"  Latte's eyes went wide with excitement.  

A real wolf pack!  She'd only heard of them, occasionally catching glimpses of wolves hunting down large prey animals.   "What's it like?  Tell me about Moonglow!"  

Latte hopped up and took a few steps towards Rodyn, forgetting her fear.  Her large brown eyes glimmered with innocent inquisitiveness.

I may not be comfortable with certain topics due to the fact that I am a minor.  Cursing and suggestive or sexual behavior (beyond simple romance), even in-character, is a definite no for me.  If you wouldn't be comfortable posting something knowing that there may be a child reading it, do not post it during a roleplay with me.  :)

Latte gives out compliments like grandmas give out candy.  She sees the beauty in almost everything, I promise you that she is not flirting with your character.  Like, seriously, she compliments snails. 

-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn chuckled kindly and nodded his head, yellow eyes warm. Yes it means just that.

Rodyn sat down and curled a tail around his paws, Closing his eyes as he thought. Let's see.

He thought of Samani and Kukutuk who loved nature, and pretty little Callyope who loved stories and singing. Mojag and Stratos who loved to hunt. Brave wise Aiolos who was kind and mannerly and could speak so many languages. Shikoba a fierce warrior and hunter, he was proud to call a friend.

We aren't a very large pack, but we are full of trustful wolves. We make our living with hunting and trading. We try and treat everyone as kindly as we can, with manners and friendliness.

He swished his tail. We are led by Moonwoman Kukutux a brave and selfless woman. her mate Sunman Aiolos is wise and kind and he can speak three languages.
"I used to be so afraid of looking into the night sky, so vast.. so deep.."
27 Posts
Ooc — Peppermint
"Wow... three languages?  Do you ever get in fights with other wolf packs?  Is it true that you can take down full-grown stags?  Is it scary?"  Latte was gushing like a pup, she knew, but she had had so many questions and no wolf to ask for so long.  Her tail was wagging as she sat down, mirroring Rodyn.  Moonglow sounded wonderful... better than being lost, hungry, and alone all the time, at least.  

But then Latte remembered who she was and what she was doing here, reality putting a damper on her excitement.  She had to find her family.  She couldn't stay out here forever... and even if she did, what pack would accept a pathetic little dog like her?  Latte could hardly hunt, let alone fight.  Trying not to act as sad as she felt, Latte asked, "Could I go with you?  Hunting and stuff, like you said you were doing?"   Maybe if she watched Rodyn, she could figure out how he did it.

I may not be comfortable with certain topics due to the fact that I am a minor.  Cursing and suggestive or sexual behavior (beyond simple romance), even in-character, is a definite no for me.  If you wouldn't be comfortable posting something knowing that there may be a child reading it, do not post it during a roleplay with me.  :)

Latte gives out compliments like grandmas give out candy.  She sees the beauty in almost everything, I promise you that she is not flirting with your character.  Like, seriously, she compliments snails. 

-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn smiled. We try not too. If we had a need. I am certain we would protect ourselves. However, there is no need for that right now.

Rodyn shifted and nodded his head. With help yes we can take down fully grown stangs. We could even teach you to hunt were you want to try. i can teach you some small game today even.

If there was anything that Rodyn liked more than hunting itself, it was teaching it. There was something about teaching someone else, his way of worship. The feeling of the ground beneath your paws. The many sounds that other animals made, the smells. There really was nothing quite like it.

Course you can. How about some rabbit hunting? They are a little easier than most as long as your fast, or have a partner to scare them towards you.
"I used to be so afraid of looking into the night sky, so vast.. so deep.."
27 Posts
Ooc — Peppermint
Sorry for the late reply!

Latte nodded vigorously, hopping up.  "I'm fast!" 

She was.  What the little dog lacked in ferocity, she made up for in energy.  She could run for hours if she was well fed and rested.  Of course, Latte hadn't been well fed for months, but she didn't need a lot of stamina hunt.  Walking closer to Rodyn, she asked, "How do you find rabbits?"

Latte had only ever hunted when the prey came to her, unsure of how to track it.

I may not be comfortable with certain topics due to the fact that I am a minor.  Cursing and suggestive or sexual behavior (beyond simple romance), even in-character, is a definite no for me.  If you wouldn't be comfortable posting something knowing that there may be a child reading it, do not post it during a roleplay with me.  :)

Latte gives out compliments like grandmas give out candy.  She sees the beauty in almost everything, I promise you that she is not flirting with your character.  Like, seriously, she compliments snails. 

-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
No worries. I don't mind waiting.

Rodyn looked her over with a practiced gaze. She probably was fast, faster than him, who had more bulkt o his body than she. He smiled down at her, a twinkle in his gaze.

With speed and a little know how. Come with me.

He followed a gentle path, moved some grass to the side. See these tracks He pointed out the rabbit tracks. They are rabbit and this here.

He motioned towards a few more scratches in the earth. Bird.

Now rabbits live beneath the earth. So they smell, mmm....furry and earthy. And they live in family warrens. You find one, you can usually find them all. The mothers run away from the babes to give them a better chance to see tomorrow.

He bent his head and sniffed at the dirt. Here take a sniff, you want to follow the smell. Stay low to the ground, quiet. Feel the earth beneath your feet.
"I used to be so afraid of looking into the night sky, so vast.. so deep.."
27 Posts
Ooc — Peppermint
The dog smiled back up at Rodyn, following him.  When they came upon the rabbit tracks, she inspected them.  Latte willed her mind to remember what they looked like.  She didn't want to go hungry again.  She surveyed the bird tracks before turning to look back at Rodyn, listening to his explanation. 

While it was a bit chilling to think about mother rabbits abandoning their babies to keep them alive, it was just the way that the world worked.  Everything must come to an end, even, or maybe especially the lives of prey.  Latte was suddenly snapped out of her musing by Rodyn's voice, instructing her to follow the rabbit's trail.

Crouching low, Latte brought her wet black nose to the ground.  "Furry and earthy..."  She muttered, clumsily following the trail. 

She did as she was bid, trying to feel the soft grass sinking between her pawpads and listen to the sounds of the forest.  It was calming, breathing in the fresh air and the scent of the rabbit as she tried to find its warren, breaking her focus only to glance at Rodyn every now and again.

I may not be comfortable with certain topics due to the fact that I am a minor.  Cursing and suggestive or sexual behavior (beyond simple romance), even in-character, is a definite no for me.  If you wouldn't be comfortable posting something knowing that there may be a child reading it, do not post it during a roleplay with me.  :)

Latte gives out compliments like grandmas give out candy.  She sees the beauty in almost everything, I promise you that she is not flirting with your character.  Like, seriously, she compliments snails. 

-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She was a hunter for sure, even if she didn't know it yet. The way she moved and immediately leaned into the plan. She would do well if he could give her a base to stand on.

Rodyn neared the warren and then chuckled. Do you want to chase or catch? What we do is flush out the rabbits and they'll run towards us. You have to sort of heard them towards your partner, and the other will snap and grab.

He motioned downward, moved the earth beneath his paws, nose to the ground. Keeping a weather eye on the warren, and to make sure they weren't too noisy. He didn't wish to startle them to early and cause them to lose a meal.
"I used to be so afraid of looking into the night sky, so vast.. so deep.."
27 Posts
Ooc — Peppermint
Herding?  Herding!   Latte's mother had told her about the herding of sheep when she was a puppy, but even if she hadn't, there was a sort of instinctive pull that the word had on her.  "Chase!  I'll chase!"  She said excitedly.

Latte lowered her voice when she realized that she was being loud.  Rodyn probably thought she was too loud... her owners had always joked about it when she was noisy back at home.  "When do we do it?"

Should we do hunting rolls?

I may not be comfortable with certain topics due to the fact that I am a minor.  Cursing and suggestive or sexual behavior (beyond simple romance), even in-character, is a definite no for me.  If you wouldn't be comfortable posting something knowing that there may be a child reading it, do not post it during a roleplay with me.  :)

Latte gives out compliments like grandmas give out candy.  She sees the beauty in almost everything, I promise you that she is not flirting with your character.  Like, seriously, she compliments snails. 

-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Yes we can do that. I rolled for 2 rabbits. I'll add that in next round.

Rodyn got into position. Large brutish body, low to the ground. He was ready, waiting. She was small enough she could chase the rabbits his way and he would grab one or two or so if he could.

She was loud, but it just made him chuckle a little. She was exuberant. And this was her first time. If they missed, they missed, it would be worth it just to teach.

You start running whenever you're ready. Herd them towards me. He motioned to his ready position. Now it was up to her.
"I used to be so afraid of looking into the night sky, so vast.. so deep.."
27 Posts
Ooc — Peppermint
Latte nodded.  She readied herself, taking a few steps backward before bounding at the burrow, letting out a loud bark as she stomped on it.  The effect was immediate--three tawny rabbits sped out of the hole and ran, but Latte was fast.  She scrambled after the rabbits, scolding herself for her moment of idleness spent looking into their large dark eyes.  Though she cut two of the rodents off by darting in front of them before they could escape, one had already streaked away.  It was too late to chase after it, so Latte let out another bark and chased the two remaining rabbits back towards Rodyn.

I may not be comfortable with certain topics due to the fact that I am a minor.  Cursing and suggestive or sexual behavior (beyond simple romance), even in-character, is a definite no for me.  If you wouldn't be comfortable posting something knowing that there may be a child reading it, do not post it during a roleplay with me.  :)

Latte gives out compliments like grandmas give out candy.  She sees the beauty in almost everything, I promise you that she is not flirting with your character.  Like, seriously, she compliments snails. 

-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn chuckled at her form, and then moved himself back into position. She was quick on the draw and almost had three towards him, though one got away from them both. He moved forward and snapped at one of the remaining, managing to snag it and grasp it's throat. He shook it breaking it's spine, but the last was to quick for him.

He hoped Latte would be able to get it, though one was better than none. She had done well for herself, for her first time hunting, and Rodyn would offer her a smile and a tail wag afterwards.
"I used to be so afraid of looking into the night sky, so vast.. so deep.."
27 Posts
Ooc — Peppermint
Latte watched as Rodyn skillfully killed one of the rabbits, slowing her run to a gallop.  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a blur of motion and, realizing that it was the remaining rabbit, sped up once more.  "I got it!"  She called over the wind in her ears.  

Unfortunately, Latte's hunting abilities were still far less developed than Rodyn's, and her prey evaded her.  Once chasing the rabbit in vain, the dog gave up and trotted, panting, back towards Rodyn.

I may not be comfortable with certain topics due to the fact that I am a minor.  Cursing and suggestive or sexual behavior (beyond simple romance), even in-character, is a definite no for me.  If you wouldn't be comfortable posting something knowing that there may be a child reading it, do not post it during a roleplay with me.  :)

Latte gives out compliments like grandmas give out candy.  She sees the beauty in almost everything, I promise you that she is not flirting with your character.  Like, seriously, she compliments snails. 

-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Latte had a slow start and Rodyn knew that she wouldn't catch it, but she did well for her first time. He would just have to show her a little more, help where he could. He smiled at her effort.

He tilted his head. Would you like me to chase another out for you? With rabbits I have found it is easier sometimes to stand at the end of their burrow and grasp one or two as they leap out, when first learning. You can have this one.

He lay it down near her. He could easily find more. he could also fish if need be.
"I used to be so afraid of looking into the night sky, so vast.. so deep.."
27 Posts
Ooc — Peppermint
“Sure!”  Latte had been almost gotten sad that  her fun was nearly over, but apparently it wasn’t!  And besides, she’d get a chance to earn some more dinner!

But then Rodyn gave her the rabbit, and the little dog felt the skin under her snowy fur grow warm with surprise and gratitude—and a bit of embarrassment.  Latte didn’t expect to receive the only product of their hunt.  She’d barely done anything to hunt down the rabbit, and she had lost the last one.  But... Latte’s stomach was practically begging for her to accept it, so she went with her gut.

“Thanks, I could use it.”  Latte smiled up at the wolf, because she would drown in slobber if she let herself stare at her dinner too long.

I may not be comfortable with certain topics due to the fact that I am a minor.  Cursing and suggestive or sexual behavior (beyond simple romance), even in-character, is a definite no for me.  If you wouldn't be comfortable posting something knowing that there may be a child reading it, do not post it during a roleplay with me.  :)

Latte gives out compliments like grandmas give out candy.  She sees the beauty in almost everything, I promise you that she is not flirting with your character.  Like, seriously, she compliments snails. 

-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn chuckled at her exuberant answer. Glad she was willing to hunt as he did. He loved to hunt. Loved it.

Dark furred head dipped down and he pushed it towards her again. Eat. We will let them calm and then try again, deal?

He moved away from her to allow her to eat without him looming over her shoulder. Once she was done, he would help her with what he could, teach her to hunt, build a cache and how to hide from predators like other wolves. Not all were as kind as he.