Broken Antler Fen Antlers and Furs
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
@Kannoyak as promised :)

Rodyn slid down from the mountain. It was abuzz lately and actually a bit uncomfortable. There had been three women in heat in the last few weeks and though Rodyn had stayed far away from them, he was still affected and he needed space and a clear head.

So he went towards the lower lands with a fervor in his step and brightness in his yellow eyes. He would do what he loved to work off that excess energy. Nose to the ground he went in search of something to fill their caches or stretch a fur across their den.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
You are an angel!

Greetings, hunter man.

Kannoyak trotted confidently toward the stranger. He had noticed the signs of another hunter, the prowl, the searching nose. It did not matter who he came upon, hunting was shared among all wolves. It was his way of knowing them in a setting most comfortable to him.

As the pale figure drew closer to the other man, he noted the scent of Moonglow upon his coat. This was one of the moonwoman’s wolves. Kannoyak was pleased to know this. The joy of his discovery gleamed in the deep purple gaze.

May we hunt together? he asked the other man.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
D'aww *blushes*

A voice low, deep and friendly. He lifted russet head and turned yellow gaze to the white of the male before him. A charming boyish grin lighting up his maw.

Hello to you too, brother hunter.

There was a confidence to this wolf. He was comfortable in his own skin. Rodyn usually was, but there were times he wasn't. This wolf seemed good to know and he showed signs of being a hunter too.

Of course. I am Rodyn Ardeth of Moonglow. It pleases me to meet you.

He motioned at the tracks in the dirt.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Rodyn Ardeth, he returned with a warm dip of his snout. The name was curious upon his tongue, but not so foreign that he was put off by it. The noise of it was fitting for the man who wore it. The white hunter thought his parents had named him aptly.

This one is called Kannoyak Sura, the hunter offered in return.

Then his plum gaze was upon the tracks that the other man had followed. With two of them, there would be no end to the prey they could collect. The villages would be feasting in no time at all.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The name he had been given. He had grown into it. It suited him. Just as all his siblings names. His mother had done well in the namings.

He repeated the name and nodded. You are of moonwomans people? The name at least fit the the peoplw of kukutux.

Do we hunt small game or large. There is a large herd of deer nearby. We could get you started on firs for your den?
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
We have a common tongue, yes.

They were wolves of the north, of the great white winter grounds. Kannoyak had been pleased to find the Moonwoman and her daughter in these foreign parts. They were a glimpse into the home he had left behind. Though they differed, it was enough. The pale wolf believed that his spirit had been led here with purpose and he would not squander his chances with the wolves in the foreign land.

Deer will feed others, too. Let us track them and see if we can find one that two hunters can bring down, Kannoyak suggested. There was an eager glint to his steady gaze. Hunting sparked a fire in his belly.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn tilted his head in thought. So they were like neighbors okay. He could understand this.

A feverish light, lit up Rodyns eyes. Had he looked he'd have seen it mirrored in the others.

Deer then.

Body went into low crouch, paws shifted the dirt and ice. And he slowed his breathing as he moved. Every proof he was a hunter.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The two hunters were set upon their intended prey.

Kannoyak was pleased to be prowling alongside another hunting man. He had found that the best company was offered by fellow hunters. The wolves of Moonglow village had left a good impression on him. Rodyn would be no different. In fact, it was likely that the pale wolf would think higher of him. This would depend on their success and if they filled their bellies on deer meat.

Sniffing at fur that had caught on the brush, Kannoyak chuffed to Rodyn.

A trail to follow. The scent of deer would come next.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Fur upon the thicket. Scat and tracks upon the ground. A small smile as they pressed onward until finally he stopped as the herd came into view. 6 deer, leaner from winter months, but never the less healthy.

Practiced eyes soon caught out two deer. An elder with a limp and a female just on the outskirts grazing.

He looked to his hunting partner and traced his nose from one to the other. Asking silent which one?

If they had time and moved quick enough. Went for female first and then the lame one. They could possibly in a very small window take both.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The herd grazed for what it could pull from beneath the snow and from the edges of rocks. They were lean but they carried enough meat on their bodies to fill stomachs with warmth.

Kannoyak watched them from his place in the brush. His eyes studied the same two deer that Rodyn had picked out. The doe would offer the most risk. She looked as though her lean muscle could spring and flee at any moment. The older deer did not have the same sure step in her hooves. The white hunter knew that they would need to focus the doe on the outside of the herd.

One ear swiveled toward her so that Rodyn would know his selection. Kannoyak then moved to circle around and block her path from escaping into the trees.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn was pleased with this hunt. They would feed their family well. Well his family. He wasn't sure if the other hunter had one yet, but he'd share all the same.

Rodyn watched the ear flick and gave a swift nod. He stalked from the underbrush pushing their target further away from teh herd. And with a snarl and a snap of teeth, he was inbetween her and her herd. Snapping at her haunches and nose, driving her towards the male Kannoyak.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The other man made the first move toward their target. The intent was to frighten it toward the white hunter. Kannoyak was prepared.

The pale figure swooped low and bared his teeth. His legs stretched out. The animal gazed at him with frightened eyes before they rolled back into its head. Hooves churned against the earth. There was nowhere for the animal to flee. The hunters had her blocked from either side.

Kannoyak darted forward and his teeth found purchase in their target’s leg. He worked his jaw, driving his fangs into her limb and trying to render her crippled. If the white hunter could hold her long enough, the other man might find a place for his teeth in her throat.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Pounding paws and harsh breathing, and soon Rodyn had caught up again and with a leap he grasped the creatures, tough throat. He scrabbled with his paws against soft flesh, digging grooves into the creature, but he held fast.

With his body he pulled down, down and ripped through throat with quick work of sharp fangs. He gave a soft growl of appreciation and then backed up to catch his breath a grin sliding along his face.

You and I work well together! he called out with joy in his voice.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
It was over before it had started.

Kannoyak gazed upon the fallen animal with heavy breaths and a satisfied glimmer in his eyes. The other hunter man offered a compliment in a loud, joyous voice. The pale figure waved his tail. He could only agree that they had managed the hunt well. The Teekons were full of promising wolves. It was swift pleasure that pooled like warm water in his belly.

Rodyn is strong hunter man, Kannoyak complimented with a toothy smile. The wolves of his homeland would have been impressed with the tradesman’s skills.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Sometimes the hunter liked hunts that lasted longer, but when it was simply two of them. It was easier if they were quick. This way there was less room for any type of accident. And you never knew how long another could help you before they had other duties to attend too.

Rodyn grinned. I better be. I'm First Hunter of Moonglow. Star Hunter Shikoba though. You should hunt with her sometime, she is amazing. Does well.

He chuckled again.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
First hunter of Moonglow! This was an impressive thing to be named.

Kannoyak nodded his head approvingly. He could understand why Rodyn had been promoted to such a prestigious place within the village. The white hunter hoped that he might find some familiarity in hunting and pathmaking, after he had walked the lands a number of times.

Tell this one about Moonglow. Rodyn is happy there?

The plum eyes of the northern man were upon Rodyn. His curiosity burned hot.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn had nothing but respect for the wolves that had named him as such. They had always treated him well and adopted him into their fold easily. He would even take one as a bride.

I am yes. Though my future bride, speaks of making our own place. We may yet do that. I would give her the world if she wished it and it was in my power.

Rodyn clicked his teeth in happiness. They are familial, full of hunters. There is Star Hunter, Shikoba. Moonwoman and Sunman, are the leaders. They rule fairly and without prejudice, but they punish wrongdoing as they see fit. They are a pack of traders, hunters and spirit walkers.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Kannoyak nodded his head. He felt it only fitting that the first hunter of Moonglow would have a woman waiting for him. The white hunter wished to have a wife, too. He had thought of building a family many times since he had left the little river village. Knowing that there was some familiarity in the moon villages was a bright light. He knew that his spirit had come to the right land.

Moonwoman, yes. Kannoyak has met the Moonwoman. She is knowing and her daughter is strong.

It was good to know the same wolves!

Kannoyak would like to hunt with you again, first hunter man of Moonglow.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
he's so sweet i just want to love him.

Rodyn had gone through much, but he would do it all again. To be standing where he was standing right now. He absolutely would.

A laugh lit up his face and he chuckled. Which daughter do you speak of Kannoyak? She has many, and they are all strong in their own ways.

Rodyn grinned. I'd like that too. YOu want to hunt anytime you call up and if i can hear you I'll come. Or we can meet at moonglow or moonspear. To me Hunting is like a religion. It is sacred. I love everything about it and always will do it when I can.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Please! Says the author on sweet characters! Kannoyak has a crush on Amalia, though… and Sialuk. But heheh he may be making a visit down to Brecheliant in a thread soon.

Ah, this one speaks of Sialuk – raindrop woman, he clarified with warming cheeks. How foolish for Kannoyak not to have considered the other daughters. Moonwoman was beautiful and glowing bright. She had made a lovely village for herself. She had built a home so good that her children wished to settle around her. The white hunter should have known that she would have had many young pups. She was fit to be a mother.

Kannoyak feels this way about hunting, as well. Maybe less than he feels about pathmaking. The ground is hungry for my paws to walk upon it.

The white wolf smiled.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Oh thank you <3 . I have not explored a romantic side for Amalia at all. So it will be interesting to see how it all pans out. Her brother Alaric is poly I believe, so I wouldn't be a bit surprised if she was too. But we shall see.

Rodyn smiled. I know Sialuk. She is spirit talker or was. She has decided to make Moonspear a finality yes?

Rodyn nodded. Sialuk and Kukutux had been the first two wolves he had met when he had arrived into the Teekon woods. And they both had opened up such possibilities.

Rodyn studied him. Pathmaking. I did that sort of when I went on a bride price journey. I can introduce you to many packs if you wish to do so again.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
I love them both! ^^

The first hunter was familiar with the raindrop woman. Kannoyak was pleased to hear this. It was good to build his reputation with the wolves of the moon villages. It would show that he was strong, that he was capable, that he would make a fitting husband.

Rodyn offered to introduce the pale wolf to the other villages. The white hunter bowed his head in thanks.

This would honor Kannoyak, he agreed with a smile. The hunter was not so proud that he would decline an offer of that sort. Introductions by familiar faces would bode well for future trades. If Kannoyak could earn their trust, he could begin making paths between the village grounds.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn liked Sialuk. What he didn't share, was that Sialuk had been given his name, but Samani had chosen him. Lucky for both of them, Sialuk didn't take offense to this. She had been gone soon after. And Rodyn was pleased to see the growth that she had made in her travels. She was much like her mother now, she was a moon woman in her own right.

Rodyn smiled. No the honor is mine. Come Spring I will see who is still around and who isn't and then I will find you to make introductions. I know some packs fall as winter comes, unfortunately. Perhaps I can even make new friends to introduce you too.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The white hunter nodded his head. Come spring, he would meet with Rodyn to learn the faces of the other village wolves. With Moonglow’s first hunter to introduce him, he did not doubt that his meetings would prove prosperous.

We will hunt again before spring, yes?

There would be some time before the snows had melted away. Kannoyak hoped that the first hunter man would want to chase prey across the winter grounds before it was gone, before it was replaced by green springleaf and drizzling spring days. They could hunt when the snow had melted, of course. The white wolf merely did not wish to wait.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn was glad to make friends. And he wanted the best for them all. This one was no different. Rodyn was glad to make roads for his friends.

Yes we will. I look forward to it.

Rodyn thought on what was coming. The future was bright and beautiful and he had made many friends. There was so much to be done and had. A smile lit up his yellow eyes. I love to hunt in any weather.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.