Given by
Gun on October 29, 2022
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"had lestan sonic rings, he would have dropped them all." i've been killed and buried. rip.
Given by
Akavir on October 31, 2022
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The imagery of this is pure poetry... I'm dying: and when he found the man, lestan flung the poor limp amphibian with all his might until it splatted most unappealingly at the swarthy forepaws.
Given by
Reverie on December 14, 2022
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"i think we — become odd when we live an odd life."
This stuck with me. Beautiful writing <3
Given by
Damian on December 16, 2022
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i adore how gentle lestan's explanations are in this thread - "it can be hard to understand — how to take kindness. especially if it has not always been forthcoming." "i think we become odd when we live an odd life".
how sweet.
Given by
Callyope on December 21, 2022
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i am so glad these two got to meet <3
Given by
Reverie on December 26, 2022
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This whole post is just so pretty and soft
Given by
Jakoul on December 28, 2022
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Given by
Akavir on January 04, 2023
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why is he so adorable?
Given by
Reverie on January 19, 2023
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Amazing LMAO
Given by
Jakoul on January 25, 2023
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i think this is actually a beautiful fade and thank you for giving jakoul such a sweet friend <3
Given by
Reverie on February 01, 2023
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Given by
Reverie on February 12, 2023
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Given by
Akavir on February 13, 2023
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Akavir will never have been more proud in this moment if he ever hears of it... and perhaps slightly upset that maybe he and Arric have rubbed off on their gentle Lestan. <3
Given by
Reverie on February 13, 2023
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"i handled it." I am loving protective Lestan so much???
Given by
Reverie on March 18, 2023
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I've loved this whole thread but I think this is my favorite post here so far <3
Given by
Toula on March 24, 2023
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so amazing, I love
Given by
Reverie on March 24, 2023
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Given by
Reverie on March 24, 2023
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"and he knew he would never see reverie again." Cries
Given by
Reverie on April 01, 2023
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Yells softly
Given by
Kestrelcloud on April 03, 2023
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Excited to see where things go from here <3
Given by
Reverie on April 15, 2023
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Given by
Reverie on April 15, 2023
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I love him <3
Given by
Meadow on April 28, 2023
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Oooh, my heart. <3
Given by
Reverie on April 28, 2023
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Given by
Reverie on May 06, 2023
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Given by
Reverie on May 10, 2023
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Laughing forever at this visual
Given by
Reverie on May 15, 2023
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I love the way you write him <3 and I am so looking forward to exploring this little folie à deux more
Given by
Reverie on May 25, 2023
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Given by
Reverie on June 02, 2023
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!! <3
Given by
Innominate on June 10, 2023
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don't mind my kudos just Keeping Up With The Mayfairs
Given by
Slavuj on June 10, 2023
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i love how all the drama leading up to this is like "no! the age gap! the maturity! the preparedness!" and it's like,,,,,,,, a relationship between an 18 years old and a 20 years old.
Given by
Reverie on June 18, 2023
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I can never decide which of your posts to kudos because I love them all, but this one stuck with me <3
Given by
Reverie on June 19, 2023
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Given by
Innominate on June 20, 2023
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Given by
Reverie on June 20, 2023
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Rev would be so touched. And horrified. But touched!
Given by
Reverie on June 22, 2023
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I just love him
Given by
Reverie on June 22, 2023
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This is gonna be so good and by that I mean horrible LMAO
Given by
Everett on June 23, 2023
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Lestan is heartbreaking and you write him so well <33 He is definitely one of my favourites to read on site! I'm so sorry Everett was so mean to him ;_;
Given by
Bonario on June 23, 2023
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crying throwing up
Given by
Slavuj on June 24, 2023
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staring out to the horizon like horse on a beach
Given by
Reverie on June 26, 2023
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</3 I love him
Given by
Reverie on June 29, 2023
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Given by
Reverie on July 26, 2023
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Given by
Reverie on July 26, 2023
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Given by
Hierophant on July 26, 2023
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Given by
Bonario on May 14, 2024
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IVE MISSED HIM I swear he was one of my favorite characters my heart has been bandaided to be able to see his name again ;;
Given by
Astera on May 16, 2024
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Oh! Oh my god. *screaming, it’s alive!!!*
Given by
Swordfish on May 17, 2024
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I want to know everything about Lestan. Every little tiny detail. I need to know how his brain works. Forgive me for delving into his threadlog and reading every single thing you've ever written with him. Also, I adore you and you are brilliant beyond words.
Given by
Swordfish on May 29, 2024
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He makes me hurt but you write him masterfully.
Given by
Accipitra on June 04, 2024
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omg ok mcgollum
Given by
Val on June 20, 2024
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Given by
Swordfish on June 20, 2024
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"Dear god, please let me grow up to be as talented and incredible and poetic with words as Ebony." - Me every night for over a year.
Given by
Swordfish on July 29, 2024
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Idk what this is for. 'Cause I love you. That's all. *gushes*
Given by
Shark on September 01, 2024
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I just love him.
Given by
Mae on September 12, 2024
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CACKLING she totally deserves this
Given by
Suzu on September 23, 2024
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OuuuuUuuUuUuU the mention of the bear name!
Given by
Val on November 07, 2024
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lestan: hunting lessons they said. also lestan: *drops nature’s fun sized superpredator on unsuspecting BABIES*
Given by
Wake on December 04, 2024
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lestan: "you m-made it about me, when you sang my name and c-called me away" / wake: did i?? or were you hearing things????
Given by
Wake on December 31, 2024
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"there were too many dark stories of shared blood and ghosts who cloaked themselves in the ardent flesh of living men before lying down with witches in the night." poetry <3
Given by
Akavir on February 27, 2025
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Omg I just love him...