Redhawk Caldera Walk with me for just a minute, far from the walls where I’ve been livin’
451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
All Welcome 
It turned out that climbing the sheer walls of the mesa was an extreme sport; it made his time in the Sunspires seem like child’s play. As much as he aspired to catch a glimpse of the views from the very top, he had to accept his limitations and only ascend partway. He could still appreciate the vista from a lower elevation, without risking his neck or otherwise torturing his body.

After his most recent climb, Atreus descended with the image of the caldera burning a hole in his mind’s eye. As soon as his feet touched down at the foot of the red cliffs, he loped across the steppes. He followed the tree line to the base of the caldera, his legs aching by the time he got there. Atreus ground to a halt, panting, and took a moment to catch his breath.

Once he did, he tipped his head toward the sunny March sky and called for @Amalia.
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-Not all who wander, are lost.-
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia heard the call and she raced towards it. Once she found her way to him. She sniffed all around him, looking for any wounds or anything.

Are you okay? A wolf named Killdeer was here and said your pack disbanded. She looked over his face, peering at him and finally when she was satisfied he was on worse for wear. She nudged him gently and tucked her tail around her paws and settled.

She wasn't sure what had happened, but she was here to listen to her adopted family. Make him believe that someone loved him.
451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
She greeted him with a little more intensity than usual. The weary young man just stood there while she sniffed at him in evident concern. Atreus didn’t protest, though he wondered what she was doing.

Oh, he said when she questioned him, eyes following her as she finally completed her assessment and took a seat, yeah. I’m alright. He mimicked her, dropping heavily to his haunches as he spoke. I told you things were weird last time. Well, the Imperator bounced and everyone else just sorta… yeah.

He paused to reflect on the day of the meeting. He wondered what had become of the handful of other soldiers Germanicus had left behind, though he had never been attached to any of them. Atreus found he was falling into a similar pattern at Akashingo too. He couldn’t decide whether or not that bothered him.

I’m living with Akashingo now, he told her before she could worry further. We’re next door neighbors.
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-Not all who wander, are lost.-
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia was an intense wolf. She had always been. Alaric and she were so close for a reason. Both intense in a myriad of ways though different intensities.

A small smile at his obvious show of having no idea what she was doing until she said it. I remember. It's strange, but perhaps it's for the better. Maybe this was needed in some way. I hope the others that you made a home with find their way. She quieted, wondering if there were other younglings out there moving about without a figure to love them. It pained her.

She shook her head surprised. I don't believe i've ever met anyone from there. Nor have I heard it. Do they treat you well? Is it a nice place?
451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Really? They’re right over there, Atreus said, pointing at the mesa in the distance. It’s fine, I guess? Most of the territory is underground—subterranean, I guess it’s called—and that’s pretty cool. I got lost down there a bunch of times but there’s always someone around to point me in the right direction. They’re really helpful, especially the coyotes…

He paused to take a breath and think of what else to share. Atreus felt like he’d really only scratched the surface as far as understanding the ways of Akashingo. He didn’t feel as though he was doing a great job at integrating, though he reminded himself he hadn’t been there very long.

The only wolf I’ve really talked to much has been the pharaoh, Makono. She’s only a little bit older than me and she runs the place, Amalia. Everyone there is more than happy to bow down to her. I mean, literally. It’s pretty fascinating.
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-Not all who wander, are lost.-
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia followed his gestures, green eyes gaze sharp on the mesa. She had seen it, but never visited it. I've seen it, but didn't ever visit it. I met most of my scouting wolves through sheer luck i suppose. I prefer to stay away from the pack lands of others.

Amalia wrinkled her nose. That's too much structure for me, but if it makes you happy and I Hope it does. I cheer you on. Do you like her? Is she benevolent or well vicious?

This was a concern that her precious boy would get treated poorly and she just couldn't have that. No sir.
451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
He couldn’t say whether or not he would be happy in Akashingo. He hadn’t necessarily felt that way in Mereo. For the most part, Atreus just wanted a place where he could make himself useful. He found connection and purpose not in socializing for its own sake but in learning new skills and putting himself to good use.

I do like her. I don’t know what that word means, Atreus said with his usual candor, but she’s not vicious, at least as far as I know. She seems like any other wolf, just powerful in a way I’ve never seen before. Like, my aunt was the leader of my birth pack, right? She was brawny, intimidating, tough, all those classic Alpha things. Makono isn’t particularly big or strong but she seems like she has way more power over Akashingo than Aunt Avicus has on the rise.

He didn’t know if that made sense, though Amalia was pretty good at figuring out what he meant. The fond friendship that had sprung up between the two of them was an anomaly, which had nothing to do with their packs. Even if he never found any strong bonds in Akashingo, knowing he could always come find her here—and that she was much closer, now—brought him a sense of peace.

Now that I live there, you should come visit sometime.
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-Not all who wander, are lost.-
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia could understand to an extent how Atreus felt. She was mostly a wolf that existed on the fringes. Those few that she cared about got most of her conversation, but she could go weeks or days without saying anything to anyone. And yea sometimes it was lonely, but mostly it was just what it was.

Amalia chuckled. Sorry, good, kind, humble and so forth. Amalia frowned. Just watch sometimes Power can change other's not that it may happen to her, but sometimes it does.

I know what you mean. Maia is that way here. She's not big and strong, but she is emotionally strong and able to command the room. There is a presence to her. She dipped her head in agreement.

A small smile as she looked out over the rise. I will do that. I want to see this place you speak of.
451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Evidently the leader here didn’t fit the archetype either. Atreus glanced around as if this Maia might materialize for a visual comparison. She likely wasn’t far off, though nobody appeared to join them among this stretch of border.

How are things here, anyhow? Is that cat still bothering you guys? Atreus asked, gaze resettling on Amalia’s dark face.
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-Not all who wander, are lost.-
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Maia was not the usual type of leader, neither was Teya, both abnormally sweet. Sweeter than even Amalia herself, and she liked to think she was pretty nice at least. But she was also bias, so.

She shook her head. No it's been gone. Thank goodness. I was not really wanting to tangle with a cat.

She shuddered a little. She had seen what they could do, it wasn't good. I have been fine. I've met a few wolves, but then they were gone just as quickly as I met them.

Not many wolves stayed around her. Atreus seemed to be the one to stick her out the longest. It was a little painful, but she was so very grateful for him.
451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
It gave him a great deal of relief when Amalia reported that the cat was gone. He wondered who would want to tangle with a wildcat but didn’t tease her about it. Atreus remembered that one of her young pack mates had been attacked. He meant to inquire about her (at least, he thought it was a her) when Amalia’s latest remark distracted him.

I feel that, he said. It’s like most wolves come and go. Only a few really stick. Then even some of those just bail. Atreus shrugged. Sometimes, I feel like I should try to get closer to some people, make more friends and whatnot. But then I remember how everybody seems to fuck off into the sunset, so maybe I’m better off keeping my distance.

He was rambling. Atreus smiled sheepishly and shook his head at himself.

You’re the only wolf I feel like I can count on not to disappear on me. And, I mean, if you wanted to up and leave someday, you’d tell me, right?

He felt like there was a very real possibility he would go with her, should Amalia ever make such an announcement and supposing she would allow that. Atreus didn’t say that, though he definitely thought it.
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-Not all who wander, are lost.-
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia nodded. She thought of Reno, of Lestan, of the other's from the gang. Of Sahkmet and Kigipigak. All of them were gone and she was alone again. Granted she had left the second time. Even her brother had left her behind, not that she had wanted him to stay. She knew his journey was not her own.

I know what you mean. Though I do try and befriend most everyone or at the very least be kind to them. Maybe if I can make someone smile, it's all worth it. She smiled then a little shyly.

Amalia balked. Of course I would tell you. You kidding I'd take you with me if you'd go. I would never leave you behind, not ever. And she meant it. No matter what she had to do or what was in her future she wouldn't leave him.
451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Okay, he said on a sigh of relief, offering her a small, world-weary smile.

Speaking of weariness, he was really feeling the fatigue in his muscles from this morning’s venture coupled with the walk here to Brecheliant. Atreus wondered if Amalia felt up to giving him a tour, then he wondered if he was up to it. He decided it didn’t matter if he was tired. He wanted to look around at his friend’s home.

Do you have time to show me around a bit? And is that okay? Atreus asked.

He caught himself wondering something else: did she have a den? And would she allow him to perhaps take a nap in it? Would her pack mates mind? Atreus wasn’t entirely sure he would have the energy to return to the mesa without some kind of pick-me-up.
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-Not all who wander, are lost.-
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia studied his face closely. He looked about half dead on his feet this wouldn't do. So she moved forward and motioned for him to follow.

I can show you a bit yes. And you can take a small break in my den if you'd like. I may even have some leftover rabbit.

She looked over him. You look exhausted Atreus. I am worried about you. Come i'll show you the lake first. It's beautiful. There's a place called a hobbit hole, that a former wolf lived in, but it's way up. That will have to be a different visit.
451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
You have no idea how nice that sounds, he sighed in response to her offer. Thanks, Amalia.

He began to plod along behind her as she led the way toward the lake. He stifled a yawn as she told him about something called a hobbit hole. Atreus arched a brow and snorted at that, a little disappointed that they wouldn’t get to check it out today.

Despite his fatigue, he made a point to look around himself. He could see the lake up ahead, not as vast as Greatwater but still impressive. Trees curved around its shores. Even from a distance, he could see their boughs swaying in an early spring wind. There were sprigs of green along the shivering branches.

I’ve missed that, he said rather mindlessly before clarifying, The sound of the wind in the trees.

He hadn’t ever thought about it before but when was the last time he’d heard that soothing sound? It must’ve been during his days on the rise. Between living in a dry canyon and a long winter, there just hadn’t been many trees in his life lately. Atreus supposed he should’ve thought about that before pledging allegiance to a mesa.
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-Not all who wander, are lost.-
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
You're welcome of course! A small smile a wag of her tail and she led him on the way. She pointed out small spots she had liked. Where good game was. The lake, the trees. It was beautiful here and she loved it so very much.

She tilted an ear back and then a smile lit up her face. You know my brother Alaric. Well he's a bit of an odd one, and he loves words. I can understand I guess. I mean. He's a story teller, so words are kind of like his trade. He needs them.

She sighed looked down, red coloring her fur, she had been rambling. Anyway, sorry I was rambling. He told me once that the name of that sound. Is Psithurism. It took her a few tries, but she got the word. That Alaric had told her so many years ago now.
451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
As they moseyed around the caldera, Amalia pointed out some landmarks before launching into a story about her brother. Atreus nodded when she mentioned his name, his face scrunching a bit when Amalia said he was a wordsmith of sorts. He didn’t understand the relevance of the story until she told him there was a term for that sound he loved.

Psithurism, he repeated. Huh. That’s a pretty nifty word. Psithurism

He looked to the trees again, ears cupping forward to catch the susurration. It made Atreus feel even sleepier than before. He tried to bite back another yawn, yet it forced itself upon him. His jaws split wide and his nose scrunched. Afterward, he gave his head a little shake.

So, where’s your den?
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-Not all who wander, are lost.-
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A soft sigh, half a giggle and she pressed him towards the den with her nose against his shoulder. This way.

She'd lead him there. It wasn't quite finished yet, but it was in a pretty place, where the wind blew and you could hear some watersource somewhere. It was nice and quiet and peaceful.

She'd let him settle and then she'd watch over him from afar. Maybe chew on one of the bones or antlers she had collected this spring.
451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
He only dimly registered the details of her den when they arrived. Atreus slithered into its confines and sprawled on the earthen floor, his eyes fluttering closed almost immediately. He meant to say something—probably thank Amalia again—but he began to snore softly instead.

He dreamed of trees growing on top of the mesa, too many to count. When he woke hours later and made his way back there, Atreus would remember the dream and frown thoughtfully to himself as he surveyed the treeless terrain. He would never stop noticing the absence of trees from there on out.

I’ll throw him her way again soon. :)
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