Redhawk Caldera we go where we want to.
2,311 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Coach
All Welcome 
I have declared it to be moving day! @Lagan @Liff--Wait why am I tagging myself--@Peregrine @Fox @Eljay @Shrike @Sassafras @Sasha @Trick @Whip @Jackrabbit - and just for FYI since I think you're all missing still - @Lucy @Elwood. I have made wild assumptions here so smack me if needed and I can edit <3

Elwood was still gone, and each day he and Lucy were absent seemed to drag with unbearable slowness. Fin's days were spent watching Liffey and Lagan with the regular interruption from Eljay, who would sit sullenly at her side until the kids awoke for him to put his best happy big-brother face on for. It was a morose existence; one in which a thick black cloud of gloom hung endlessly over the Blackthorn den.

Instinct told her that day that the time had come, and though part of Finley was loathe to move so close to the alpha she continued to awkwardly avoid, a far stronger part of her demanded for the change of scenery. Her kids were old enough now to wander from the den (as Lucy had proven to the family's detriment), and so the mother roused all of her children to urge them out and into the Caldera with one destination in mind.

The rendezvous site was not too far a journey from where the Blackthorns had chosen to den, and yet when finally they arrived, Finley could see the weariness slowing Liffey's paws. It seemed as though she would collapse into naptime when her mother finally stopped herding her along, but she burst forward with renewed vigor when she caught sight of Gannet milling about. A small smile twitched upon Fin's lips to see her daughter's excitement, but it was followed swiftly by a pang of remorse as she thought of how Lucy would have been just as thrilled, if not more.

Without a word, Fin nudged Lagan along to encourage him to go play, then turned and strode to a sunny patch of grass where she could rest and watch her pups interact with their cousins.
783 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Ranger
Liffey had been less than pleased to be awoken that morning, just to be pushed out of the den. Her traveling companions would never have known of course, for she was just as mild-mannered and quiet as ever as she trekked along. She didn't understand where it was she and her twin were being taken, but the little girl was perfectly content to trust her mother who acted as tour guide minus the informational commentary.

The walk was a longer one than ever she had taken, but she did not complain. It wasn't only obedience that drove her forward, but curiosity for the world they traveled through. All she had known thus far was the space around her family's den, but apparently there was far more to this place. It did not frighten her, but she kept close to Finley's heels nonetheless.

When finally they arrived, Liffey was indeed ready to drop to her belly and nap as intrigued as she was by this new location. When she spotted Gannet, excitement grew and she bounced eagerly towards him to nudge his pale muzzle in an enthusiastic greeting. Her gusto had returned to her, so even when he milled away from her, Liffey turned around to explore these new grounds with renewed vigor. Her nose trailed through the grass as she walked, her head swinging to and fro as she happily took it all in.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,156 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
"C'mon pups, time to go," Eljay said softly when mommy had announced that they were going to move the pups to the rendezvous site. It wasn't a very long or tough journey, especially considering there were two adults and two pups now. Every day that daddy was gone and so was Lucy, Eljay felt terrified something might happen to them both. He loved mommy to bits, but what would they do without daddy and Lucy? Their family would be fallen apart.

Yet he tried to temper his fears and help where he could, in this case with the moving of the pups. He nosed Lagan's butt to make sure that he wouldn't linger and stay behind, knowing he was so easily fascinated by all the things that it was a challenge keeping him in line.
worlds best dad award winner
351 Posts
Ooc — Pompoko
At first Lagan was horrified to hear that the Blackthorn's were moving. He didn't like change, it frightened him. And their old den was so cozy and warm. He'd been born there. He protested a bunch when the proposal first sparked, but now that they were actually moving, the small grey furred boy was growing excited. Plus he would feel safer, closer to the center of the territory. Where there would be no monsters to take him. Papa hadn't returned with Lucy yet, but he was sure that he would. Positive. Papa never seemed to disappoint him.

So off they went, mommy and Eljay lead him and Liffey to their new home. It started out great, lots of fun, Lagan explored every nook in every tree, his mom having to nudge him along. But then he got tired. Walking was boring! It seemed they'd never get there! When they finally did, his little white paws were tired and barely moved. He groaned and fell over onto his side as dramatically as possible, just affect. Tireeedddd ughhhhh. He pouted lifting his head to see if anyone cared.

But when he saw his sister, who had already seemed to perk up, he too grew a bit less tired. Pups were like that, one second they were on the cusp of sleep, the next they were off like a bullet. With a giggle, those 'excruciatingly tired paws' bounced their way over to Liffey where he head butted her into a patch of tall grass. He watched her disappear into it, and a large gummy smile appeared on his face.

Haha you looooth! He lisped, sticking out his long pink tongue in his twin's face. All traces of that bored weariness had disappeared as he played, and he almost forgot completely about Lucy.
3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
The Alpha male watched the move from further uphill, keeping an eye on things but maintaining a respectful distance. He didn't have any qualms with the Blackthorns relocating, of course. It was safer this way. He just wasn't sure what to say to Finley now that they would be in close quarters and they were each dealing with personal tragedies. He felt too frail to handle an emotionally-charged confrontation. Peregrine would have to face the music eventually but now was not the time for either of them.

A small smile twitched his lips as he watched the pups explore the wide open spaces of the large clearing. He glanced beyond them, to the view of the lake. Despite his heavy heart, Lucy's disappearance and the state of his relationship with Finley, the Redhawks were still going strong. He wouldn't overlook that.
813 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
setting this before their other since technically that's where it is ;)

Gannet had been a somewhat steady presence amongst the Blackthorns, especially since he wanted nothing to do with Jackrabbit.  He was aware that one of them was missing, but now was feeling maybe that was the way of things.  Sometimes people disappeared, and sometimes they didn't come back.

In the now, however, there was a happy Liffey bounding towards him, and that was all he focused on.  Grinning, with his tail setting up a happy greeting, he returned her nudge with one of his own and lightly fwopped the ground with his forepaws.  Did she want to play?  They were allowed outside finally!

Presumably before she could respond to his invitation, Lagan took her out from behind.  Well then, perhaps new challenger!  He let out a quick wuff of laugher, then gently bopped Lagan on one shoulder, inviting him to try his luck instead.
2,311 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Coach
Fin was solemn as she watched her pups begin to explore their new surroundings. It was wonderful to see in many ways, but at the same time, she could not help but mourn the fact that her little black spot was missing. Silently, she imagined what Lucy would be doing at that moment were she there with them. It made her heart ache unbearably, but she did not try to stop herself. She wanted to think about her daughter, even if it meant this terrible pain.
783 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Ranger
Liffey spun at the sound of Gannet's paws slapping against the ground. A grin lengthened across her muzzle as she turned to face him. He was bigger than her by a head, but she was too young to realize how that might affect the coming battle. Maybe if she had known, it would have been more apparent as to why Finley was always defeating her so easily. But then again, Eljay always fell before her might, so what did that mean?

Liffey tensed to leap at Gannet, only to be quite suddenly bowled over by her twin. The girl tumbled to the ground with a surprised yelp. She kicked wildly in an effort to get back to her feet, which she eventually managed to do. Popping her head out of the grass, she blinked at Lagan in shock until she recognized him and her eyes narrowed. "Aggy!" she barked sharply before barreling towards him, intent on returning the attack.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,156 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
There was a hole in their midst and Eljay knew that they all felt it. He nosed mommy's cheek as he watched her look over the pups, feeling a pang of guilt and pain in his heart, wishing he would've been there to stop this from happening. Ears folded back in sadness for a moment, one that multiplied by ten when he saw Uncle P look at them from afar. Guilt once more clenched at his heart as he thought of all that had happened and Eljay found himself confused still, unable to piece everything together, but feeling that whatever he'd do, Uncle P wouldn't be happy with it unless it was the exact correct answer — and Eljay didn't know that answer, so he steered mostly clear of Uncle P while still trying to spend time with Gannet and Whip in the meantime.

Still, he had good reasons to be around less, spending more time with his own baby siblings now. When he saw Gannet and Liffey and Lagan play, he wished he could be with them, but instead felt forced to stand by mommy's side; with daddy gone and Lucy gone, she needed him now more than ever, and he decided that he'd stay here for that reason. The pups were safe, for now; they could watch them from up here. Eljay leaned softly against mommy and let out a sigh while he fought the hurt in his heart and tummy.
worlds best dad award winner
351 Posts
Ooc — Pompoko
Lagan was quite enjoying sitting and laughing at Liffey, so much so that he'd forgotten that Gannet was there. So when the older pup bopped his should he almost jumped out of his paws. He turned around frightened for a moment, only to find that it was Gannet. A huge smile made its way to his face, and he dropped down into a stalking position. Even though his 'prey' was already about a foot away, and he wasn't really stealthy. He wriggled his little grey rump, preparing to launch himself at the white furred pup, then finally... FWOOMP! 

As soon as his feet left the ground, something hit him from behind, sending him crashing into Gannet. He yelped in surprise as the three kids became a big puppy pile up. Flailing his legs in an attempt to remove Liffey from on top of him, he began to giggle a little. Iffy that wath rooood! He exclaimed, stretching out the word rude for emphasis.
813 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
assuming it's ok to skip Perry <3 if not lmk

His challenge was almost answered - until sister came from the side and got her deserved revenge.  Just as happy to watch as he was to participate, he straightened and jumped back, barking as his tail went wild.  He knew on some level this play was also practice, and he liked to see the pups grow into themselves and challenge one another.  Though not his own siblings, he felt protective as an older brother, and proud also.
2,311 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Coach
Fin felt the pressure against her side and only then did she seem to really notice Eljay beside her. He looked as depressed as she felt, and quite suddenly she felt even more terrible than before. She forgot in her misery how hard this was for the others in her life. She wondered then about Elwood and how he is faring, but not in the way she usually did. Usually she wondered only if he'd had any success yet, if he was getting any closer to finding their daughter. She didn't think often of how worried and miserable he must be out there on his own.

But just like that, the thought was gone and replaced with the anger and resentment. It should have been her that had gone. Elwood was not as suited as she was to do this sort of thing. Fin would have found her by now. She never should have allowed her guilt over what had happened the past to prevent her from being the one to go after Lucy. And Elwood should have known to allow her that opportunity instead of claiming it for his own when he didn't have the skill.

Any inclination she'd had to offer comfort to her eldest son was gone as she settled her head upon the grass and shut her eyes, weary from the endless battering of her emotions.
783 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Ranger
Last post for me! I'll let you guys wrap up :)

Liffey made contact with her brother. She bowled him over with a triumphant hoot, which sounded more like a brief caw as she shortly found herself smashing into the ground as Lagan squirmed for freedom. The small twinge of pain in her shoulder was nothing to her though as she giggled and kicked away from the other pup. He called her rude, but it meant nothing to her as she bounced back onto him and snatched up one of his ears in her jaws.
if I knew where I was going, I'd lose my way.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,156 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Mommy seemed unhappy, and he understood it. He watched as Gannet played with the children, deciding to stay by mommy's side. It was good that the pups were happy at their new home, but hopefully daddy and Lucy would be back soon. He sat, almost as though standing guard by mommy's side as he watched over in silence.