Sun Mote Copse My blue eyes never looked so green
2,313 Posts
Ooc — Kim
Master Guardian
Being vague about which Blackthorns are staying in RH/coming to FB, since this thread isn't done yet, and this is set sometime after Rannoch and Liffey leave RH! But here comes Finwood!

When it finally came time for Elwood and @Finley to leave the plateau, they did so with little fanfare. They had already spoken with their children, and they reminded themselves that they weren't going far at all -- so big goodbyes were unnecessary. It was simple, really; all they had to do was walk away.

And so they did, with the early morning sun peeking through the snow clouds and warming their backs ever so slightly. They took their time, following a path that would likely become familiar as they made trips back to visit their remaining family at the plateau. When they reached Wildfire's borders a few hours later, a soft, steady snow was falling, welcoming them to their new home.

Elwood bumped Finley's shoulder affectionately with his own, then raised his voice to call for @Wildfire and @Eljay specifically, although he would be happy to see the faces of their other new packmates, too.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,156 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay had been snoozing in a pile of snow near @Wildfire's burrow. He'd fallen asleep after playing in the snow. Eljay blinked as he was awakened by the call. He was a little confused initially, unsure whether he was dreaming or if it was the truth. when Eljay realised that he was awake and daddy's call was reality his tail started to whir, sending snow everywhere, and he got to his feet. He even forgot to check on Wiffle, but he didn't shamefully realise this until he was halfway to mommy and daddy, oops. His scent was still pretty mingled with Wiffle's as he dashed towards the borders eagerly.

Mommy and daddy were met with a happy glomp that was placed pretty much in the middle of them. Eljay's ears were folded against his skull and tail whirred in a display of excitement and happiness to be reunited with his mommy and daddy, however short he'd had to even miss them, really.
'cause i'm a hopeless wanderer
254 Posts
Ooc — Chan
With Clover's beef (presumably) squashed, she followed her parents to their new home. There was something about their journey that caused a mix of exhilaration and trepidation within her, but she kept her feelings to herself; this was an exciting new adventure after all, and she was with her parents. 

A gentle snowfall greeted them at the Cospe's borders, and Clover surveyed their home with awe. "Wildfire really picked a bitchin' spot," she remarked, ever the proper girl. Her attention diverted then, as Elwood and Finley lifted their voices, and she added her own voice to the call. 

Eljay was the first to arrive, and she met her brother with a gleaming smile. "Eljay!" Clover exclaimed as she watched her brother greet their parents. With a wagging tail and her ears pressed back, Clover crept up to her brother's side and sniffed at his chin, occasionally offering a kiss as she investigated his scent.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Trapper
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Master Ranger
The Sovereign didn't hear the initial call. She only stirred when she sensed Eljay had gone. Her eyes opened and her jaw split open with a yawn. She unfolded herself and sat up, blinking in the white winter light. It was strange that they should be connected in this way, although it wasn't a bad thing. Wildfire stepped carefully over the nest of tree roots and gave herself a shake right before she began tracking him.

When she found not only Eljay but a matching set of godparents and a bonus miniature at her borders, Wildfire's face really lit up for the first time in a while. "You made it!" she cried as she moved forward to greet them each with a nuzzle, including Clover despite not knowing her well. She was family. Wildfire's tail waved hither and thither, thumping Eljay's flank. Something about this gathering, this moment, felt so utterly right.

But then she felt a flash of trepidation. What would Elwood and Finley think of her seducing their son and getting pregnant by him, out of wedlock? Would they find it strange that she'd mated with the man she'd seen as her own cousin for the past four years? Wildfire's cheeks warmed and her stomach twisted a little. Maybe they would just be ecstatic about the prospect of grandchildren.

In any case, she wondered if Eljay would tell them the news. Somehow, it felt like it belonged to him more than her, although Wildfire was the one (hopefully) carrying Eljay's children.
2,311 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Coach
Finley had been pleasantly surprised when Clover still insisted on joining them. She'd really thought it might be a dealbreaker for her that her parents would be going, but she trotted happily alongside them and stood with them as she and Elwood made the call. She grinned at her daughter's assessment of the territory and looked around, keeping her 100% agreement within the confounds of her thoughts as she waited for the welcome wagon to arrive.

Eljay was first, which was completely not surprising to her. She greeted him with a wolfish hug and a nuzzle to his temple, and then a sudden, shrewd look at his face. She knew her eldest's scent just as perfectly as she knew that of all of her children, and something was unmistakeably different. He was drenched in eau de Wildfire, and speaking of which... There was Wildfire.

Suspicion melted as she greeted her goddaughter with just as much enthusiasm, but then the same thing happened again. Her scent. Her scent was different. Wildfire was just as much her kid as Eljay, and she was different. They were bathed in each other. Was this. What.

"Did you guys hook up??" Finley blurted at them without preamble, looking between the two of them with an unreadable mask of suspicion and surprise on her face. She had no real reason to jump to that conclusion - it's not as if they smelled of sex and heat or the like anymore (except maybe faintly, idk and don't want to assume anything lololol). But sometimes a mother just knew. Or a mother was Fin who, like, SUPER wanted them to get together, and so found herself easily convinced by wishful thinking.
2,313 Posts
Ooc — Kim
Master Guardian
As they waited for Wildfire and Eljay, Elwood glanced back at Clover, who made a very Clover comment about the copse. He couldn't disagree with her, though; while he didn't harbor the same negative feelings towards the plateau that Fin and Eljay did, there was something warm and welcoming and enticing about the territory Wildfire had chosen.

A few moments later, Eljay materialized and enthusiastically embraced his parents. Elwood leaned into the hug, and as Clover greeted her brother with an affectionate kiss to his cheek, he knew they had made the right choice in coming here. It was still odd to have their family split in two, with Tegan, Tywyll and Cinder back at the plateau, but it was reassuring to know he could easily visit them as often as he liked -- and vice versa.

Wildfire, too, was excited to see them when she arrived just after Eljay. Elwood disentangled himself from the family dogpile and before he could say anything about their new home, Finley blurted something that made him blink in surprise. "Did you guys hook up?" she asked, and Elwood glanced from Eljay to Wildfire and back again. He hadn't noticed it initially, but now that he took a more intentional sniff, they did smell an awful lot like each other.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,156 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay was happy to reunite with his parents as well as Clover, and soon Wiffle joined in too. He smiled excitedly at Clover and nuzzled her too in the family dogpile, excited that she had decided to come, too. Eljay's heart was filled with joy for the arrival of his family and Wiffle was there to boot -- what a lovely day indeed at the Copse.

Well, until mommy suddenly blurted out 'did you guys hook up'. Eljay's eyes widened as if he had seen the most horrible horrible thing that he had ever seen as he backed up out of the family group hug. W-what? he blurted out, not sure how to respond to what she said at all. Besides, it was super unclear what 'hooking up' really meant and if 'hooking up' was the same as what they did or if that also meant actually forming a couple and being together and all that jazz.

A shocked (and somewhat caught) MOM!! was all he could come up with for the moment.

It totally didn't help his eloquence and ability to come up with an answer that Eljay heard a sort of buzzing "AAAAAAA" scream in his mind the entire time while all the little Eljays inside his mind were running around trying to fix this panic attack. His breathing grew faster as meltdown was initiated and he didn't really know how to react. He looked at Wiffle in sort of half-panic, half-hoping-to-miraculously-read-on-her-face-whether-the-answer-was-yes-or-no.

Either way, this best-day-of-the-year was quickly turning into worst-day-of-the-year for Eljay while he tried to focus on getting his breathing under control and oh yeah mommy probably expected a reply at some point.
'cause i'm a hopeless wanderer
254 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Clover backpedaled out of the family embrace in tandem with Eljay, bewildered by Finley's question. She glanced wildly between Finley, Eljay, and Wildfire, attempting to decipher what had driven her mother to come to the conclusion that she had. And suddenly, it came to her: the smell of Wildfire's dwindling heat intertwined with Elyjay—Clover gawked at the realization. 

Once the initial shock had diminished, Clover looked at her brother and sister (?????) with a smug grin. "When should I expect my nieces and nephews?" she asked.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Trapper
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
Abruptly, the group hug broke apart. Wildfire was a little thunderstruck by the question. How could her aunt possibly know that, without anyone having said a word? Also, how could she ask them that so bluntly, in front of Elwood and Clover? She wanted to tell them about the pups, of course, but this was... something. She cringed a bit, feeling very put on the spot, and glanced at Eljay. Never in her life had she heard him sound so indignant as he cried, "Mom!" It was so unexpected that it startled Wildfire partially out of her own embarrassment.

Then Clover's surely well-meaning question flung her right back down that rabbit hole. Although nobody was looking at them in disapproval, she still felt absurdly embarrassed. She wasn't even really sure why. But Wildfire knew that if she was struggling with her composure, then surely Eljay was quietly going crazy over there. Maybe not so quietly, she thought, looking at him again and taking notice of his harsh breathing.

"Eljay, it's all right," she said to him. The words felt impotent in her mouth, though she wasn't sure what else to do or say right now. Redirecting her attention to his parents, she said, "Can we discuss this later? Let's get you guys settled in and all that." She cleared her throat, then seized on a topic that should help smooth over this awkward moment, she hoped. "I'd love it if you two would accept my two open Honoree ranks," Wildfire said to Elwood and Finley.

Sure, the latter's crass question had just flustered the heck out of her, yet the Sovereign knew quite well she hadn't meant any harm; Wildfire would never hold it against her. Besides, they'd clarify this matter soon, in the comfort and privacy of their new home, assuming Eljay didn't have a cardiac arrest between then and now. And if all went well, the Firebirds' two newest Honorees would be very welcoming of the grandchildren on the horizon.
2,311 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Coach
Eljay reacted just as she'd expected. He looked completely flustered and panicked by the accusation, but Finley couldn't find it in herself to feel guilty for putting him in that position. It was possible that nothing had happened between them at all, and she'd actually just ratted him out over his crush on Wildfire (something she also had no actual proof of), but instead, she took it as a sign of confession and allowed it to bolster her excitement.

Clover's words rang in her ears next, but Fin had no time to let that idea take hold of her before Wildfire decided to piss all over her fun and try to shove the topic under the table. Fin quirked a brow at the girl, supressing a chuckle at her attempt to change the topic away from her and Eljay's relationship, as though it was somehow something inappropriate. At that thought, the mother stilled and cold flooded her veins like burning ice. Was Wildfire actually ashamed of her relationship with Eljay (the one Fin didn't actually know for sure was a relationship because no one actually confirmed it except she's too far gone now in her conviction to entertain any other possibility)?

The idea was so startling and enraging that Fin missed the proposed ranks entirely. Her happy expression had fallen away to one that was completely empty - not angry, per se, but not much of anything either. It was her thinking face, or maybe it would be better to call it her mentally dealing with things face. In any event, it was keeping her quiet for now. And hopefully would until they had reached whatever phase this "settled in" thing referred to, which had about five minutes to happen before she opened her trap again to get to the bottom of this.
2,313 Posts
Ooc — Kim
Master Guardian
Of course, Finley and Elwood couldn't just move in without stirring up any drama. Eljay was clearly flustered by Finley's question, and Clover hopped on board with her mom immediately, asking about nieces and nephews. Wildfire seemed just as caught off guard as Eljay, though she handled it better, reassuring him and then proposing that the discussion of their relationship be put on hold for a bit. Elwood glanced at Finley, recognizing her "mentally dealing with things" face, and wondered what, exactly, she was thinking about; but she would surely reveal it all in due time.

He looked back at Wildfire and Eljay with an apologetic expression, the nod of his head indicating that he was letting the "relationship talk" slide for now. "Honoree ranks?" he asked. "I'm sure we'd be honored, but tell me a bit more about what that entails," he continued, both because he genuinely wanted to hear about the Firebirds' rank system and because it would take the spotlight off of Eljay and Wildfire for another minute or two.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,156 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Clover's response didn't help at all. Eljay was soon on the brink of a full blown panic attack if it wasn't for Wiffle taking him down. Everyone was staring at him and he just didn't know what to say and he wasn't even sure what was going on with him and Wiffle and was everyone still staring at him and right don't forget to breath in out in out --

-- Wifi's calm words brought him back to the real world out of his head a bit. Not so much that she said it was alright, because what did 'alright' even mean? Like was it alright to tell them, or should he pretend everything was cool so they wouldn't find out? Why hadn't they discussed what they would and wouldn't tell everyone else?

But no, it was when Wiffle said that they could talk about it later that gave Eljay some literal breathing space. Some time to think. He stared at everyone as they resumed speaking. Something about honoree ranks and what they meant (a conversation Eljay would funnily enough have later with Wifi, too) but at least Eljay could think clearly again and his breathing was also under control. He no longer looked like he was about to keel over from his hyperventilation. Now he just need a way to get out of here with Wiffle so they could talk about what they would even tell his parents.
'cause i'm a hopeless wanderer
254 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Clover and Finley's fun had been ruined—for now. She made a mental note to 'round back to this subject once she and her mother were alone, as there was still much to discuss. Clover glanced at Finley sidelong, and smirked as if to say, "We'll talk about this later."

Wildfire then went on to offer Elwood and Finley Honree rank, which was about the time that Clover began to zone out. It had nothing to do with her, and frankly, whatever it entailed seemed like a bore. 

As always, she'd react every-so-often, to convince the others that she was still listening.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Trapper
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
Wildfire glanced at Eljay, noting that he looked relieved for the change of topic. She offered him a furtive smile, though he and Clover sort of dropped into the background from that moment. Her attention turned to see her godparents' faces, anticipating a response to her proposal.

Finley's expression was strangely flat. She looked unhappy about something. Had Wildfire's offer displeased her somehow? The Sovereign tilted her head and stopped to ask, "What—?" But Elwood chose right then to ask a question of his own. Wildfire blinked at her aunt, then resumed her walk even as she redirected her attention to her uncle.

"There are eight council positions: two Sovereigns, two Regents and four Honorees. The latter aren't leadership positions, just respected ranks. Kiwi and Seq are Honorees too, since they're hopefully future leaders." Her godparents, if they accepted, would balance out the youths quite well. "There's no particular responsibility attached to it, it's just a way to, well, honor and recognize. Although we could absolutely use you both in an advisory capacity."

Her chestnut eyes wandered anxiously back to her Aunt Flea as she spoke. Maybe she doesn't want responsibilities heaped on her from go? the Sovereign wondered. She hoped her explanation allayed any of godparents' reservations in that regard.
2,311 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Coach
The conversation plowed on ahead, and thanks to Clover's little sidelong glance, Fin's mind began to again function and keep pace with it. Talk later. Talk later. Okay, that was fine. Talk later. After all, how would it ever be possible that Wildfire didn't want to talk about their relationship because she was embarrassed by it. They had been friends for their entire lives and it had never seemed to embarrass her before. There was no way it did now.


No, stop.

"Well, we are pretty accustomed to being respected," Fin said, pausing to clear her throat in between the well and the we (it had become peculiarly dry). She smiled tentatively as Wildfire, then glanced over at Eljay. Her sweet little boy had finally gotten to plow a lady.

....She immediately stopped thinking that one as well.
2,313 Posts
Ooc — Kim
Master Guardian
Despite the obvious tension still hanging in the air, Wildfire obliged Elwood and gave a detailed description of the ranks. Elwood listened attentively, although his gaze did dart to Eljay's nervous countenance (thankfully, he had at least managed to catch his breath) and Finley's strangely blank one. He was surprised when Fin spoke up a moment later, although her voice was strained. He cast a sidelong glance at her that indicated something like "Take a chill pill," before addressing Wildfire.

"It sounds similar to our ranks back at the plateau. I think we'd be happy to accept that role," he said. And now that that had been discussed, he wondered how the conversation would go -- would it turn back to the relationship between Wildfire and Eljay? Well, if it did, he wouldn't be the one to bring it up again.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,156 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
There were pretty much two options Eljay could take when they ended up finishing the subject of what rank his parents would take. He could feel his heart bounce in his chest and the panic attack rise again. So he could either run away and excuse himself really quickly or try to talk them out of the subject of himself and Wiffle for now. Honestly, he would've chosen the first thing if it hadn't been for the fact that Wiffle wasn't up to date of the escape plan. And that meant she might be either left behind, caught unawares, or she might end up bombing the whole plan and saying they didn't have elsewhere to be, which was even worse.

All in all, not a lot of good options so he had to go for the talking-about-other-stuff thing. You must be tired, Eljay hurriedly started, So how about we give you a quick tour of the pack lands and get you rested? He was determined not to tell them about this right now, because he still had no clue what was even going on with him and Wiffle at all, and so he preferred prolonging telling them. Also because Iris has referenced him not having told them anything in newer threads.
'cause i'm a hopeless wanderer
254 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Finally—a statement somewhat directed at Clover. "Sounds good to me," she replied as if her boredom had caused her a great deal of grief.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Trapper
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
Whatever the cause for Finley's brief tension, it dissipated instantly when she responded casually to Wildfire's offer. The Sovereign's eyes brightened as they shifted to Elwood, who more formally accepted. "Oh, wonderful," she said simply, her black tail whisking back and forth.

Before she could direct the conversation any further, Eljay proposed they embark on a short tour and find someplace for the newcomers to rest. She shot him a quick, fond smile, glad to pass the reigns. Of course he should be the one to take point showing his parents and sister to their new home.

But she would come along for the ride, of course, as their honorary child and new leader. Thrumming with joy at having them here—and having a slowly filling council, to boot—Wildfire hummed under her breath as the party of five moved deeper into the copse.

Figured we could fade here? Feel free to continue though! This'll be my last post but you're welcome to PP her in the background. :)