Lost Creek Hollow viento
910 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 

today she lay with the pups. @Esma, @Acantha, @Enelise she kept an eye upon, while she cradled stormpup and @Shadowpup nearby. the younger two had acclimated well, and akavir had come to take the others with him. she bid them goodbye, meeting his eye with a brief look that promised to seek him again. their conversation, it seemed, was not going to end, and in this she found relief. as the day grew warmer, silvertongue dozed softly, opening her eyes every so often to count the small heads and ensure they all were present.
Exploring The World
120 Posts
Ooc — Me
Esma was growing fast and with her physical growth came more energy and the constant urge to move around and play! She turned to her two sisters who were hanging around nearby, eyeing them both with a spark of challenge in her gaze.
Ask before skipping. Esma was born 3/5/23
40 Posts
Ooc — Meri
Ugh such a yucky small post for me

Enelise saw her sister, but she was too comfortable to move at the moment. She only opened an eye and blinked it back closed. Happy to just bask in the day.

910 Posts
Ooc — ebony

"i think the butterflies will come to the river," silvertongue said conversationally to them all. "when this happens, maybe i will bring you to see them. but only if you are very good!" and here she peered at each in turn, eyes lingering on shadowpup and stormpup.
Exploring The World
120 Posts
Ooc — Me
Esma's eyes lit up. She wanted to see the butterflies! She had to be good then. Enelise didn't seem interested in playing with her so Esma scouted out a stick and started to gnaw on it
Ask before skipping. Esma was born 3/5/23
40 Posts
Ooc — Meri
A small wag of her tail at the mention of the butterflies. Then feeling strangely unhappy that she hadn't paid her sister any mind. She stood with a huff and went towards Esma. Making sure to move gently around the little ones. Stopping to rest a nose on each one in turn. 

Then she settled near Esma and chewed on the other end that Esma wasn't.

910 Posts
Ooc — ebony

the girls were quiet, gentle. silvertongue looked down at her own brood. "when the butterflies come, we will sing songs to them. they like to eat mud, did you know?" she laughed, wrinkling up her nose. "but they come in all colors. blue, red, yellow, orange. and they are so beautiful."
Exploring The World
120 Posts
Ooc — Me
Esma's eyes widended. "Der cowors be pwetty?" The young girl asked, not being able to visualize quite what all those colors would look like on butterflies.
Ask before skipping. Esma was born 3/5/23
40 Posts
Ooc — Meri
She listened not saying much. Colorful butterflies, what were even butterflies, but she could learn with second mother. She saw no reason not too. She tilted her ears forward to hear what her sister had to say and what silver tongue may answer.

910 Posts
Ooc — ebony

"si, muchos colores bonitos, esma," silvertongue purled, grinning toward the pair. "we will go and count all of them, i think."
Exploring The World
120 Posts
Ooc — Me
"Bonitos!" Esma said, repeating the word in spanish that she knew meant pretty. Her tail wagged. She was excited but kept herself sitting down and trying to keep calm to be under good behaviour.

ahh im fluent in spanish, this is the first time i've seen writing in another language i dont need to click for the translate of!
Ask before skipping. Esma was born 3/5/23
40 Posts
Ooc — Meri
Lucky enough to have been around silvertongue their entire lives, even Enelise had picked up the language the woman often spoke in.

A small smile curved her maw at the thought of the pretty colors and butterflys.

910 Posts
Ooc — ebony

:D me too!

silvertongue looked down at shadowpup and saw that the girl had fallen asleep. "come on," the urged the other little ones. "we will go and eat," she encouraged, knowing that food could be a powerful motivator indeed.
Exploring The World
120 Posts
Ooc — Me
Esma lit up at that too. Everything Silvertongue had shared today has been so interesting and exciting! But, she must stay on her best behavior, so she kept her excitement to herself, and as calmly as she could, she followed the older wolf.

I didn't know that (:
Ask before skipping. Esma was born 3/5/23
40 Posts
Ooc — Meri
Enelise stood quietly and followed behind the other mother of riverclan. Her stomach gave a small rumble signaling this was a great plan.

910 Posts
Ooc — ebony

last for me! <3

she would lead them away, back to ash paw and the others, and deliver a meal of chewed rabbit for their milksoft stomachs. soon they would not need her or the star so much, and then truly silvertongue felt she might thrive as a mentor to them.