Wheeling Gull Isle Eulogy
177 Posts
Ooc — tazi
All Welcome 
little makeshift memorial for @Towhee (assumed dead) :c all on the island welcome to join, no pressure and no posting order <3 @Simeon @John @Malakai @Dinah

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All the beauty of wheeling gull shrouded in funeral mists.

He’d returned to sweet harbor where he had reconciled with his siblings and achieved a certain amount of peace only to lay an empty grave for a grandmother whose life had been stolen.

The island fell into ugliness. Death was everywhere. He pictured grandma’s blood gushing into the sea, swallowing pieces of his loved one into oceans of fire. He heard the mockery of seals and each time it sent a bolt through his heart.

From the shore he carried one large shell of abalone and set it beside the grave of his father. Over her alter was laid a tangle of satin wildflowers.

And then was it. He stepped back. There was nothing else to do. She was gone.

He hung his head.

Hey- it's been a while. Can you hear me? I really need you right now.

Judah couldn’t speak, his one good leg was shaking the whole of his body too badly. So he raised his voice in an ebbing howl, calling all to home.
Messenger of God
105 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Judah.... His brother's howl bellows through the gloom which hung over the island and Malakai's call is returned to his brother, his name whispered in the wind. 

Soon, he would see his twin, settled at the grave of their father. Settled at the new monument of their grandmother. He takes quiet, slow steps into his direction and then comes to sit at his side, his mismatched color gaze fixed on the water beyond the lavender field. 

When it was thought you perished in the sea, they mourned you as they had mourned father. I did not. A sharp eye cuts to the side, to see his brother from the corner of his gaze. You were not dead to me. Not unless I saw it with my own eyes. Don't give up on her just yet. She's old, but stronger then anyone else I've met. He was not particularly close to his grandmother. He wasn't particularly close to anyone savor his twin and @Nakano who had kept him alive all this time. Still, he spoke truth to his brother.
177 Posts
Ooc — tazi
“Maybe you should have mourned. Nothing’s been the same since,” a breath bursts from his throat. He stares numbly ahead at the breakers on the horizon.

If grandma returned, would she come back whole? Or would the sea also strip her of sanity?

“Sorry,” tears prick at his eyes but he blinks them back. He looks at Mal, hesitating. His brother was so different now. Sharper; broader; but his eyes still looked out at the world with the selfsame strength. His cheek falls heavy upon his twin’s identical silver shoulder.

“Dinah left... I'm going too. I have to go find mom and Ava,” he tells him, "I'm going to ask John to take me." Silently his eyes asked the question- was he coming?