Broken Antler Fen Upon the winds of change
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,424 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn did not have to go far to search for his first quarry. The elusive otter. The thought of killing brother otter, made his heart hurt a little. There was not much meat on them, and they were so adorable. They reminded him of puppies. However, their fur was prized. Soft and supple, it made good places for little ones to lay upon, or to wear upon shoulders as Kukutux and @Callyope did.

The ground beneath his feet began to grow marshy and wet. The moss soft and inviting, were it not so dangerous and he did not have a job to do, he would take a nap beneath one of the trees. He had left rather early.

He closed his eyes and scented the air. Ears alert listening, paws feeling beneath him. It was a little harder here, the ground wetter, it made for some of the vibrations hard. It was then he heard the splash and the chatter of otters as they played. He looked to teh trees, they were changing. Little ones would no longer need their parents as much, probably the reason Moonwoman had told him to wait until now.

He needed four pelts, he would probably not get them all today, but maybe he could get 1 or 2.

Rodyn rushed forward, but he over extended and where he had thought the otter was, he missed, The otter sat a way aways chattering almost laughing at him. He huffed a small chuckle at himself. He knew better than to get overeager.

he shifted and walked to the nearby tree, and settled to his haunches, he would need to wait until they were unassuming again.