Alpine Lake Upon the ground
551 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Upon paws of winter white and fur that glistened in the morning light. IT grew in long and red and bright. She walked from Moonglow. A false sense of security in her step, but she wanted to be sure. Sure that this was not something she could do, but she found deep within her heart of hearts. A soul that beat for those she loved. And she would not allow them to grow dim with her short comings. And so she walked. She explored and she learned and she listened.

The sound of the swaying of the trees. The brush brush as it curled in the air and then whistled as wind went through it fast and hard. There were chattering animals. She stopped to watch a squirrel dabble and run from one branch and to the ground and back again. IT's mouth packed full of something, and it chattered at her with yellowed teeth and angry eyes. As if she had disturbed it somehow. She blinked surprised and unsure at it's display.

What a curious creature. She mumbled to herself as she continued her walk.

Black nose twitching and seeking as she lowered it to the wet grasses and the loam of nearby trees. A fresh breeze blew back along her, ruffling the tufts of fur at her cheeks, biting her with sharp cold teeth, digging there and laying heavy and harsh on her back and shoulders. And then dancing away with a small little noise. 

At the lake front she froze and looked out over it. The sway of the water as it hit the sides. The fish that leapt and twirled out where she couldn't reach. As if laughing and saying i see you and you can do nothing. She settled quietly to her haunches, tail curled around paper paws and green eyes sharp and assessing traveled out and over.
838 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Since Reverie and Lestan’s disappearance, Bridget had wandered farther along the coast, allowing pure chance to determine where she wound up. She’d helped a number of strangers in the process but never settled down and never paused for long. Only as long as the it took to do the job well before moving forward.

She loved her work, but something in her was restless. So many faces, so many names, all of them temporary and easily left as soon as they were ready to leave her care. She missed friendship.

The quiet of the day was abruptly broken by a splash. Bridget turned to look, then smiled with amusement at her reaction when she realized it was only a fish. Maybe a little lunch would do her some good. It wasn’t until she drew closer to the water’s edge that she realized she wasn’t alone after all.

Enjoying the day, or are you hoping they’ll decide to come to you? Bridget asked, friendly tone light with humor. She didn’t enter the water yet, pausing when she had noticed the other wolf instead and looking at her with a smile. The fish could wait a moment.
551 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Hello my lovely!

Ajei's mind wondered to her small adventures. She wasn't a huge fan of the coast. It wasn't terrible, but she preferred trees and rivers. Fresh water and moss.

Ajei wasn't one to make fast acquaintances. She usually stuck to herself and made a few good good friends. It was what it was.

Movement nesr her and shecturned to see a creamy colored wolf. But not as brightly pristine white as Moonwoman. A small smile in greeting.

Ajei chuckled her laughter as delicate as her frame. A little bit of both i suppose.
838 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bridget chuckled lightly at the response. Fair enough. The other woman had the right idea; unfortunately, Bridget was hungry. And she wouldn’t catch anything by staying dry.

She braced herself, then stepped into the cold water. Bridget froze with a sharp intake, then shook her head with a huff of breathless laughter. Nearly too cold to be worth it! Nearly.

She let herself adjust to the temperature, waiting for it to go from frigid to simply uncomfortable, then took a few more steps and began to scan the shallower water around her for fish. Lunch was certainly here somewhere.
551 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei knew she wouldn't catch anything sitting. But she'd been enjoying the view really. She watched with soft expression as the other woman stepped into the cool waters. Not yet frigid, but she was sure still cold.

Ajei shifted and moved a little further away and stepped in. The water cool, but she was a bit used to it being from the mountain. 

I'll give you a paw. I'm a fair fisher and besides. Better not to have idle paws.

A timid smile, but her eyes were alight and she searched the water for the shadows that signaled food.
838 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bridget stifled a chuckle so it wouldn’t scare the fish and smiled, though she didn’t look back up from where she watched. Good, I always do better when I’ve got some friendly competition. This wasn’t any real contest but she appreciated the company. It reminded her of past times fishing with other packmates. Even having a solid home felt like a lifetime ago.

I’m Bridget, by the way. She tossed out a moment later, realizing she’d never given her name. A traveling medic, just passing through. Generally she led with her skill set as well just in case it sparked a need. She never hoped to meet a stranger who was looking for a doctor but it happened often enough.
551 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei smiled and she didn't chuckle. She too didn't wish to disturb their hunting ground. She could understand competition and it was fine fun to fish with others. However, Ajei usually let them win. Though, she felt that Bridget as she had introduced herself, would not like this. She would find it an unjust win.

I am ajei of Moonglow.

A gentle smile. A quiet voice hushed to not disturb. As she surveyed the water. 

That is a good and noble profession. Once upon a time I thought I may like to do such a thing.

She frowned in thought. But there are so many healers in the moon tribes. I have decided to find a different way to honor the families, but as of yet I have not found it. But I have hope that I will.
838 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bridget would have answered, but a fish chose that moment to flicker by. She snapped out for it but came up wet and empty-jawed. She’d been too eager and missed by quite a bit, and should have waited for one that got closer. Now she’d need to allow the water to settle again.

Too hasty, she said with a good-natured laugh clearly suppressed behind the words. She’d have to miss quite a few times if she was going to get frustrated; especially when the company was good.

And I know Moonglow. Well, I know Moonspear. It’s a beautiful place. She’d definitely be visiting, and had considered settling there a time or two, but was stopped by much of the same reason. She just wondered if she could feel useful amongst so many who clearly knew her trade inside and out.

I understand that. Though, if you want to learn the basics, I wouldn’t let that stop you. You never know when someone may need healing, and when that time comes, they will be grateful to have anyone who wants to help and knows even a little bit. It wasn’t for everyone, but Bridget was so grateful she’d given it a chance. She thought perhaps Ajei would be glad too, if she truly wanted to follow that path.
551 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei watched eagerly, but noticed the too soon snap. She frowned a little feeling bad that she had missed. Especially if she was hungry.

Another will come along. I always watch for the shadows rather than the fish. If you need any adv8ce that is. I don't mean to.

She cut herself off and somply offered a small smile.

Ajei smiled. Moonspear is lovely. Though of course I'm partial to moonglow. Perhaps i will learn them. It is always good to have knowledge. Do you enjoy traveling?
838 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
I could say I don’t need the advice, but the fact that I just biffed it kind of says otherwise, doesn’t it? Bridget replied good-naturedly, restraining a laugh behind the statement. She fished often enough to have the system down pretty well, but sometimes she had the tendency to get overeager. That only got worse when there was someone around to see it happen.

I do. Though, enjoy it or not, it’s kind of what I’ve found myself doing lately. I like that it gives me the chance to help anyone I come across, but there’s things I miss about pack life. Bridget watched the water again, keeping an eye out for the flicker of any fast-moving shadows. She had a bit before it settled enough to tempt another chance out. I’ve never been to Moonglow. I’m guessing it’s close by?
551 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei smiled kindly. It happens sometimes. I often umm biff it.

A small paw to her lips then eyes alight with mischief.

Ajei nodded. Oh yes directly nesr Moonspear. It is run by Moonwoman and Sun Man, uh Kukutux and Aiolos and my mama is star hunter.

Ajei thought about it. It is in mountains, but not firectly on them. Tucked in.
838 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
The name sounded familiar, so she must have heard it mentioned during her time at the Moonspear. She couldn’t remember exactly how, but it made sense if they were important figures in a sister pack. Maybe I can come see it sometime, if it isn’t too far. I learned a lot from Sialuk’s village, so I bet I could learn a lot there too. Normally she wouldn’t be so noncommittal about it, but it was hard to say where she’d be in a few weeks. She hadn’t been this way in a while.

Ajei was adorable and pretty impossible not to immediately like. She hoped the feeling was mutual; it would be nice to have another friend around here.
551 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei smiled and wagged her tail. You should Kukutux is reknowned healer. Also matchmaker a lot of wolves seek her for that. But she is mostly healer. She helped my mother Shikoba different times. And i will like to see you again too

Ajei liked this healer wolf. She was funny and kind. And she was always happy to make friends. And she felt perhaps she had.
838 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
That name sounded familiar, and Bridget guessed it had something to do with Sialuk. Too many similarities; “moon”, healers, and other things about the way Ajei carried herself. If you ever… She’d been about to say something about Brecheliant, then realized that wasn’t home for her anymore. Maybe it wasn’t her place to offer it.

I’ll be around, at least. If we meet again, I’ll owe you a rematch. she winked, then made her way to shore to shake the water from her pelt. No fish were returning and her legs were going numb from the temperature. It was nice to meet you Ajei. Good luck, finding what you’re looking for. Everyone was always looking for something.

With an easy smile, she said her farewell and left her to the peace of the river. She needed to find a few things of her own, but it was nice to think she had a couple friends out there wishing her well.

last for me <3 hopefully they will meet again!