Emberwood Come along now, run away from the hum-drum
1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
All Welcome 
Reverie loved birds. Spring meant their return to the wilds, and their presence delighted her — well, most of them. There were a few she could do without.

Confronted with a large male goose, the Dancing Queen pinned her ears back and growled. Geese, as she had learned the hard way one too many times, were not nice. The goose arched its neck and hissed at her. Reverie lashed out with a paw, slapping the long neck twice, and leapt back as the goose lunged to bite her.

Rude! Rude! Rude! She reached out with her other paw to smack its face this time.
Bearclaw Valley Resident
39 Posts
Ooc — Raven
The disturbing sound of the irate bird caught the attention of our bear. Its call the same level of annoyance as a mosquito in one's ear that could not be batted away. However, when in range, a goose was a far larger target to swat away than a mosquito.

Drust arose from his resting spot and lumbered towards the cries of the goose. As he walked his large coat grazed the many aspen trees of the forest, some only barely beginning to regrow their leaves. 

When he made it to the clearing he got a better view of what was transpiring.The goose in a heated argument with a golden she-wolf uttering an annoyed series of calls herself.

Drust stepped out into the clearing and let out a large intimidating ROAR! He then proceeded to walk forcefully toward the goose and his unwanted companion. 

Hi  :) 
Started writing this reply before finding out about Reverie's past encounter with a bear... This could be interesting. <3
*This boy is a wolf - - - Not a bear - - - Common mistake*
*Drust's name is unknown to others*
1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Ooo should be fun LOL <3 thanks for joining!
At first glance she thought it was a bear approaching. Reverie's hackles lifted and she fell back several steps with a little shriek of surprise — and quickly realized that this was, in fact, another wolf. Not a bear at all.

Still her heart raced and her throat felt tight. She realized belatedly that the goose had fled. For a moment she almost wished that it had stayed, if only so she didn't have to face this massive wolf alone. She swallowed hard and did her best to seem cheerful.

Oh, hello! I um, I didn't realize there was anyone nearby, She watched him carefully, tail held perfectly still behind her. As hard as she tried, Reverie couldn't seem to force it to move to feign friendliness.
Bearclaw Valley Resident
39 Posts
Ooc — Raven
When he approached the goose let out a honk. It turned to face him as though it would stand its ground, but confronted with Drust's sheer size, came to its senses and waddled off quickly. The honk of the goose wasn't the only thing our bear heard, the golden she-wolf shrieked as well. Not at the goose, but at him.

The tone of her tune was mixed, not quite friendly, not quite scared. But even though Drust could not understand them fully. 'Hello' was a term he had heard before, one meant for greetings. The rest was gibberish. But he could understand her body. The large gulp traveling down her throat, the stiffness in her muscles, all alert and cautious.  

Drust kept his body loose, and unimposing, but his uncontrollable size and appearance contrasted that. Having fended off the goose his duty had been fulfilled, but he wanted to try...

He nodded his head in her direction and chuffed.
*This boy is a wolf - - - Not a bear - - - Common mistake*
*Drust's name is unknown to others*
1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
His posture indicated no hostility, but Reverie remained wary. If a giant such as him should decide to rampage through their camp, there would be little she could do to stop him, and that alone was reason enough to fear the man. She would give him a chance, at least.

Reverie took a single step forward in spite of his silence, relaxing enough for a friendly sway to her tail. She'd had enough experience with those who spoke little or spoke differently to take this in stride, though it left her wondering how she might convey the reason for her wariness. Perhaps if she let him close enough to smell the pups on her fur...

Another step brought her closer, an imploring whine spilling from her lips; a question and a declaration of intent all at once. Friends?
Bearclaw Valley Resident
39 Posts
Ooc — Raven
The golden's stillness began to subside and a light sway flowed down her tail. Drust let out a small sigh of relief and his own tail flicked now and again side to side much the same.

Her steps brought her closer to him and the faint breeze on the air passed along a message. Mixed amongst her was the scent of youth and young. Drust's gaze drifted from her to their surroundings. His nose searched but could not find an alternative source. The scent was from her alone and they were not immediately nearby.

The bear contemplated a moment then looked back at the she-wolf. His head nodded then gestured over his shoulder. An invitation to follow.
*This boy is a wolf - - - Not a bear - - - Common mistake*
*Drust's name is unknown to others*