Hideaway Strath Hold on, stop, look whats that sound?
443 Posts
Ooc — Espero
All Welcome 
Ayeee, the packs up and official. Nice surprise this morning. As most of my threads, this an AW. Rye was gonna arrive 7/3, sooo back dated to then?? Or maybe just assume he arrived today?

Today was the day, he was to arrive at the door step of the Grove. His new home, just a hike away from his old. Which was a blessing, if the Frosthawks needed help Rye would be right there, ready for anything. He had promised Quixote his services, whatever that may be, at any time. Whether or not Quixote would call upon him was yet to be seen but Rye hoped the alpha took his offer up sometime. It would help give him a reason to visit because it's not as if Rye had relatives living in Frosthawks. Although that shouldn't stop him from checking up on them every once in a while. Anyhow, Rye was padding up to the borders, the entrance Towhee told him. 

He stopped just short of the border and threw his head back and howled, he wasn't about to just walce right in like he owned the place. No, no, manners come first. After his howl tapered off, Rye began to wonder what Towhee was doing, if she was out hunting or within the borders. He wondered if she'd be there to greet him, a loopy smile curled its way onto his maw. A sort of 'I'm thinking of this girl that I like' loopy smile, and even though Rye was still a little clueless to his feelings, he understood they weren't just friendly feelings. He looked to the ground, his smile still present but softer and just thought of Towhee as he watched bugs, grass and anything else move or wiggle around.
"If you lose yourself, your courage soon will follow.
So be strong tonight.
Remember who you are."
153 Posts
Ooc — Java
He heard a call for Towhee and thought it might've been that other guy - the one he'd lied to ages ago - and bristled, then decided that he'd have to man-up about it instead of hide and let stuff happen. So without hesitation he throttled his way through the woods, slowing just as he came upon the borders so that it didn't seem like he was too desperate for a fight, and stalked towards the stranger. This was a guy he hadn't met yet; again, it seemed like Towhee was attracting a bunch of these young and strong types; he had to wonder, how tasty was her milkshake? 

With a huff he exposed himself by lunging on to the path before the stranger, and cautioned haughtily, HEY! Who're you and what're you doing here? This is claimed land, buddy! His posture was a little bit on the asshole side of things, tail flagged and head high, but it was mostly to compensate for the size differences.
614 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Fig was very much enjoying this newfound freedom that he technically hadn't been given. Technically, he was supposed to remain near the rendezvous site and not wander off. He definitely wasn't supposed to go too near the borders. At least, I'm assuming he's not technically allowed to go there. But seeing as I don't technically know if that's true, Fig technically didn't get himself too worked up about these technicalities. He just liked to wander and explore this kingdom of his, so long as Fennec was somewhere nearby or he left her with someone that could make sure she didn't fall in a hole or something.

And besides, Fig technically wasn't on his own, anyway! He was following Dingo--a wolf who was often called upon to be his and Fenn's caretaker. So as long as he was with Dingo (whether Dingo realized that or not), was he really misbehaving? No. No he was not. Not that it mattered because oops he's at the borders now!

Figment had intended to remain hidden from his packmate, but when he saw that they were approaching a stranger, the boy darted forward to plant himself alongside the golden adult. "Yeah, buddy! This is ours!" he barked, his hackles bristling along his spine as he glared at the dude. He paused his defensive display momentarily to smile sweetly up at Dingo, expecting to be praised for his valor, but otherwise kept his frowny face on to make sure this dude knew what was up.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
Fenn is welcome at all times and will in fact make me sad if she doesn't show up.
lord of the hunt
1,603 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Ah yes, a howl! And it sounded familiar. That was a good sign, although Phox couldn't quite place the voice, it was nice to know that their claim was working, one way or another. No more randos wandering in wondering why the wolves roaming here were so territorial. Their claim was solid, and there was no more questioning whether or not they were "official."

Phox arrived just moments after Dingo began yelling at Rye (*that* was why the voice had sounded familiar), and he couldn't help but be pleased at the way Dingo guarded their home. Still, Rye was a friend, and Phox knew he intended to leave the Frosthawks to come stay here instead.

Dingo, Figment, chill, Phox said, taking a step in front of them, and trying to bring a sense of calm to the situation. This is Rye; he's from one of our sister packs, the Frosthawks. Hopefully that would get both of them to take a step back and calm down. No need in starting fights with no merit. How's it going, Rye? he asked, Come to visit Towhee? Phox gave him an obvious wink-wink-nudge-nudge.
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-speaking+ptero- -ptero- speaking
443 Posts
Ooc — Espero
Holy hell, the welcome party was here. First some strange, agressive wolf, followed by a youthful little thing and thrn Phox. Rye barely had time to squeak out a response before the first wolf demanded to know why Rye was here, then the second copied the first and Phox came to the rescue and just good lord it was a little chaotic there for a bit. But now that things were calm, and Phox explained, Rye gave his signature warm smile to the three of them. Then a playful huff at Phox's visitation comment but he shook his head.

"Good, really good. I'm actually here to stay, I've informed Quixote, so all that should be squared away." At least that stresser was over and behind him noe, "I see you've got some protective packmates, have lots of trouble getting the territory claimed?" Rye was by no means offended by their agression, he understood it was for a good cause, he was just glad Phox was there to step in when he did. Rye was sure the Dingo fella would've caused quite the stir.
"If you lose yourself, your courage soon will follow.
So be strong tonight.
Remember who you are."
153 Posts
Ooc — Java
He wasn't alone for long - the pipsqueak showed up, which distracted Dingo for a few seconds, as it made him wonder where is your blind sister you should be watching? So for that moment of hesitation there as a dark gleam in Dingo's eyes; but he stowed it, figuring another adult was watching her - or maybe she was sleeping. Yeah, kid, it is ours - good job, he commended of Figment, and then turned his attention back to the interloper.

Dingo couldn't do anything about his presence after that, though. Phox was on the scene and calling off the guardians (and apprentice guardians), with a few quick words. It seemed as if Phox knew this guy - and judging by the look they shared, this guy was something special for Towhee. Dingo huffed but he relented, not entirely relaxing but drawing back so they could have space. Phox was more than capable of throwing this guy out on his ass if the need arose.

Alright. C'mon Fig — our work here is done. He motioned for the kid to follow him, and if he did he'd duck his head low and murmur, You did good. The guy was terrified!
614 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Fig was totally ready to kick some asses if that's what needed to be done. He did note that Rye was taller than him. He also looked strong. He also didn't look much like he was going to cause any trouble, which he would never admit he was thankful for. He would also never admit that he was glad when his father showed up and diffused the situation. Not that Dingo and he couldn't have handled this chump. Or. Yeah. Papa!

The pup settled into his usual friendly self upon learning that this was Rye and we apparently liked Rye. His tail wagged as he looked at the stranger, curious about him now. But Dingo was leaving and motioning for him to follow. Fig stood torn momentarily, though he was super pleased to hear that he had been terrifying. Though that did kind of make him feel a little bad... "Sorry I scared you, mister," Fig said to the stranger, looking sorry but also kind of happy with himself.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
Fenn is welcome at all times and will in fact make me sad if she doesn't show up.
lord of the hunt
1,603 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Dingo and Figment relented, and Phox gave his son an approving fatherly wink. He'd done a good job, and he was going to grow into a fine guardian for the grove (and his sister). With the two of them gone, Phox returned his attention to Rye. I think they're just a little overexcited now that we've got things locked down. Unlike most of the potential joiners that came to the strath's entrance, Rye was already known by both Towhee and Phox, so there wouldn't be much fanfare in the way of interviews and making him prove he deserved a spot here. Instead, Phox took a step to the side, inviting Rye to follow him.

C'mon, I'll give you a little tour. We can start with the rendezvous site. That's where the kids hang out, and most of your new pack mates will likely be there, too. The creamy colored one you just met was Dingo. I think you may have met Figment before back when we lived on the plateau. Boy, did that seem like a long time ago now. Let's see, there's also Ruenna, Leen, Nebula, and Keyni. Oh, and Fennec, my daughter. She's quite a bit more timid than her brother, being blind and all, but she'll warm up to you soon enough.

Phox continued walking along at a slow pace, and he glanced at Rye. There'll be a quiz later, Phox added with a chuckle.
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-speaking+ptero- -ptero- speaking
443 Posts
Ooc — Espero
Ryes' ears laid back a bit when he heard young Figment apologize for scaring him. His ears didnt lay back out of sadness, just because that was maybe, kind of, adorable. Ryes' signature soft smile was put on display, and the tallys for no kids lost one vote.. out of it's 99, leaving him with 98. Still a long way to go but he wasn't here to find reasons to have kids. Phox offered a tour and Rye readily accepted. Following the leader at his own pace, his ears listening to the names he rattled off. Most he would forget but some he might just hold onto, like Dingo or Nebula. He hoped to meet them soon enough.

"No promises I'll remember any of those names, probably gonna take me a few dozen tries." His laugh was small, and rather quiet but surely Phox would register that was a joke. Continuing on with the tour Rye nodded and bobbed his head, taking an interest in the fact his daughter was blind. Now Rye knew a blind and a deaf wolf, he was sure Towhee would probably grow attached to Phoxs' daughter. And definitely coach her through the first quarter of her life. 

Hearing the about the quiz, Rye laughed through his nose and said, "I've already failed," He probably would actually fail the test if given one, at least on the name portion. "Anyway, down to the nitty grittys, what do you expect from me in this pack?" It was all fun and games until expectations got thrown into the mix.
"If you lose yourself, your courage soon will follow.
So be strong tonight.
Remember who you are."
lord of the hunt
1,603 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Rye asked what was expected of him, and Phox answered easily. It was mostly the usual stuff any pack leader wished out of their members. Help to keep everybody fed. Don't start fights, especially with other packs. Come tell Towhee and me if you ever plan on leaving for an extended amount of time. Don't make promises you can't keep. Was there anything else he was forgetting? And don't go getting anybody pregnant without talking to me first. Yes, that included getting Towhee pregnant. Phox wondered what that would be like, although Towhee had already proven herself to be an excellent mother.

We hunt as a group pretty often, so it would be nice if you could make it there. Helps to keep the camaraderie going. That was no requirement, but Phox did hope that others would like it. Plus, there'll be food after, so that should be enough for you to try to make it.
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-speaking+ptero- -ptero- speaking
443 Posts
Ooc — Espero
It all sounded pretty easy, no fights, no kids, no being a total lazy ass. Fights was off his agenda, never was there to begin with, and kids? Easy, he didn't want any. Yup, all of what Phox said was more than managmanageand fair. "Yeah, no problem in any of those areas and I'll do my best to make it the the majority of hunts." speaking of hunting, Rye was hitching for a chase, but that would definitely come later. Maybe after the tour he could put in his share of cache food. 

"Well, I won't keep you here. I think I'll go and meet the others, thanks for the tour." He had other questions but it would have to wait, they were super important or anything. So for now he would just go off on his own.

"If you lose yourself, your courage soon will follow.
So be strong tonight.
Remember who you are."
lord of the hunt
1,603 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Phox nodded along, pleased that Rye was willing to put in the work to integrate himself with the pack and stay out of trouble. Not that Phox trusted him one hundred percent, but it was a start. Besides, he was sure that Towhee would wail on him if he really donked up. Rye excused himself, and Phox gave him a quick, Later dude, before watching him toddle off.
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-speaking+ptero- -ptero- speaking
614 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
The new guy didn't say anything, but it did kind of look like he had accepted the apology. That was enough for Fig. He stepped quickly over to Phox to place one little kiss on his father's foreleg before turning and bounding off after Dingo, intent on pestering his new BFF with questions about borders and patrolling and strangers and things for the next hour or so before proceeding to try and wrestle with him.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
Fenn is welcome at all times and will in fact make me sad if she doesn't show up.