Redsand Canyon Shuffle, shuffle Jab
Sun Mote Copse
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,124 Posts
Ooc — Danni

Reyson had only been amongst the new pack for a night and a day. He was already out patrolling the boarders, attempting to fill the caches. He never did anything half-way. He would find a way to support his pack, even if he didn't know any amongst the ranks. He refused to be second best, he would rise in the ranks as quickly as he could. He was not a wolf used to stillness.

Even on this day as he walked, and the morning dew curled along the flowers and grass. As the sun was rising. He didn't see the pretty colors, or the new voices joining in revelry of the morning. No he saw that daylight was burning, that he had been up for an hour and had nothing to show for it. No creature dripped their life blood from his maw. He had not battled anyone. There was no sparring. Listless he walked, one paw in front of the other.
my monsters are real; they're trained how to kill
660 Posts
Ooc — Tasha
Aquene was trying to be more aware about the comings and goings of those in the pack, especially with Germanicus and the crew hopefully returning within the next day or so from Akashingo. She would feel better to know that the rest of the pack had returned safely and that the murderer had been found. She had stepped outside only for a moment to stretch her limbs, not eager to wander far from her sons or Towhee’s children. Towhee had been sticking close to her as well, and she preferred it that way. It let her keep an eye on her as well.
She couldn’t imagine how hard it was for her to stay away from her own children when it came to feeding. Aquene would have taken it hard because it had helped her form that strong bond… but it was necessary. She worried the maternal instinct would call too strong with her friend and that it would result in a rift because of her orders as doctor. She spotted a man, one she did not recognize. “Soldier.” She greeted who she assumed to be the new auxillary. “What is your name?”
Aquene speaks both русский язык and Common. She does not carry a Russian accent. Her knowledge of Russian is not common knowledge.
Sun Mote Copse
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,124 Posts
Ooc — Danni
I apologize now for this brute. I assume he will know at least some of the story here. 

It had not been long since he had joined the ranks that the Imperator and co had been summoned to another pack. One that they had allied with. A queen had been killed. He snorted quietly A queen. Though he was a good soldier and he did not ask such things or request answers to questions that were not his to ask. He did wonder at the wolfess that could boast a queen.

It was with these thoughts another intruded upon him and he lifted icy eyes to her face, then quickly averted them. Her fur the color of shadows, with leaf browns around her shoulders and face. He was larger than she, but she was athletically built.

"M'am." He returned. He kept his tail tucked and though he was loathe to do it, because it was fruitless, he bowed down and further still until he was lower than she, despite that it worked the muscles in his leg, drawing them tight. "My name is Reyson Ebonywood. You have babies. You hungry? 

Per usual he got right to the meat of the issue. And spoke with straight words, nothing minced. She smelled like the angry she wolf too, but he wasn't about to mention that, was not her business, and it didn't matter. It had been put to the back of his mind. He felt no ill will, however. He would not be as kind in future conversations. Despite that he came near her den with children. He had respected the distance, had stayed away and left without thought. All he had meant to bring was food, as was his duty as a pack wolf to provide for those that were nursing, young or infirm.
my monsters are real; they're trained how to kill
660 Posts
Ooc — Tasha
She was thankful that Kallik had not been sent away. It certainly made it easier to handle the children with him there, along with now keeping an eye over her friend as well.
Blunt and to the point, Aquene lost hope that this soldier might be different from the others… though she had come to appreciate the brutish nature of a military outpost, there was still a part of her that longed for a little softness and camaraderie amongst the pack. She knew it were possible: her husband, Towhee, even Germanicus occasionally cracked a smile… it was just the new recruits who seemed to be stuffy.
Reyson Ebonywood. She saved the name and raised a brow at the nature of the question. “No, thank you for the offer…” She trailed for a moment as she sized him up. “My husband brought me something not too long ago. I’ve eaten recently.” She stated, feeling like she owed an explanation. “How long have you been here?” She realized in that moment that she had failed with her own introduction.
“My name is Aquene. I am Kallik’s wife, the medicus of Mereo, and an Equestrian here in the pack. Should you need any medical attention, I am the one you ought to seek out… I have an apprentice, Tamar, but she is in the early stages of her training.”
Aquene speaks both русский язык and Common. She does not carry a Russian accent. Her knowledge of Russian is not common knowledge.
Sun Mote Copse
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,124 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Reyson did not know the names of the males who had stayed. He had not yet been privy to that information. Hadn't even had a proper tour as of yet, with all goings on.

Reyson had not smiled in sometime, if ever. No, he knew he had, with Renaud. Renaud could make him laugh so hard, his sides hurt, but that was a humor that was no more. He missed the golden kissed commander.
Reyson dipped his muzzle at her gentle turn down.  He shifted and settled to his rear, tail curling around his paws. She wanted a conversation, well he would try his best. He could be a conversationalist if the occasion called for it. Her next words did draw a smile from his maw, and a stirring in his chest that he hadn't felt in some time. His mother, bless her soul had been a healer. Though  he lost her to the brutish paws of the ones who raised him after that, he could remember her fondly. The smell of herbs and sickness, but it wasn't sickness eh carried, but healed. 

My mother Sanvi was a healer. That's a good trade. Not many have the aptitude for it. So was. He paused unsure if he wanted to share Renaud with anyone as of yet. He lay his ears to his skull and huffed quietly. So was one dear to my heart. 

He coughed and smoothed out his face and his emotions and blinked, the mask back in place. Knowing she longed for conversation, and though he wasn't sure quite what to say. He asked a question. All liked talking of themselves correct and their trades? Do you like it?
my monsters are real; they're trained how to kill
660 Posts
Ooc — Tasha
She did not know what to make of him though she found herself growing uneasy with his presence… she was certain it was likely her own paranoia, and perhaps a hint of a maternal instinct with the strange man. Sure, he was pack, but pack didn’t always mean family. He spoke of his mother, her head tilting to the side, a soft smile on her features. “My mother was a healer too… she taught me all that I know.” She admitted softly, finding a bond and some kinship in the man in front of her, regardless of whether or not that was what he wanted.
She heard the etches of pain, the brief blip of emotions before it all faded back. Another broken soul… Mereo had seemed to collect a lot of those. “I am sorry for your loss.” She offered solemnly, catching the use of his past tense.
The conversation shifted, and she could not say that she was surprised. There was something about soldiers holding their emotions in until they exploded… she was glad, at the very least, Kallik had her to turn to and he had stopped fighting so much about talking about himself. “I do… I know how to fight. The Imperator taught me how… but I much prefer to heal. I’ve been able to help many here.” It gave her a sense of fulfillment. “I think I much prefer putting wolves back together than trying to tear them apart tooth and claw.” She did not mind the power that fighting gave her… it was simply just not her focus. “It is… more peaceful. Even in a military outpost such as this.”
Aquene speaks both русский язык and Common. She does not carry a Russian accent. Her knowledge of Russian is not common knowledge.
Sun Mote Copse
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,124 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Reyson was used to others growing uneasy in his presence, he was not what you would call normal. His deep yet direct voice, the blunt way he spoke. Surely he could be animated and happy. He could speak and laugh, but only amongst a few he deeply cared for. Having watched his parents torn  asunder by the very pack that then raised him. Learning how to kill, and maim, and hunt and raze it had done a number on his psyche he imagined.

Reyson tilted an ear forward, and tapped his tail once against the dirt. My mother didn't have time to teach me very much, before I was taken and soldiered. But she taught me enough were I to get sick to heal, a wound, she liked cobwebs for binding.

Reyson was not adverse to bonds, he just had trouble making them. The last being Renaud.

He gave a soft quiet whuff. "Perhaps, I will tell you of them someday. Though it was a risk we both knew could happen, given our lives. We didn't expect it to. Thank you.
Reyson did not hold his emotions in. After this conversation he would run, or he would spar, or he would fish. He may even hunt for the mint that Renaud loved to chew on so much, and take a sniff and a bite. He would watch the sunset and he would remember.

Reyson gave her his attention, all of it. He had a special part of his cold hard heart for healers. They were in a class all of their own, and he would protect this wolf much more than he would protect another.

I am glad you know how to fight, Mrs. Aquene, but I am glad you heal much more. We need more healers. There are countless wolves like me, willing to fight and die. Not as many willing to put those we care for back together again, often at the expense of themselves. It doesn't always take a special wolf to fight, but it does to heal.

He nodded his head. Certain he had spoken the truth. See he could be a conversationalist if he wished. He just didn't normally like to speak at such length. He hoped this she wolf, wouldn't go and tell others of his words. He would much prefer the quiet blunt way he usually was.
my monsters are real; they're trained how to kill
660 Posts
Ooc — Tasha
The story he told sounded familiar. She offered a nod. “Where I come from, men were only soldiers, and women were only healers. We learned out craft to piece our husbands back together when they returned from battle.” She explained, less bitterness than she might have previously told such a story. It had taken time, but she had come to merely accept it for what it was: something that had shaped her. Dimitri had not been spotted since his initial attack on Mereo’s borders and neither had his sniveling friend Ryzhov. She found herself cautiously optimistic that the past was truly in the past. “Cobwebs are my preference for binding as well. Their natural adhesive certainly helps with soldiers on the move.” She offered with a soft smile.
Her eyes softened a touch when he offered to perhaps tell her about it someday. “The past can be painful. I think you’ll find many here share a kindred wish for the past to be different.” She knew she did. She knew her husband did. Towhee certainly probably thought she could use a redo with her former husband from what she had heard. It was quite a time, and Mereo was a home for souls looking for the better after, even if it was also a military outpost.
She did not realize the loyalty that came with her own position, though she knew that many in Mereo were thankful for her expertise. It was more than she had thought she would get out of her own life. She hadn’t expected to make it this far, much less had two adorable children and a loving husband. She offered a soft smile, a lightness carrying in her eyes. “It is my pleasure. I enjoy helping others.” She offered back. “And I am grateful for the soldiers here. They have protected me more than once in my time here… without them, I likely would not be alive right now. Sometimes, it takes special wolves to fight demons that a wolf cannot fight on their own.”
Aquene speaks both русский язык and Common. She does not carry a Russian accent. Her knowledge of Russian is not common knowledge.
Sun Mote Copse
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,124 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He listened to her, though there were similarities to their packs. Women could fight in his. They were left from duty if and when they got pregnant. Some could just be healers, some breeders. They weren't entirely rigid, savage, but not rigid.

 Women could fight where I am from, they could also heal if they wished. Men too. It just seemed that more femmes would heal than fight. Though I knew a few good women, that could've knocked me out. And a few good men better healers than any female i've ever met. A short smile lit up his face, and then quickly disappeared.

He nodded his head in agreement. That they do.

He blinked and spoke softly. I won't share that part of me with many. It is mine, it shaped me. He wasn't sure how she would take that, but he meant it kindly. He wouldn't tell many of his past, wasn't even sure if he would tell her, but he would be more willing to tell her than another.
Reyson tilted his ears forward at her words. He was not a special wolf. He was, just himself. He wasn't even sure if there was much good left in him. All the years of fight and die.

I know demons well. Now you have one more to call for if you should need.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
my monsters are real; they're trained how to kill
660 Posts
Ooc — Tasha
She was thankful that Mereo did not have such restrictive gender roles. She doubted women like Towhee would have looked twice at Mereo if it had been any other way. She listened as he explained how his pack had thought, and she hummed with a soft smile. “It’s sensical like that.” She agreed to his thinking. “I’ve only ever encountered one male healer… he lives not far from here with his wife and children. His name is Mahler, and he trades herbs with Mereo.” It was an arrangement she was fond of, and she considered the man a friend.
He promised another to answer a call if she needed help and she offered a kind smile in his direction. “Thank you. It means a lot.” She offered softly in return and a light dip of her head. “And I am here should anything ail you… be it an injury or sickness, or simply demons lingering in your mind.” She would help however she could, just as she did with all of the soldiers.
Aquene speaks both русский язык and Common. She does not carry a Russian accent. Her knowledge of Russian is not common knowledge.
Sun Mote Copse
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,124 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Reyson didn't really know how many women thought, or even that much about restrictive roles. His pack had done what they had and it had worked out. For some more than others. I will have to meet this Mahler. He sounds like someone I'd like to meet. Reyson swished his tail once and then twice.

You're welcome. He froze at her words, and didn't quite know what to say. He didn't like to share those parts with people. He would allow her to fix the physical parts if need be, but he wasn't sure about the mental ones. Thank you Mrs. Aquene. That means a lot. He chuffed quietly. I know someone that would of liked you. I'm glad to have met you.

That's all he said on the subject.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
my monsters are real; they're trained how to kill
660 Posts
Ooc — Tasha
She offered a smile and a nod. “Mahler and his wife’s name is Wylla.” She explained further, so he had the information he might need should he venture that way. “They live in a field of poppies… poppies help with pain.” Despite their addictive qualities, they proved incredibly useful.
She caught his freeze and offered a sympathetic smile. Mereo truly was a home for wayward souls running from pain, and from all walks of life as well. She did not expect him to take her up on her offer for conversation, the only one who ever had was her husband… and Towhee but with her friend it was different… still, the offer would stand. “It’s been a pleasure to meet you… I’m afraid I must get back inside to my children, but I will be seeing you around.” And she’d ask Kallik to keep an eye on him in case he was as bullheaded as the rest of them when it came to seeking out medical treatment.
She dipped her head and turned to slink back into her den where Nanuq and Siku rested peacefully.
Aquene speaks both русский язык and Common. She does not carry a Russian accent. Her knowledge of Russian is not common knowledge.
Sun Mote Copse
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,124 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Reyson made a face. I have never liked poppies. They help with pain, but bad dreams. I avoid them if I can. He listened to the names that rolled of her tongue, different than he was used too. Mahler and Wylla. I will remember them. And he would. If the healer felt fit to give him their names, he would keep them to himself, and remember.

You also. Congratulations again on the little ones. Reyson watched her go back into her den. Once he was certain she was alright. He dipped his head and moved away. To continue his patrol and his thoughts.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected.