Ocean's Breath Plateau Breakfast is cold, as cold as our bed
27 Posts
Ooc —

He'd walked mile upon mile. 

Exhaustion would soon crack him, if hunger did not first.

Heaving a sigh, Matthias paused in his trek, plopping against the earth. He needed a quick rest if he was ever to go on like this.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
It was with surprise that Rodyn stumbled upon a sorry sight on their borders. A white beast, exhausted and probably hungry. Rodyn moved slowly and chuffed quietly. His tail above his back, head held high. He was not a cruel leader, but he made sure they knew who he was.

He tried to be quiet and calm, because one never knew how to handle the hungry and tired ones. Sometimes they were desperate too.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
27 Posts
Ooc —
Before he could even begin to think of standing to move on, a shape came into view. 

Slightly startled, given his weakened state, Matthias jerked a firm stare upon the stranger. 

It was then that he detected a strong scent. A border, likely marking this male's territory. 

I apologize— He uttered, standing slowly, only to fumble. I don't mean to intrude. S'pose I'm far more tired than I'd thought.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn didn't know what to say at first. The other male seemed out of his thoughts for a moment.

Rodyn shook his head. No need to apologize lack of sleep can cause issues. Do you need some assistance? Are you hungry?

Rodyn probably shouldn't offer to help so readily, but there was not a bone in his body that didn't want to help others and so he did all that he could when he could.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
27 Posts
Ooc —
Rather than hostile towards his intrusion, this man seemed a bit more empathetic. Matthias sighed quietly with relief.

Towards the query of hunger, he needed, unable to hide this truth. Weak bodies make for no capable hunter... even on the more fragile prey.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn's face lit up a bit at the mention of hunting. You are a hunter? I just left a pack of hunters to start this sister pack with my bride to be. I love hunting, it is in a sense my religion.

Rodyn wagged his tail a bit. Come on then. Let's get you something to eat, shall we? There's a cache not far.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
27 Posts
Ooc —
Their manner towards Matthias seemed to shift slightly. 

Even as unsure as he seemed, he didn't question it.

The offer of food was then given again, but now more willingly. He simply nodded his thanks, readying to follow.

When I am able to hunt again, I will return what I have eaten to your cache. How rude it would have been not to. This was not his home, and the food he would eat was not of his own supply. What is taken must be returned. For this is how he thinks.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Are you looking for a home or just a place for rest? Rodyn looked him over as he led him to the cache. He was able-bodied even if weakened from hunger and exhaustion. He was willing to help fill what he took. That boded well. Rodyn would be a full not to ask if he wanted a home or just rest.

He even briefly thought of the women in his pack lands that needed help, that could possibly benefit from another wolf hunting for them. More specifically marina as she would give birth.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
27 Posts
Ooc —
They walked, but not in silence.

A question of his wants was given. Matthias considered carefully before answering.

I have not had a home to call my own in quite some time... Almost a year, to be exact. I admit, I haven't given it much thought. But if you are willing to accept me among your ranks, I would not turn away the offer. A well rounded answer.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn nodded. Then welcome to Moontide. IF you decide it isn't for you. I only ask that you let me know. I worry of those in our fold. A soft smile was given and then Rodyn continued to lead him towards a cache.

He motioned. There are caches here, and if you look just beyond those trees there. I've dug out a den for whomever should need it. You are welcome to claim it or simply rest in it. I look forward to hunting with you.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.