Moonsong Glacier anikatiga
215 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
All Welcome 
@Ariadne! Moontide sends hunters for you! The boy sang her name as he, and @Matteo, neared the outskirts of what would be her village. They had come on behest of the boy's father Chakliux to hunt and fill their caches, and to help with the formation for the day.
The excursion away from their own village had not taken too long. They would have the day to hunt, to meet those of the sister-village, and make it back home in time for a late dinner if they were successful. Raiyuk looked to Matteo as they waited to be acknowledged (either by a returning howl or directly), and grinned.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Ariadne had been constructing a shawl when Raiyuk's voice rose from the territory's outskirts. She abandoned her work, scrambling onto all fours and exiting her den, and howled in reply, It will take me too long with my broken leg to reach you—please come in and find me! It would be much easier for the young men to seek her out. She would be happy to tell them where the best hunting areas were and give them her leftovers from her previous meal.

Welcome to village Moonsong!
the seal's shadow
121 Posts
Ooc — orion
He had clung as a shadow does to the seaboy as they journeyed the distance from village Moontide to what he could only guess was village Moonsong. The concept of villages was still something he had to wrap his head around, yet he guessed they functioned like packs but with a stronger sense of community between them.

Meeting Raiyuk's grin with a thin smile of his own, sooty ears pricked as the voice of a woman called from somewhere over yonder and invited the pair to her lodgings. She spoke of a broken leg... was that the reason Chakliux had sent them? Raiyuk surely had proven a good hunter under the watchful eye of his father, but what Matteo added to the team aside from companionship well, he wasn't really sure yet. "Sounds like she's over that way." Muzzle gestured towards a forested area near the foot of the glacier, hoping to chime in and be helpful as he waited for Raiyuk to lead the way.
215 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
A returning message sounded from afar, and Raiyuk lifted his attention to it. Matteo heard it also, and he directed them the way he thought they should go. Nodding, Raiyuk moved ahead. Over a short time, and a little hiking, they came to where Ariadne rested with her injury.

I greet you! Raiyuk said with a smile, then he appeared very serious, emulating the way he had seen his father sometimes. I am Raiyuk, this is Matteo. My father sends us for a day of hunting, for your caches.

He hoped he was as impressive as Chakliux! For the eyes of Ariadne as well as Matteo.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Aya! she called, waving her arm when the boys were in sight. Over here! They'd arrived much quicker than she'd anticipated; she hadn't needed to go and get the fox fur she'd thrown over her shoulders to keep her warm.

I greet you both! she said in return, feeling the infectious effect of Raiyuk's excitement. That is wonderful news—we could use the help. Thank you. Then, feeling a sudden and unexpected maternal pull, she asked, Do you need anything to eat before you start? Or do you have any questions about the territory?
the seal's shadow
121 Posts
Ooc — orion
The two arrived in tandem to the where Ariadne stood, the darkfurred boy dipping his head in greeting as Raiyuk and the woman began to converse excitedly around him. Chest puffing up as the seaboy spoke his name, he ponders her offer of a meal before they hunt. In truth, what was hurting his belly more than hunger was nerves; he shook his head and politely declined before turning to see what his new friend would think.

While Raiyuk remained impressive and mature, Matteo found it increasingly difficult to find the right words to say and decided to let him do all the talking - he was definitely better at it! He would offer the young man a reassuring smile as he thought of what prey they would find to hunt that day.
215 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
As he opened his mouth to answer, his belly gave a little gurgle and immediately Raiyuk lost a touch of his confidence. He looked surprised by himself for a second, then apologetic. He had been sent to hunt! Him and Matteo were meant to add to the stores of Ariadne's village, not take! He was quick to shake his head and refuse anything.

I am fine, and he looked at Matteo to see if the other boy would say as much, because they were here for a job. After a few seconds he looked to Ariadne and asked, Where should we start? Where was the best place to look for game?
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Ariadne didn't want them to climb the glacier, so she considered their options here on the ground. There is a forest to the east, and it is full of birds, squirrels, and chipmunks—you may get lucky and find something bigger over there, too. It was a safe bet for the young hunters.

Then, with a challenging glint in her eye, I'd be curious to see how many things you could catch ... her brows lifted as she trailed, her lips grinning.
the seal's shadow
121 Posts
Ooc — orion
"I hunt better when I'm a little hungry," he admitted, perhaps for both of the boys. Indeed, he had heard Raiyuk's stomach rumble and prayed to whatever god was out there that his wouldn't do the same. Talk about bad timing!

As Ariadne went on to explain the territory and prey that they could hope to find, Matteo's ears pricked at the mention of larger game, her small challenge flying completely over his head. "A deer would feed Moonsong for days - the two of us could easily catch one." And it would impress Chakliux too! His tail wagged in anticipation  he became more comfortable with Ariadne.
215 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
They would seek out deer together, then.

Ariadne named a forest to the east. Matteo vouched for their skills, bypassing the obvious hunger of the two boys. Raiyuk smiled and nodded; a pair of hungry hunters would do their best, he agreed. We will go east then, and if anyone from Moonsong might want to hunt with us, we are happy to have company.

He gave a little bow to Ariadne and then ushered Matteo out of the ulaq, so they could find their way together.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Last post from me!

They decided to hunt deer. I will call my people and have them meet you to the east, Ariadne said. But, please, be careful. While the meat would be appreciated, she didn't want either of them injured.

Once they'd exited the den, Ariadne got onto all fours and poked her head out of her ulaq to howl and invite the pack to join the boys for a hunt. When her work was done, she returned to bed.