@Ariadne when you have time!
The camps were set, and Vairë wandered from Moonglow’s claimed area. Her children were kept under watch, she was not needed for leadership right now. The high grasses brushed her shoulders as she walked, finding her way to a wide, flat rock. There, she perched like a great cat, watching the milling of the bison.
One of her ears twitched to the side, then back, focusing on sounds behind her. Out here, she was alone with the tangle of her thoughts, ever attuned to the complexities of her life.
You think so much, hummed old doe, it must be tiring. She ignored her, until her presence faded out.
Footsteps, soon after. That must have been why.

December 26, 2023, 06:33 PM
Thank you so much for starting!
Ariadne didn't know how to approach Kukutux. The hurt in her heart was still there, but it was lessened by the olive branch that her anaa had given to Valiant. Although her courage was growing, she felt it wasn't the right time to go into Moonglow's camp. Instead, she took a lap around the camp's outskirts to see what was happening.
That was when she found Vairë. She was poised upon a flat rock, watching her children, her expression unreadable; Ariadne hoped that nothing was troubling her sister's heart.
Sistraa!she called, still a distance away, as she approached.
It has been so long—it is great to see your face!
December 26, 2023, 06:43 PM
No problem!
Ah, a familiar voice. The cause of much tension recently, though Vairë could not put so much of the blame on her shoulders.
She was Ariadne’s age when Rhaegal swept her from her feet, after all.
Her smile was tired, but moondoe swept from her perch with the grace of a matriarch, trotting in a slow bounce to embrace her younger sister.
It is good to see you too, Ariadne.She pulled away from the embrace for a moment to look the younger woman over and crack a little grin.
You look well. How is your leg, healing alright?

December 27, 2023, 10:09 AM
They embraced, and Araidne held on a little longer than usual as she breathed the smell of home. When they let go, she took a step back and did a once-over of Vairë; she looked good, which was a relief. Ariadne knew that things had been difficult for her for some time.
There was movement in the distance, and she turned her head to observe the playing children and smiled.
It is healing well,she confirmed, shaking it and tsking.
I am just so tired of feeling so weak. I want to run! And jump!There were so many things that her broken leg prevented.
I'm hoping that anaa will re-wrap my cast. I'm thinking that'll help, and soon I will be free.
There was movement in the distance, and she turned her head to observe the playing children and smiled.
How're they doing?she asked, still watching.
They've gotten so big!Then her attention returned to her older sister, and her expression was more serious.
And you? You're doing okay?she asked, her voice softer.
December 27, 2023, 02:39 PM
Vairë looked to the children, picking the coats of her own from their midst. Her breath came in a small inhale.
She never wanted to see the ribs curving through Ariadne’s skin as they had her own.
I live.A knowing side eye to her red coated sister, the memory of that ill fated meeting in her mind even now.
She worries for you, cloud-water woman.The tongue of the sunshine people was gentle on her lips, just for Ariadne. Moondoe watched the children closer.
She worries, perhaps, because she does not wish you to become me, when the sea-hawk took flight.Miserable, alone, starving. Ariadne had Moonsong, at least, but Vairë knew how it looked to their mother.
She never wanted to see the ribs curving through Ariadne’s skin as they had her own.

December 28, 2023, 01:27 PM
Ariadne hesitated to answer Vairë, and the silence was filled with an explanation on Kukutux's behalf regarding the situation with Kaluktuk.
"She worries for you, cloud-water woman. She worries, perhaps, because she does not wish you to become me, when the sea-hawk took flight." she explained.
"She worries for you, cloud-water woman. She worries, perhaps, because she does not wish you to become me, when the sea-hawk took flight." she explained.
I can understand the concern,she said, her voice steady; her intended wasn't a saint, and he had done some questionable things. But that was not the man she knew—who had brightened her world and shown her love and support. She wished she could show them the man she had fallen in love with more than anything.
I wish everybody could see how he has grown and how he is not the man everybody thinks he is.Her gaze fell to her paws, and she sighed deeply.
I wish everybody could trust my decision of who I've chosen as a husband.
December 28, 2023, 01:54 PM
Two toned eyes looked to her sister, one of her ears twitching, face impassive. Vairë did not know her sister’s struggle with her intended’s reputation, nor would she claim to.
But she thought her words would be appreciated, at some point.
But she thought her words would be appreciated, at some point.
Trust, once it is lost, is hard to win back.She started, halting with a probe of her tongue to the back of her teeth.
You do not know her, I do not think. She left before you were born, before you could form memory of her. My mother, the one who bore me, is not Kukutux. She is named Lótë, and she left me twice. Neither time did she tell me goodbye.The words were stilted with the hurt that still boiled beneath her skin, a raging storm that quelled by the day.
If someone told me that she had changed, that she would not leave again, I would not trust it. Not until she proved it to me, without doubt, without shame. Because she has proved in the past she is willing to harm without thinking.She took a step closer to her sister, a little smile on her face.
Show anaa that your intended is not another Lótë, not another sea-hawk man who will love you and leave. Words are empty, Ariadne, and can be easily twisted. Actions are where true intentions lie.

December 28, 2023, 02:11 PM
Ariadne listened and did not speak until Vairë had stopped talking. Even after the words had ended, she remained silent for a while, turning her attention to watch the children galavant as she considered her sister's advice.
He has caused a lot of hurt,she finally said, her voice thick; a dry lump had lodged itself in her throat, and she tried to swallow it away.
But, now, he has only shown me the sort of love I once dreamed of.It was confusing, and she hoped he would prove everybody wrong.
Thank you, sistraa,she said, finally turning to look at moondoe again.
For sharing words and stories with me that might hurt your heart. It means a great deal to me.
December 28, 2023, 02:17 PM
Vairë’s smile was thin, but present.
I believe you.She murmured. This was no fight she would stick her nose into, just a push in the right direction. She hoped.
And when the time comes, I hope he is good to you. May you have a love like moonwoman and sunman.She looked to her children then, and her entire face softened.
What is done is done, there is nothing I can do to change it. What matters is the future, and mine is in them.And what could be, especially with tall, handsome men with rosey eyes, but she did not speak that.

December 28, 2023, 02:30 PM
"What is done is done, there is nothing I can do to change it. What matters is the future. Ariadne would carry these words with her for the rest of her life; there was nothing they could do but move forward.
The mention of the children caused her expression to soften and her heart to warm.
The mention of the children caused her expression to soften and her heart to warm.
They are already so big!she exclaimed.
Please tell me about them—who they are, and what they like. If you allow it, I would like to be in their lives more.She had not been there for all of her family, but it was something she wished to change.
December 28, 2023, 02:36 PM
Vairë gladly accepted the new topic, shoving the other to the back of her mind. There was no need to go over it, to obsess over it, to even think of it. The future was what mattered, and that would be talking to her sister.
Of course, they would love to know their aunt.She spoke happily, tail waving above her haunches.
My girl, little Nasamiituuq, she is very shy. She’s the one with the dark hood. She likes soft things, gentle things. Salaksartok, he is the dark one, the one who looks like caribou. Anaa calls him monster boy. He likes rough and tumble, and causing trouble. The last one is pale, like me, but a few shades darker than I. Ipiktok, he is called, and he likes thinking. I see in him a future as trader, or spirit-talker.She pointed out each child as she spoke, the pride in her voice evident.

December 28, 2023, 02:42 PM
Although they all sounded like wonderful children, she was deeply tickled by the one called "monster boy" and laughed at the name.
What a wonderful bunch,she said, her voice soft and genuine.
Is there anything in particular that they like to play with?she asked next.
I brought some hooves, hides to tug, and antlers for any children that attended the hunt—I'd love to give them some gifts.
December 28, 2023, 03:29 PM
Nasamiituq likes hides, Salaksartok likes sharp things to chew on, and Ipiktok is fond of things to puzzle over.She repeated to her sister, finding a fondness in what she believed her children to enjoy.
Though, they do like to play games too. And they like stories, if you want to share any with them.Vairë’s face hurt from the smile, wide as it was, as she watched her children.
They are. I love them so dearly.

December 29, 2023, 09:27 AM
(This post was last modified: December 29, 2023, 09:29 AM by RIP Ariadne.)
She took it all in, thinking of how she could entertain the children when they visited.
I have some stories I will share,she confirmed, adding that to her list of ideas.
What is it like to be anaa?she asked next, wondering how different life would be for her when the earth began to warm.
January 01, 2024, 01:36 PM
Vairë considered the question for a moment, before she spoke again, voice quiet.
It is like nothing i have ever known. It is looking at them, and wondering if you are doing it right. Knowing that if they were to ask it of you, you would somehow bring them the moon. It is understanding the bear, the doe, the sow. Because I would recklessly throw myself in front of teeth for them too.Moondoe watched the children play with a small smile.
It is everything, just for a smile.She looked to her sister.
You will be good anaa.

January 01, 2024, 03:00 PM
Ariadne listened. None of this would make sense until she had children; nobody could possibly know beforehand. At the compliment, she ducked her head a sucked in a breath. While she was confident on most fronts, becoming an anaa was something she felt ill-prepared for but knew it couldn't be trained for.
She leaned against her sister and sighed.
I will try my best.It was all she could do.
January 01, 2024, 07:42 PM
Fade <3
Ariadne leaned against her, and she leaned back. Both of them, sharing each other’s weight, like they were far younger than they were.
She laid a kiss atop the ginger and white head.
You will.Sister-doe stood with sister-cloud, and watched the young play.

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