Felltree Marsh new year’s day
if it's all in my head, tell me now
5 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Attn: @Mae and @Boone
Felltree MarshIn the wake of a massive, violent tornado, a section of a once-tall forest has been flattened and flooded. A variety of birds have taken residence, though the area isn't quite habitable for other species— large tree trunks and a tangle of branches float in a mixture of mud and pools of standing water. Explore at one's own risk.

Blackbird had never felt so alive! She'd managed to slip away from Swiftcurrent Creek without getting caught; she'd yet to experience this kind of freedom. With the world at her fingertips, she decided to go north and explore whatever and wherever she could before she inevitably got caught—

—days passed, and still nobody found her.

She discovered Felltree Marsh on the fourth day of her adventure, and foolishly, she began to trudge right through. There was a young confidence about her, one that didn't give way to standing water and some fallen trees and she managed to navigate the swamp for some time. She lost her footing only when she took one wrong step into a deeper portion of the swamp and began to sink into the mud. Panicked, and clearly caught off guard, she dipped deeper into the ground; she'd found a concealed patch of quicksand.

Thrashing around, she looked around wildly and screamed with all her might: HELP!!! as she continued to plunge.
Swiftcurrent Creek
314 Posts
Ooc — xynien
It was that scent again. The one she'd once found on @Wren, the one that had convinced her the woman was sick. Then @Arric's explanation had enlightened her. Mae was disgusted.

She left Hearthwood promptly, leaving no chance for her to accidentally encounter whatever was happening within the borders. Just the thought of it made her gag a little. So she didn't think about it. She cut a swift path into the marsh, and might have continued into the valley if not for the screams she heard.

The sound stopped her in her tracks. Mae's ears went flat as she glanced around in search of the source, and for a moment she contemplated simply moving on. But she thought of Blossom, and how her cousin had helped her before she even knew that they were cousins, and with an exasperated sigh to herself she began the search. Loud as the girl was, it didnt take Mae very long to find her.

How the hell did you get stuck in the dirt? She blurted when she saw her, bewildered.
if it's all in my head, tell me now
5 Posts
Ooc — Chan
"How the hell did you get stuck in the dirt?" a familiar voice asked.

Blackbird searched her surroundings until her eyes landed on Mae, and she felt some relief in seeing her former packmate. I don't fuckin' know! she shot back, picking up the word she'd heard @Arric use on more than one occasion. It doesn't e-even feel like dirt! It feels like sand! But there was no use discussing semantics, especially as she was being pulled to her death.

Please, her voice grew desperate; her chin grazed the surface, and she thrashed her legs to move, but nothing worked. Help me, Mae!
Swiftcurrent Creek
314 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Sorry for the double tag but I thought I'd highlight the actual IC call for him!
Mae didn't recognize her, not at first. Her next question was about to be and how the hell do you know my name? but then — then she recognized her.

Solaria? This day was getting more confusing by the second. She blinked. Shit. Okay. Let me uh - Mae called for @Boone, unaware that he might have been busy just then. Then she crept forward, giving a bit of a berth to the space where Solaria was sinking into the ground, and craned her neck to reach for her scruff. She wasn't sure what else to do.
if it's all in my head, tell me now
5 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Blackbird hadn't realized that Mae hadn't recognized her, and, despite everything, she felt some relief in being remembered. It felt like she'd always been forgotten at Swiftcurrent Creek; maybe that was why she was always trying to run away.

Yes, she breathed to confirm, It's me.

As Mae circled wide, Blackbird observed carefully. Be careful—I don't know where the rest of this shit is, she warned.
152 Posts
Ooc — Twin
what in the goddamn hell is goin' on?
he had heard the unfamiliar hollers, and had already been on his way by the time a shout for him came from hearthwood's own. his pace began to quicken.
he was out of breath when he arrived, and of course, to his chagrin, hearthwood had landed themselves — another lost child. but he was boone, and never in a million laps around the sun would he let a child scream like that in front of him.
he did not wait to hear an explanation before he dove to reach for the youngin's scruff, clipping it gently between his jaws and tugging with taut muscles.
Swiftcurrent Creek
314 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Mae didn't have to wait for long. Boone appeared just as she reached for Solaria, and with him he brought traces of that scent — the one she'd been trying to avoid. She backed away with ears flat, but readily offered an explanation even as the Harbinger took charge of the situation:

She's stuck in the fuckin' dirt. Or sand, or whatever. I dunno how, Not that it was much of an explanation. Mae abruptly felt very useless. Should I get Reverie? Did Solaria need a healer? She didn't seem hurt, but for all Mae knew, there were broken bones under all that — dirt? Sand?

This was a weird day.
if it's all in my head, tell me now
5 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Boone arrived with questions, and Mae answered to the best of her ability. Before long, the man grabbed her scruff and began to pull, and Blackbird did her best to be helpful by peddling her back legs, hoping to help push herself toward him.

There was so much that she wanted to say, but words failed her; she was scared half to death by all of this and still didn't know if she was going to make it out alive.

Soon enough, with 99.9% of Boone's effort being her saving grace, she stumbled onto solid ground. She collapsed as soon as she came ashore, panting heavily as she looked up at the man who saved her life. Thank you, she panted. I owe you—what? Her life? She was only six months old and didn't know too much about the real world.

Lemme know how I can repay you, she said, looking up at him as her ears fell back, expecting some sort of lecture regarding her carelessness and how she could have died.
152 Posts
Ooc — Twin
boone spat a mouthful of wet sand and mud upon the grass, arms now wrapped around the delicate form.
let's get her situated first, the man says softly, gaze drifting toward the sharp-edged figure of mae. dry, warm. then i'll have her take a look.
he drags the girl toward a patch of exposed grass beneath half-melted sludge and grey snow. she is embarrassed, clearly, and he couldn't blame her. he tries to soothe her with a soft pat of a forepaw to her shoulder. don't you worry about that right now. what's your name, miss? and where'd you come from?
Swiftcurrent Creek
314 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Last for me, Mae can be powerplayed freely
Mae nodded and went silent, eyes on Solaria now. She crept closer to the girl when she was finally on solid ground, sitting by her side with concern finally evident in her silver eyes. A piece of home, here now; another lost soul drifting from Swiftcurrent Creek's wreckage.

She would remain close to the girl through the journey home, and after.
if it's all in my head, tell me now
5 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Boone treats her with kindness, which helps her relax; she is embarrassed, and it shows in her posture and expression. Although she's managed to sit up, she's hunched over and looking at the ground.

I'm Blackbird—m'name used to be Solaria, she stole a glance at Mae before continuining. I'm from Swiftcurrent Creek and got lost after wandering too far. She sighed, rolling her shoulders and sucking in a breath.

I don't want to go back there. I'm a nobody there—nobody cares about me. At least, that was how she felt; her interactions with the rest of the pack had been limited.