Two Eyes Cenote [m][wp] None of those things have killed me yet
369 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
All Welcome 

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: just more drugs XD someone’s having a bad trip

prob her last thread here, maybe @Redbird? Though all welcome!

After about an hour, Tierra was tripping hard, and what started out as overwhelmingly awesome was starting to spiral downward. At first the colors and sounds were totally rad. She’d twirled her way around, at the edges of the party, captivated by the colors that spun off of everyone in attendance like flames. But then, as they spoke, she noticed birds leaving their mouths and joining the spiral into the sky. The thought of a bird, even a small one, clawing its way up her throat freaked her out. And when she started to feel it happening she stumbled away, separating herself from the main party.

She wasn’t moving quickly, and toppled over sideways before making it too far by tripping over something unseen. Oh god, the sky looked wildddd. The stars were spinning, and a few seemed to join, rotating closer to become eyes. Eyes and teeth…

I will so fuck you up, she growled as she struggled to sit up. Then awkwardly backed her way towards leaning heavily in the stone. Something had formed in the shadows, threatening and seeming to come closer.
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352 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
bitch, you wan' take this ousside? slurred the drunken wedding-crasher, glaring unsteadily at the woman who had threatened her; there was something off about them but redbird didn't know high from drunk at this point, or up from down really. everything was spinning. was she hungry? was she sick? was she horny? yes to all three, and no. she couldn't tell.

the woman backed in to the stone and redbird let out a crowing laugh, which became a snicker, and she found herself following after them at her own swaggering pace.
yew from somewhere, or are yew one'a these, fellas? she meant fellahin but had only caught the word a couple times from others, and did her best. who ya lookin' at?
the woman was staring at the dark, and redbird craned to see what was up — but didn't see shit.
369 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
This was so fucked. Tierra let out a slightly hysterical giggle as someone else entered the scene. Holy shittttt, this was so totally fucked.

You’re… like, burning? Yeah? Because from where she stood, this chick was literally on fire. Weirdo flames like, moving on her fur and shit. How the fuck was she chill and on fire?!

And where the fuck did shadow man go?

This entire situation was fucked, she wanted a drink like no other, and she wasn’t sure she remembered how her legs worked. Which was cool. She could ask fire chick about a drink, but that’d be a pretty fucking stupid question, since fire wasn’t going to know shit about where water might be. She was pretty fucked up but she wasn’t that stupid.

I think that cactus killed me. It was the only thing that made sense.
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352 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Burning? The fuck yew on, and where'd I get some?

Before Redbird could even get the words out, it was like a fellahin had taken notice of her interest and been on the way over with something similar. As soon as she said get some, an object was held before her and she laughed.

You don't look dead ta me. She swiped the cactuswater, drinking a steep draught; but it wasn't the same thing as what the girl had consumed at all. It just burned her throat and made her cough, but it wasn't bad.

Redbird staggered close and sank beside the girl, intent on having her fun. I'm fire yeh? So how hot are ya now? She nosed up close but wouldn't touch Tierra, only staring and invading.
369 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Woah, okay. She was definitely on fire, or some shit, because Tierra warmed up the moment she got close. That or these drugs were doing something weird as hell. Both were probably true.

She’d drunk something, but Tierra was too busy watching the fuckin fire to really register it. She did at least hear the question.

Smokin’ she retorted instantly, but the air of confidence was broken by an explosion of giggles that had her falling backwards to lie on her back. Duh.

The stars were wild. There was no way she wasn’t dead. I’m dead and you’re not real. And this party’s got no party. She both believed it wholeheartedly and had no fuckin clue what she meant. Figure that one out.
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352 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Well, this little trollop was definitely sitting on the fence between real and imaginary; but that wasn't a bad thing to Redbird, who found the display incredibly entertaining. She watched the girl laugh and roll, and speak in her riddles, and let out a cackle of her own. I promise ya ain't dead, girlie.

She phwumped in to the furs alongside and got in close, close enough that they could smell one another's breath. The party ain't so great though. Better now'n I found you, granted. Ya want another drink?

Already they were waving down a servant with more of the cactus water, but this time when they were close Redbird demanded with a hungry whisper, I want what's not on the menu, got it? The fellahin raced off to the shadows to play fetch.

What's yer name? Guess I could call ya Riddle on account ya speakin' 'em.
369 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She was a pretty liar, which was probably why Tierra didn’t argue further.  Liar on fire.  Oh my god, why was that funny?  It wasn’t.

She definitely shouldn’t have more.  But that good sense was gone as soon as more was ordered.  She’d both forgotten why she needed to be a buzzkill and decided she really didn’t want to bitch out in front of her newfound… friend thing.

If I’m a Riddle, you’re a Mirage.  She tipped her head back so she could see the figure that scuttled off at the other woman’s command.  And they’re like ants.  Creepy and quiet, all running around in lines.  She giggled again at the image.

But you don’t talk like them.  And, more importantly, she talked.  She just happened to catch that first detail second.  Or… yeah.  Whatever.
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352 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
I ain't one'a them, Riddle. She almost hissed this, offended by the idea that she might be a slave like all these scurrying little beasts. No! Not at all. Nobody could tell her what to do. She wasn't beholden to anyone except the Bear, and even that was tenuous.
Ahm a free bitch! Hah! She snacked on something that a slave carried by them, and spat the remains after the fellahin as they hurried along, barely missing them in the line of fire. Redbird cackled and then that became a sigh as she languished in a pile.
Heard this place was havin' a ho-down, so I snuck m'way in. Thinkin' it was a good idea, what with all the food'n shit. What about yew? Her voice was like a crackling fire.
369 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Her voice was a fire. Tierra could see it dancing around her.

Bitch, I don’t even know what this place is. She said with a giggle, snorting at their shared party crashing. Mirages and riddles had all the coolest ideas. They weren’t fuckin squares like all these quiet assholes.

I saw a good time, so I joined in. She rolled closer, letting the flames leap around her as she wound up pressed against the Mirage’s side. Solid and warm for a fuckin figment of her imagination, but it made sense. Fake fire was still fire. Fake fur was still fur.

Last time I was at a party like this, I did shit with a god. He was a total dick. Still worth it.
352 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Good dick, though? Red quipped, and then fell away to obnoxious laughter.

There was a sobering quality to the talk of gods, though. The miscreant thought of the Bear God, and what she had traded for the soul of Colt, not realizing until this moment that it was possible to screw a god like that. Add it to the bucket list.

Wonner if'n I could do that. Find a god, screw 'em over. What happened? Yew get somethin' outta the deal?
369 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Tierra didn’t actually really remember, and the drugs currently weren’t helping. It must have been? But that answer was a little too earnest for her liking.

God dick shoulda been better. She replied with a snicker. It was cooler if she had been disappointed, for some reason. She wasn’t really in a place to be self-reflective on why.

I think he was just a shitty god. Like, what kinda god doesn’t give anything after that?! Tierra waved a paw loosely. Guys gotta see you as the god. Goddess. Whatever. Or they won’t do shit. See, she was so smart she was even blowing her own mind with this! That’s why she knew better than to rely on too hot a dude for anything. Low confidence just made it way easier.
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352 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Redbird laughed and this time many heads from across the party lifted or turned, and she carried on anyway.

Y'mean yew got boned! Didn't get anythin' but some half-decent dick. Bet the guy wasn't a god at all. Jus' some guy. Steal his money! Hit him with your car!

But as much as Redbird could belabor the point, she had never been with a man at all. She had no idea what would count as good dick, or bad dick; she knew dick about dick. Riddle here didn't know that though.

Should get outta here, she added with a small hiccup.

When the party's over, I mean. Go find some'a the dumber men to fool. Wouldn't be hard.
369 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Fuck yeah. It’s easy. What might have been a partial lie without the drugs was the complete and easy truth to say with them. Tierra hadn’t had that many guys, but she’d had enough to speak with an unwarranted amount of confidence right now.

There was this one, he was like, totally easy like that. Did anything I wanted because he knew I was hot shit. She snickered briefly, then her tone dropped dismissively. He couldn’t keep up. Bet they never do, even if it’s fun to watch them try.

Right? Like she cared. Sybol had been cool while he lasted or whatever, but she could find another useful guy in an instant. If she wanted to. It was just a hassle she hadn’t wanted to deal with right now.

If Mirage here wanted to learn she was totally down to share her wisdom. For some kind of fire demon she seemed pretty chill.
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