Cricket Creek Bog ¤aapiaq

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,299 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
All Welcome 
While @Asivaq explored the Sweep, it was Kigipigak's desire to hunt the land and to discover what might be hidden. He moved north through the forest until he came to the fringe of it, where the earth became softened even with the ice and snow of winter, and soon enough he found himself surrounded by marshland.

He could observe the mountains pretty well from this open space, and ranged across it for some time before stopping to gather his bearings again. There were waterways winding through the marsh, and he sought one of these out, eager for a drink. As Kigipigak began to punch at the ice to free the water, he thought he detected the scent of someone he knew (@Njord).

The sound of the ice cracking beneath his weight gave way soon enough, and he drank quickly, then raised his head to call back to his wife — I will be home soon. Perhaps by the time he'd returned to the Sweep he'd have a gift for her.
Inupiaq. · Common.
this is my moment in the sun
67 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Ultimately, Stratos had not stayed at Moonglow. After meeting his father at the borderline and sending him back with news to anaa that he was alive and safe, he had turned around to leave and chart his own path through the wilds again.

He was not a boy anymore, after all. He was a man. And men did not settle back home with their parents; they found new villages,  new places in the world.

So here he was. Trying, with another stranger along the way. Maybe one of these days, one of his acquaintances would stick.

Hallo, friend. This one greets you, he said, as the other man pulled into view through the low lying branches of the bog. Ice fishing? He had not played such a sport in many days! I have strong paws on ice. I could help make hole even bigger! And we could catch double to bring back to your wife.

For that was who he had called to, no? Perhaps they had a village here; this one seemed of northern stock.
Common | Inuktitut | Greek

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,299 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
When the sound of movement caught in his ears, Kigipigak turned to survey the area. He half expected his aokatti to materialize, and instead he saw a ruddy figure — which made him stiffen, as he could only think of his wife's father Aiolos in that split-second before the stranger got closer.

They were young, talkative, and green-eyed. Kigipigak tried to relax some, as this wasn't Aiolos but a stranger. He must have heard the way Kigipigak had called to Asivaq, as he spoke of sharing in a hunt and bringing gifts back to her, as if reading his mind.

Hello! Kigipigak greeted, sizing up the stranger and seeing he was in good health, and noticing a lack of any pack-scent upon him.

My wife and I are living in the cedar forest, that way. He gave a motion. I am hunting for her. If you help me, I will trade you some of the meat. What would the man say to that?
Inupiaq. · Common.
this is my moment in the sun
67 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
The stranger seemed a little tight, but Stratos supposed he might have been, too, if he'd been the one interrupted by a boy man he knew nothing about. So Stratos gave him space, until the other would invite him closer. He wasn't looking to get his face bit off, after all.

And indeed, friendliness claimed his greeting! When the other man looked him over, Stratos was glad he'd managed to put on some weight since his spell after losing Ani. He wasn't nearly as strong-looking as this northerner, but he attributed that to his own southern blood, riddled through his frame and on his face as Aiolos' near spitting image.

The stranger confirmed what Stratos had strung together by word and circumstance - and he threw back his head in a grateful laugh when he promised more. I did not expect any payment. You are a generous man! and his offer was tempting, too, but... But if we are trading, I have a better deal, and now it became his turn to wonder what the stranger would say to this, we carry the meat back together, and I eat my share with you and your wife, and spend an evening with friendly company. It's been long since I've traded songs and stories with someone other than the ravens who entertain the meals.
Common | Inuktitut | Greek

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,299 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
The man was willing to help, and sounded as though he would be more useful than with just the hunt. Carrying meat back to Asivaq would make everything easier on her. Kigipigak was fond of the idea of his wife being well fed and fat; but he was wary all the same. He did not immediately answer the friendly man and paused to think.

On one hand, it would be very useful. On the other, did Kigipigak think it wise to show a stranger where his pregnant wife made her bed? He knew himself to be capable enough to prevent anything from befalling her, or their growing family. This man appeared young and seemed trustworthy. Kigipigak would keep an eye on him anyway, for the sake of his family's safety.

A shared meal would lift our spirits, he offered as agreement. Let us hunt then. There are many deer paths in this forest we might test.

He welcomed the aid of a hunting partner now, and returned to his scouting of these paths while one ear kept itself turned towards the man, or the occasional glance was spared his way. The work of finding and felling something in this season would take some time - and hopefully be worth the effort.
Inupiaq. · Common.
this is my moment in the sun
67 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Hey Tala, I know you're stressed with threads so if you'd like, we could fade this out with this post or your next one, assume the boys travelled back to camp behind the scenes, and then I could start a new thread tagging Asivaq for their reunion, and simply assume Kigi is with them, if that might help ease some of the feeling of being overwhelmed! Just let me know <3

Stratos didn't think far into the pale man's silence. While Kigipigak thought, the fire man plucked at the ice along the edge of the pond, chipping away at some of the already broken bits. Cathartic, really. For what, he didn't know, but it felt better moving his paws about doing something, than just waiting and watching and starting while the other made up his mind. 

But the man agreed, and to more than fishing! A deer! Stratos bowed low with a great wave of his tail, a whine of excitement parsing from his throat, before he stood tall and gave himself a shake. It's been longer still that I've had company to hunt those!

Too excited, Stratos! Calm yourself down! Good thing Kigipigak had a level head on his shoulders. As the pale man took the lead, Stratos fell into rusted step alongside him. How long had it really been since he'd followed a deer for more than boredom's sake? Too long! But father's teachings rose to mind with every fresh step, and beside his company, for the first time in a very long time, he felt truly wolf again.
Common | Inuktitut | Greek