Ocean's Breath Plateau red shell
First Warrior
991 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
aw + hoping for babies! come meet @Dutch! @Sea Hunter @Sirmiq Chagak @Kilalurak @Puffyn  <3

as the not-so newcomers settled among them for the night, chakliux motioned to his hunting-brother and led him into the adjoining room.
soft hides cushioned the growing young. chakliux motioned to each in turn, saying their names, and then stood aside so that mikiak might go to meet the pups conceived that night of warmth and camaraderie.
Sword of the Morning
555 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Tag for reference
Dutch felt as if he'd fallen into a dream. Though there were pieces of it missing or out of place, he found himself feeling contented in a way he never had before. Despite the uncertainty of the future, the panther didn't feel uncertain at all; he was right where he needed to be, and he was surrounded by wolves he felt a deep sense of kinship with.

The newest of these bonds was also the most significant. He was still growing accustomed to the feeling of @Simbelmyne at his side — but each time he looked and found her there, he felt his love grow like the gathering of the waves.

He kissed his wife on the cheek, quietly excusing himself to join Chakliux in a quieter part of the lodge. His heartbeat thundered in his ears as he laid eyes on them, and so he strained to hear each name as it was given. Each one sank into his heart like a blade, and he stood in awe for a moment longer, marveling at how small they were.

"They're beautiful," he said, feeling his eyes mist once more. To him, several looked like Raiyuk, and he saw Tullik and Chakliux in others. Splashes of silver that belonged to Marina — he did not consider that any looked like him, because he rarely thought of his own appearance. It was hard for him to conceptualize it, having never seen it aside from his fleeting, rippling likeness in various bodies of water. Regardless, however, he felt that each one belonged to his seal hunter, and that was reason enough for them to be precious to him.

He pressed his nose gently to each forehead, breathing in the fresh baby scent of them — committing their little faces to memory.

Finally he looked up at Chakliux once more.

"It is good to have you home," he said, his voice hushed.
11 Posts
Ooc — xynien

Puffyn lifted her tiny head, a massive yawn gaping her still-toothless jaws. Her large sunset-hued eyes slowly opened before widening: someone new was in the lodge! Who could it be?

Father's unmistakable alabaster profile was there drawing near, but this stranger was unfamiliar - large, darker. What was happening? She had yet to have any reason to fear others, so curiosity overtook her eager mind, and she lifted her mottled face to get a better look. Reflexively, her little bottlebrush tail began wiggling, her ears folding to the sides in an almost pleading way as she lifted herself onto her elbows, rump dancing to the rhythm of her tail. If only she could stand, she'd be bounding forward, eager to greet the newcomer.

Squeaking yaps were teased from her throat as Father came close, rumbled something, and moved on to do the same to the nearest sibling. 

Hi! Hi! Please? Hi!

Then the other stepped forward. Yes! Yes! Hi! The wriggling resumed with all the more gusto, her yaps increasing in pitch and frequency, only silencing as she tried desperately to lick the new man's nose after he pressed it to her forehead.
29 Posts
Ooc — metic
sirmiq was contently sleeping belly-up when the commotion stirred in the lodge. unbothered by the fret of squirming next to him, he continued to remain blissfully unaware of the happenings around him. buttermilk legs outstretched just as a cool touch to his forehead was given, and the boy almost immediately attempted to latch on to whatever it was that had nudged him. 

mouth and eyes both sprung open as if in a surprise attack, and he gave a few wild, aimless bites to the air as the unfamiliar figure pulled away to move on to one of his other siblings. a rumble, squeak and toot later, and the boy was back with eyes closed and no care for the world around him.
40 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
Sea Hunter, like Sirmiq, was also dozing when new arrivals entered their sleeping chamber. He did not rouse even when jostled by the movement of siblings nor the peppering of touch to his brow.

The first of Tullik's brood slept soundly, tiny tongue poking adorably between his lips.
First Warrior
991 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the look in dutch's eye pleased chakliux, stirred his spirit. he was silent as the babies shifted or did not under the exploration of the panther. in this room, ther was no jealousy, only the silent prideful joy of two fathers gazing fondly at their newborns.
little puffyn responded with joy to dutch; the seal hunter glanced toward the glowing delight on his companion's face.
sirmiq reacted like a little warrior, provoking a chuckle from chakliux, and sea hunter slept. kilalurak squirmed toward her sister and curled against the bird-child.
his eyes glistened. he held the long, depthsworthy gaze of dutch.
"i am happy to be home with you."
Sword of the Morning
555 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Each snuffle and sneeze was treasured; the fussy girl earned another long moment of consideration for her efforts, and a single tear on her downy fur that was quickly kissed away. More glimmered in his eyes when his gaze connected with the seal hunter's — but the other man's words drew a reedy, breathless little laugh. Not out of humor, but because the words had struck him like a physical blow and knocked all the air from his lungs.

Moved, Dutch closed the short distance between them to press a kiss to the other man's cheek as well. Chaste and fleeting, but infinitely tender. This was the happiest he'd ever been, he thought — but in a way that made his throat and his chest feel very tight.

"And I with you," he replied, though the words seemed hollow in the face of all his tumultuous thoughts and emotions. "I wished often that I could've gone with you and your sons to the cold sea," he admitted, his gaze drifting back to the rest of their family to linger on Simbelmyne's lovely face. "But things have worked out for the best."

He turned back to Chakliux with a more familiar glimmer in his eyes: mischief instead of nauseating sentiment.

"Perhaps you are a seer," he suggested, though he did not truly think this was the case. "I should not have laughed when you spoke her name to me." But there was laughter in his eyes even now.
11 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Yes! Yes! Another lick. But why did tears fall from his eyes so, even as he smiled? Confusion mildly fogged the bird-girl's mind, causing her to wiggle her tail more feverishly. Surely, if she showed him how happy she was to see him, he'd feel better! Yes!

But he moved on, returning to Father's side. Puffyn's rear plopped back onto the ground, ears erect as she watched the two men intently. They spoke, but of what, she was too young to know. Her tiger lily eyes darted between the two, wondering when their focus would come back her way. But excitement began to yield to sleepiness, and her tiny head began to droop, ears flopping to the sides and eyelids slowly sliding shut. It appeared as though she would fall asleep sitting upright.
29 Posts
Ooc — metic
last from me with sirmiq, he can be skipped going forward!

sirmiq didn't much care for what went on around him. he knew only that he fought off sleep and craved milk once more. a squeak escaped him as he snuggled next to his sleeping brother, burrowing his face into the warmth of what was probably sea hunter's armpit. 

there he would remain for the next few minutes, content until the stirring in him would once more demand a teat to latch upon. but for now he was calm, silent, and slipping between slumber and conciousness.
First Warrior
991 Posts
Ooc — ebony
he cradled puffin a bit, kissing the side of her tiny ear, then glanced back to dutch and brushed their faces together in a lingering touch. "one day you will come with me. these boys must have their scars," chakliux murmured, allowing himself the pretty dream of fathers and sons on the sea ice, filling the meltwater with seal blood.
simbelmyne! "she is beautiful, and kind. and thoughtful. she wants to know all there is. i knew you would be the one she found most interesting, mikiak." he grinned. "maybe the moon woman did not know i too would be matchmaker! perhaps sialuk taught me to be a seer."
in many ways had the sunshine wolves defined his life.
chakliux smiled deeply, his face alight. "i enjoy it when you are happy, dutch." when he was light; when he grinned; when he looked at the little ones with such deep adoration. he was family. he was more.
Sword of the Morning
555 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Dutch nodded along to the extolling of his wife, his gaze drawn to her fine features even now. They were still coming to know each other, but he felt love stirring in his chest in that moment more than ever, and he was sure that they'd made the right choice in one another.

His gaze trailed back to Chakliux's face. He felt feverish; thoughts of Simbelmyne, surely.

"Then you had best keep me happy, seal hunter," he said imperiously, the warmth in his bright eyes giving away how truly touched he was by these words. It went both ways, of course; his love for Chakliux made him want to see the other man happy and fulfilled every day of his life. As much as he had enjoyed the solitude of hunting with him, it was better to see him here among his family.
First Warrior
991 Posts
Ooc — ebony
can fade or archive <3

and likewise, it was good to see dutch here, among the family which claimed him as their own. 
the seal hunter was not certain he had known a man to be so deep a companion, so much more, than what the panther had become. 
"i will keep you happy." a boast. a tease. a promise.
their eyes met once more before he cracked one joke or another, and on into the night!