Whitebark Stream Send away for a priceless gift.
Swiftcurrent Creek
185 Posts
Ooc — Rebel

He'd begun his search in the wetlands on the outskirts of his birthplace, having decided to begin to the North and loop his way around to the South before regrouping with Akavir. Viinturuth planned to be gone for a week at most and wanted to cover as much ground as possible, so he moved on swift paws and studied the lay of the land with a keen stare.

The ghost trailed his way toward the glacier, glad for the gentle heat of the Springtime sun on his silvered shoulders. By the time he reached the meltwater streams that led away from the frozen mountain, however, only the dim light of evening remained. Viinturuth paused at the edge of Whitebark to quench his thirst, intent on seeking a place to rest for a few hours before resuming the hunt.
911 Posts
Ooc — ebony

a frustrating mixture of anger and surprise led silvertongue out from their now-established camp. idly she picked along the streambank, letting a frog escape as she had no heart to hunt it. why had wren hidden akavir from her? better yet, how had each of them come to a place where this man was veiled from the other wife? it was a strange and harsh irony, a bittersweet reminder that perhaps all along she could have kept her connection with akavir. but when she looked up it was to see another figure, as opposite the creek man as could be. the pale wolf elicited a pang of familiarity, deeply so.
Swiftcurrent Creek
185 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
He recognised her, the silver-pelted beauty from the mountains. Viinturuth blinked slowly as he lifted his head to regard her quietly, rugged white ears sweeping forward with interest.

The alabaster scout stared at her, allowing himself a fleeting moment to enjoy the memory of their embrace.

Viinturuth came crashing back to reality; why was she there, and on her own? She should've whelped by now, had their coupling been successful. And what of the other she-wolf, her companion? His tongue snaked between teeth to rid his chin of a water droplet that clung to the hair there, then prowled forward to announce his presence with a low note.
911 Posts
Ooc — ebony

silvertongue knew that voice, could have laughed at the series of events which had come to lodge themselves amid the qeya river. instinct dictated she be unwelcoming, but instinct would reveal that she had something to hide. "i am afraid i cannot entertain you again, guapo," she teased with a soft lilt. "my wife, she would be too jealous." there. now that they had accepted that they knew one another, what could she expect of him? his handsomeness was undiminished, but undampened by nature's ardor, silvertongue knew it was not wise to invite him closer. and now, a cold curiosity; suppose he had followed she and wren, tracking from a far distance to know what had happened?
Swiftcurrent Creek
185 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
Entertain him? Viinturuth gave a soft breath of laughter at her assumption, amused, and offered a sweep of his pallid tail to accompany the curve of his smirk. I would not expect it of you, he answered, lifting his muzzle. He recalled her referring to the other wolfeds as wife and had understood the assignment - he was meant only to provide for them what they could not give to each other.

Nor did I expect to see either of you again, he canted a pale ear, curious as to what brought her East when he'd found them among the mountains. His sterling lover carried clear signs of motherhood, so he saw fit to ask: they are healthy, I hope?
911 Posts
Ooc — ebony

"beautiful and healthy," silvertongue assured the man, pleased that he had answered her silent need for him not to press. she and wren had chosen well, despite the fact she was rather still wary to see him. and as before, she found swiftcurrent upon his pelt, and akavir, and her expression changed if only for a moment. once more then did she resume her more pleasant expression. "are you far from home?" she asked softly, knowing with grave intimacy how many steps numbered here to the creek, and wondering how strongly this man knew the raven who had somehow touched the hearts of both herself and wren.
Swiftcurrent Creek
185 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
He was no stranger to the season. Viinturuth, a bachelor despite fast approaching his senior years, had no mate of his own to keep him from seeking yearning females throughout the Spring months. More recently he found that he did entertain the idea of settling, of playing his part in the rearing of offspring. In his youth he'd frequently vanish long before a lover would show signs of pregnancy, yet he did not even consider fleeing as he stood before one of his most recent conquests.

There was warmth in his chest to hear that she was pleased with the whelps she bore. He was curious, but did not press for more. He'd sired them, most likely, but he was no father to them.

Not so far, he said, I seek a beast who harmed my niece - big guy, dark fur and muddy eyes. Got a problem with girls, it seems. Seen anyone like that around?
911 Posts
Ooc — ebony

softly silvertongue shook her head, wanting so desperately to know who this sibling was. and yet she did not want to know. "but should he come here, he will be handled." she might have offered to send word to his pack, were it not for the situation in which they found themselves. in such, it was best to keep back from one another. anonymous. this had never happened to her before, and she found herself without anything to say, warmly soft but otherwise closed, the click of a door. "i will be on the lookout," she assured the alabaster man, a smile curving her face for the memory of their shared time.
Swiftcurrent Creek
185 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
The silver she-wolf did not need his concern, yet he felt it for her anyway. He regarded her quietly with a kindness to his burgundy stare as she assured him that any threat that might come her way would be dealt with. He wanted to ask how, but could see that she was somewhat reserved. To question the intricacies of how she guarded her family would be an insult.

He twitched a pallid lobe, certain then that he should be on his way. Viinturuth remained rooted, however, wanting very much to provide her with his name and location should she require it. He wondered if he were to do so, she might feel obliged to give something of herself.

My name is Viinturuth, he decided to offer, for it felt like the right thing to do - even if she did not want the information, I come from the creeklands, West of here.
911 Posts
Ooc — ebony

viinturuth. and though silvertongue knew well where she was from, her eyes moved in that direction as if noting where from where he hailed. oh! she wanted to know. and yet she did not. viinturuth had still made no play to press himself into their lives, and this she appreciated with a silent softening. but the vice offered nothing else. he knew where she resided and had asked after the pups. her name, then, was irrelevant. "it was good to meet you. be safe as you hunt this man." the silver ears swept; there was nothing else to say, and the growing odd feeling inside her chafed the woman somewhat.
Swiftcurrent Creek
185 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
She gave nothing of herself, and despite suspecting that she would wish to remain anonymous, Viinturuth recognised the small tug of disappointment in his gut that he could not even pair a name with her face. It was the way of things, sometimes. She-wolves sought the opposite sex for their own reasons: some wished for a mate, others wanted only for a donor. How many times had he ghosted the girls who sought him again after they'd partaken in the season? How many hearts had he broken as a young man?

He did not deserve to know more than what had been provided. He knew this, and it was best if he accepted it.

The ranger did not speak again. He simply dipped his muzzle in silent gratitude as the silver beauty wished him well in his hunt, and he turned from her to carry on following the stream.