Wheeling Gull Isle will soothe, so close your weary eyes
1,006 Posts
Ooc — summer
Master Ambassador

In the matter of a week or two, there had been plenty to digest. Truthfully, it was tiring. Today she laid in the clearing beside her den, tail flicking, eyes on the entrance to darkness, casually watching if any children were to emerge. A brief thought flickered in her mind, but it was enough to make her call for @Aiolos , and while she waited her tired eyes would drift to half-mast, exhausted.
Daddy Moonglow
1,034 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
You look tired. An obvious comment, breaking the silence as he arrived to her call. Here within the parts of the territory where there was lush greenery, he did not often visit. He was more so on the outskirts along the beach if not inland. After all, he tried to be the watchful eye outside of the pack whilst she took care of all the affairs inland. When she had gone on her mission to their allies to dispatch the enemy wolves, it would seem as though the roles had been reversed for the time being. Aiolos, for once, had been content to keep a watchful eye on the mothers and children within the ranks.
moonglow daddy
1,006 Posts
Ooc — summer
Master Ambassador
At the sound of his voice, Huā blinked her eyes back open and smiled softly. I am tired. She laughed with a bashful shake of her head. She looked him up and down, his healing scars, thoughtful. On his bravery, bravery in the face of assholes like Donovan- the way he showed he was here for more than just Ruò or Huojin, rather the way he defended the whole pack, held things together like glue.  This, um... why I call you, I guess. Come, sit. Talk with me, She invited, batting a black paw on the low grass beside her.
Daddy Moonglow
1,034 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
When Hua spoke out the obvious, Aiolos couldnt help the small smirk which formed at the corner of his creamy lips. Along with it, she spoke that the reasoning behind her calling for him to begin with was because she was tired. He wondered then if his Empress called upon him to watch the growing children whilst she slept, though Daiyu was the one typically tasked to this. His gingered ears would perk curiously and as she beckoned, Aiolos would come to settle down in front of her. What is it you need? Did things go well with the enemy wolves?
moonglow daddy
81 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
Cameo unless she's interacted with, hope you guys don't mind!

Luli's eyes, splintered now by her mother's vivid seaglass hue, cracked open at the voices beyond her family's hollow. She blinked sleepily toward the entrance where daylight shone through and felt the familiar chill of anxiety; she wished for her mother's confort and she knew rested in the open, but the world out there was still frightening for one so small.

Hesitant, the koi emitted a soft squeak. No response came, for her little cry was likely drowned out by the discussion between adults. Swallowing, the dappled puppy unfurled herself from among siblings to tiptoe forward so that she could peek curiously outside.

Squinting against the sunlight, Luli spotted her mother and another wolf draped in golden shades. He was somewhat familiar to her but, unable to properly identify him, fear crept into her being. She lowered herself in attempt to press herself as close to the ground as possible, torn between wanting attention and remaining unseen. 
1,006 Posts
Ooc — summer
Master Ambassador
I dont mind at all! : )

The second question was the first which she answered. It go okay. After I tell other pack about them, we work together and go to the forest to tell Donovan and girl to leave. They agree- but I will check again, just in case. No one was hurt, thank-fully. The feeling of being watched caused her to glance back towards the den- finding her youngest daughter pressed lowly against the earth. Huā smiled gently towards her- but did not want to bother her if she wanted to remain hidden. And so her gaze soon fell back to Aiolos. As for what I need... it is just this: with new threat of enemy, and so many children here now, I think we need another leader to keep thing in order. I want it to be you.
Daddy Moonglow
1,034 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Nope, not at all! And I'm going to assume Hua has a full explanation of his past based on our older ongoing thread.

I can check it out in a few days if you'd like. (Or at least, accompany his Empress). He spoke, slipping in the sentence after she was finished with her report on what had happened whilst she was gone. Aiolos would have loved the opportunity to see Donovan again, but antagonizing just to rile up another fight was not in the best interest for anyone, including himself. 

He would pass a side glance to the little child as Hua turned back to look at the watcher, but otherwise didnt respond. What he had not expected, however, was Hua's explanation of why she had called him. Aiolos couldnt help the look of shock on his features, as amber eyes widened and ears perked high. Me? 

It had taken him awhile to accept the position of Shǐzhě which he had been given. Thus far, he hadn't a need to command any women under his charge. In fact, there had been two males whom once had potential of scout under his wing but since then they were now gone. Any dominance he shared was over either strangers or males within the ranks. 

But a Leader?? At the Empress side? What if she found a mate? What if... There was a string of questions which came with her offer but he could only mutter one: Why?
moonglow daddy
1,006 Posts
Ooc — summer
Master Ambassador
He offered to check in a few days, and Huā nodded- and she was sure she would visit as well, whether by herself or alongside him. At his shock, his questioning words, she smirked slightly. Aiolos. You are one of the most old member of Yuèlóng- ah, as in, you here from almost the beginning. You always loyal. She wouldn't have said that a few weeks ago when she was scolding him, but it was true. Despite failing to inform her of Ruò's pregnancy, he'd always been nothing but perfect- helpful, obedient. Good for conversation, good for advice. Unselfish in the way he risked himself for others- she respected him, perhaps more than any other wolf here. But how to say all that? You put yourself in danger way for a girl victim who is not even member of Yuèlóng. But you are strong warrior for us too, work well with ally, and- from what I see, you are a good friend to me, as well. You are the most honorable man on this island... and best option for leader.
Daddy Moonglow
1,034 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
It was true. When he had joined the pack it had not even been a full moon (only two weeks) since its official establishing. Even still, he had aligned himself with the Junshi prior to that. And though only four months more had come since then, already Aiolos had become a well versed member within the ranks. Four months really didnt seem long, not in the grand scheme of things, but being a wolf who had gone through good times and very bad times, Aiolos knew how much could happen in just a short period. 

Hearing her say that he was a good friend to her made him smile, his tail thumping on the ground behind him. Thank you so much, Hua, for everything, really... For trusting him, for giving him a chance to prove himself, for her believing he was not lower, but equal. I'll do everything I can to do right by you. He spoke, a playful smile touching the corners of his lips as he dipped his head before her.
moonglow daddy
1,006 Posts
Ooc — summer
Master Ambassador

When he thanked her, she could feel it was genuine, and fought the pricking at the corners of her eyes. To get emotional now felt foolish- she ought to be the image of a strong leader, right? But even in these short months, she felt they had gone through so much together. He dipped his head and she smiled softly, Thank you. Returned equally, for he deserved it. 

When she would fall into her slumber later that evening, Huā would know she had made the right choice.