Moonspear wish away the nightmare
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A man was granted the power of a god when he became a father. Agility to hunt and provide, even in famine. Bravery to endure any pain, even those of the heart. Strength to make the impossible possible, even in the bleakest of times.

But the most important gift of all was the ability to keep digging deeper no matter the circumstance. Even if all the blood had been drained from his body, Njord would have found a way to shepherd his daughter home. There was no bottom to a father’s love.

Dig deeper, Njord commanded himself as he carried Seal, who was slung across his back, towards Moonspear.

Dig deeper, as he listened to his daughter’s whimpering cries.

Dig deeper, as he thought of @Bronco’s eviscerated face and Shard’s new crimson pelt.

@Frolic had reconnected with a packmate. Njord invited @Shard and @Meridian to rest and recover at Moonspear. Without them, the tiger would have claimed all of their lives.

Njord bayed for help when he was within earshot of Moonspear’s borders. Pain snaked through him with each step as the air stung the many deep claw marks over his body. Immediately, his wife, @Meerkat, and packmates ushered Njord and Seal to the healing Ulaqs where @Sialuk could attend to them.

They made it back home. Safe. Alive. Relief flooded the Elder so quickly that he became drunk with it. His lids lagged lazily, his vision became blurry, and his movements turned uncoordinated. Once Seal was taken away Njord fell into a heap, exhausted. The man was able to communicate a vague narrative before he passed out, sapped of all energy. Hellcat, he murmured and then, he slipped into a dark, black unconsciousness.

Recap, tags for reference. Njord carries Seal home. Leaving it open-ended if Shard and/or Meridian want to follow him back to Moonspear. Backdated to Aug 16th.
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

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wish away the nightmare - by Njord - August 23, 2023, 03:55 PM