Noctisardor Bypass the wild god reaches into a bag made of moles and nightingale-skin
759 Posts
Ooc — Kat
She made no reply as Etienne moved beside her to accompany her back to the den, though his words hung heavily in her mind. She’d asked for his help and look where it had gotten him! Druid respected Etienne’s wish to drop it, though the thought would linger in her head for some time.

Good thing fish are my favorite, she deadpanned around the time they arrived at the den’s door.

Druid had to tamp down an impulse to recoil from the sounds and smells coming from the den. She’d never even wanted children! Why had she let herself fall prey to her hormones? It felt like her mind was clear for the first time since her heat began and for all that clarity, she couldn’t make sense of the situation.

She wanted to say something to Etienne, some word of farewell, but Druid needed all her energy to steel herself and step into the den, which she did without another word.
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