Noctisardor Bypass He's the one give his life to protect you
759 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Her mismatched eyes immediately brightened when he asked her about crustaceans. Crabs were few and far between this far inland, though she often found crawdads by overturning stones in Rivenwood’s various creeks. It was such a satisfying venture, never knowing just what you might find beneath any given rock.

Yes! I’m a bona fide fisher, actually. I love hunting for crayfish. And we happen, she added, gesturing enthusiastically at the nearby creek bed, to already be in the perfect spot for it.

She moved closer to the water, the current swifter than usual from the recent rains. It would make it trickier—anything they unearthed might get swept away—but Druid enjoyed a challenge. Besides, she was experienced enough to know how to angle herself for success.

After we catch a few, want to take them back to the den to show the kids? I bet they’d have a ball with them, Druid said as she waded into the water, chuckling at the mental image.
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RE: He's the one give his life to protect you - by Druid - May 15, 2024, 09:03 PM