Duck Lake kind of wishing that i never did saturday
738 Posts
Ooc — Kat
His jumpy reaction brought her to a halt. Druid sipped in a breath, watching him as he turned a confused squint on her. Was something wrong with him? Her ears splayed as she stood there uncertainly, eyes careful as they roved his face, noting a sudden transformation before he finally spoke.

Druid blinked, then stared. She hadn’t heard that name spoken in quite some time, particularly in another’s voice. But she didn’t think of the snake beyond an abstract pang for her old friend. Instead, she wondered how this man knew it. Why had he said it?

I’m sorry, do I know you? she said eventually, her own expression revealing that she didn’t recognize him whatsoever.
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kind of wishing that i never did saturday - by Druid - May 15, 2024, 01:19 PM
RE: kind of wishing that i never did saturday - by Druid - May 17, 2024, 08:31 AM