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The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: language/suggestion
maybe @Sadey? <3 assuming they know each other & she doesnt think much of him >D
he'd fished himself a fat trout and slept out the gluttony on the warm banks of the river. he woke with a crick in his neck and a bad temper. miz amalia. miz may. "now how these parts come t'be full of meddlesome females," he grumbled to himself.
the man fetched a mouthful of grubs for breakfast. he kicked the overturned stone into the water and headed up toward the shadier green of a not-distant grove.
"this is more like it," colt told himself. he threw his ragged body upon a soft swell of moss and velveteen sedge. here the sun could hardly reach down in more than green dapples. the ruffian smacked his lips. no job? no workin'. he started to doze off again.
the man fetched a mouthful of grubs for breakfast. he kicked the overturned stone into the water and headed up toward the shadier green of a not-distant grove.
"this is more like it," colt told himself. he threw his ragged body upon a soft swell of moss and velveteen sedge. here the sun could hardly reach down in more than green dapples. the ruffian smacked his lips. no job? no workin'. he started to doze off again.
July 18, 2022, 02:39 PM
Sadey walked through the area. She had followed the scents of her former gang, though why she wasn't even sure. However, it was pretty here, and maybe she could make a new life here. Not that really wanted a new life, she would have greatly preferred her old one, but as it was she couldn't have that back. Which the thought admittedly put her in a foul mood. And she found teh scent of Colt. A foul taste rose in her throat. He was a prize said no one ever.
But she went towards it anyway, perhaps some conversation or a good brawl would be just enough to take the edge off. There were a few other things that would take the edge off, but she hadn't engaged in such proclivities in some time, because well she missed her mate. Who was cold in the ground.
But she went towards it anyway, perhaps some conversation or a good brawl would be just enough to take the edge off. There were a few other things that would take the edge off, but she hadn't engaged in such proclivities in some time, because well she missed her mate. Who was cold in the ground.
Well isn't this a sorry sight. You'd think you woulda stayed gone, Colt.She called when she came upon him, her ornery mood coming out full force.
July 18, 2022, 02:54 PM
Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: wow LANGUAGE
speak of the she-devil herself.
colt, who had almost reached the threshold of sleep, crooked upon one single eyelid. he groaned long and loud, shifting onto his back with paws folded at his chest.
"yew know what would get rid o' yer nasty attitude, at least fer a sunday or two?" colt snickered nastily. "a good 'ard buckin' fuck. why don't yew climb aboard?"
he lewdly gyrated into the air, laughing. he'd come onto sadey about a half dozen times, and every single one she'd come close to taking his eye out. he didn't expect her to agree this time; her spikey energy annoyed colt, who was uncomfortably full and not interested in fighting for once.
colt, who had almost reached the threshold of sleep, crooked upon one single eyelid. he groaned long and loud, shifting onto his back with paws folded at his chest.
"yew know what would get rid o' yer nasty attitude, at least fer a sunday or two?" colt snickered nastily. "a good 'ard buckin' fuck. why don't yew climb aboard?"
he lewdly gyrated into the air, laughing. he'd come onto sadey about a half dozen times, and every single one she'd come close to taking his eye out. he didn't expect her to agree this time; her spikey energy annoyed colt, who was uncomfortably full and not interested in fighting for once.
July 18, 2022, 03:13 PM
Hmm I could possibly get behind a hate f*** let's see how it goes <3 I have to deviate from the actual Sadie and i know she would not do so. So hmm.
Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: LANGUAGE
For fuck's sake, Colt. Yew didn't have a very good mama didya.
She snorted to herself, though for a beat of a moment, she thought of it. Colt was, well to put it mildly disgusting. And vulgar and nothing like her husband. However, the one truth he spoke was such things would possibly be agreeable to her demeanor. Though Colt wouldn't keep his fat trap shut. Although, everyone knew he lied and she had turned him down many times before.
She settled nearby, bad company was better than no company she supposed.
Where do yew s'pose everyone is, huh? Bastard. You're the only mutt i've seen you and that Augustin
July 19, 2022, 12:04 PM
<3 deviation is part of inspiration! lmao! i am game for her to reject him forever lol
colt laughed long and loud. "what mama?" had he known sadey was truly considering him, he might have put a little more effort into his ugly sort of wooing.
colt briggs had a reputation.
and it wasn't that he was some adonis. it was that he had cultivated being 'not shit' into a sort of charm. fancy a quick roll in the hay while your emotionally inattentive husband is away on business? call colt. new widow, not wanting to get attached to anyone but wanting an itch scratched? call colt.
with no hanging-on, no caught feelings, and no strings attached, he was a perfect candidate for anyone who wanted an anonymous meeting with no need for a follow-up.
sadey and he could have something like that, would she give him half a chance.
"yeah. jaime's around. ain't seen reno though. told he ain't even in these parts." a lie. he snorted.
colt briggs had a reputation.
and it wasn't that he was some adonis. it was that he had cultivated being 'not shit' into a sort of charm. fancy a quick roll in the hay while your emotionally inattentive husband is away on business? call colt. new widow, not wanting to get attached to anyone but wanting an itch scratched? call colt.
with no hanging-on, no caught feelings, and no strings attached, he was a perfect candidate for anyone who wanted an anonymous meeting with no need for a follow-up.
sadey and he could have something like that, would she give him half a chance.
"yeah. jaime's around. ain't seen reno though. told he ain't even in these parts." a lie. he snorted.
Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: swearing
She snorted, and the thoughts dissipated for the moment. His mouth just always got in the way
clearly. No bitch would claim you anyway, Colt. Sure as shit
Sadey knew the type of man Colt Briggs was in a messed up way it could almost be admirable, that he attempted nothing but ugly and succeeded everytime. Though, he would be skilled, that was certain. He reminded her of a man though that took, but never gave. A hound, lower than fleas.
Sadeys eyes glittered cruelly, her mood still sour.
We all know Renos here. You followed 'im like a she wolf in heat just begging for it.
July 19, 2022, 12:26 PM
by now colt's gut had stewed long enough. he rolled off the mossy plinth and approached sadey with his usual swaggering step. but his eyes were hard now, and the good humour gone out of them. "i'd watch yer mouth. yer not no lady. i'd as surely throw yew down in the muck as look atcha."
he didn't like to be reminded of reno. and he surely did not care for sadey picking up the teasing where jaime had put it down.
he pushed past her and moved back into the sunlight just outside the grove. "got some leads on potential jobs. not that i'm sharin' em," he teased, back to their earlier banter.
he didn't like to be reminded of reno. and he surely did not care for sadey picking up the teasing where jaime had put it down.
he pushed past her and moved back into the sunlight just outside the grove. "got some leads on potential jobs. not that i'm sharin' em," he teased, back to their earlier banter.
Her eyes glittered and she gave a dangerous smile.
He pushed and she snapped, purposely missing him. But clearly pointing out she didn't like being touched.
Did i hit a nerve, Colt.She pushed the sickly, girlish sweet into it.
You push me in the dirt, you'd be a dead man or a woman one of the two, Colt Briggs.she snarled at him.
He pushed and she snapped, purposely missing him. But clearly pointing out she didn't like being touched.
You lie. No jobs here.Though her tone gave way her curiosity.
July 19, 2022, 01:37 PM
colt spat and didn't address anything she said. sadey could scrap, that was for damn sure. he wasn't interested in being on the receiving end of her teeth today. even if he had threatened her first. "fine. don't believe me. met a pack wolf too. betcha think i'm lyin' on that too."
he snickered and lifted a leg to piss, splashing it all over the unfortunately placed flowers nearby.
"i could give yew specifics if yew were to tell me what i want to know." his red eyes shifted sadey's way "reno's bein' followed. does he know?"
he snickered and lifted a leg to piss, splashing it all over the unfortunately placed flowers nearby.
"i could give yew specifics if yew were to tell me what i want to know." his red eyes shifted sadey's way "reno's bein' followed. does he know?"
July 19, 2022, 02:29 PM
Sadey wrinkled her nose at hia display. She stretched paws forward and moved upright with a shake.
Sadey would have unmanned him purely on principle. But he was scratching her itch with a verbal spar so she'd let it go for now.
Sadey would have unmanned him purely on principle. But he was scratching her itch with a verbal spar so she'd let it go for now.
Damned if I know. Though if he's worth his salt he would.Sadey moved closer her eyes on his waiting for the sharing of info he had offered.
July 19, 2022, 05:44 PM
colt chuffed a hard laugh. "d'yew know where he is, sadey?" colt asked directly. he faced into her eyes and flicked a tattered ear. he'd know if she was bluffing.
if reno was around, why was he in hiding? why was sadey gathering the others and not him? something reeked of rotten fish when it came to the situation.
if reno was around, why was he in hiding? why was sadey gathering the others and not him? something reeked of rotten fish when it came to the situation.
July 19, 2022, 05:50 PM
Sadey raised a brow at him.
She shook her head at him. She was not a fan of Colt, but she also knew what type of wolf he was, and he was good when you needed someone to do the dirty work. A little less finesses was needed, well then you called Briggs. He made the bad stuff go away, and no one talked about it again. And for that he at least had some of her good will. And her honesty.
She pointed towards the splotch of brown that was always near him.
I"m many things Colt, but a liar ain't one. I already tol'ya don't know where he is.
She shook her head at him. She was not a fan of Colt, but she also knew what type of wolf he was, and he was good when you needed someone to do the dirty work. A little less finesses was needed, well then you called Briggs. He made the bad stuff go away, and no one talked about it again. And for that he at least had some of her good will. And her honesty.
I"ve only seen that Augustin boy and you. I don't even know who's all here. I was able to follow your root easier than anyone else.
She pointed towards the splotch of brown that was always near him.
July 19, 2022, 05:57 PM
colt loudly sighed. "fine then, woman. there's a pack nearabout, name of nateegvik." he butchered the name uncaringly. "met a real elegant type'o woman, said she was from there. might be worth scoutin' out."
"ain't the only pack around either. jest a matter o'what yew think yew wanna do." colt himself could use a little action, a little violence. felt like he'd been living soft since he got here.
"ain't the only pack around either. jest a matter o'what yew think yew wanna do." colt himself could use a little action, a little violence. felt like he'd been living soft since he got here.
July 19, 2022, 06:03 PM
Sadey listened, and ruminated on the issues at large. SImple fact she and Colt couldn't do much with such a small amount of numbers. So they would have to find the rest. And he was probably ten times a fool for the girl.
She snorted as she looked him over.
SHe shook her head. He didn't need to answer. She knew how he worked. Sometimes he only ever got one thing on his mind and then bad things happened and he was plum stupid. Most men were though when it came to the fairer sex. A woman could make a man do many things. Though some men could boast the same.
Well, we can't do much to no one, 'cept maybe take some caches, piss on the borders, maybe tussle up one or two.
She snorted as she looked him over.
And we can't go near that pack. Cause sure as I'm standin' here you probably were all over that she wolf and told her yir name didntya.
SHe shook her head. He didn't need to answer. She knew how he worked. Sometimes he only ever got one thing on his mind and then bad things happened and he was plum stupid. Most men were though when it came to the fairer sex. A woman could make a man do many things. Though some men could boast the same.
July 19, 2022, 06:08 PM
"i know yew think i'm two squirts short of a nut, sadey, but i ain't givin' no womanfolk my straight name."
he needed birchbark, and set off to find it. "out here i go by briggs. an' that's all they need to know."
she wasn't so wrong, was the irksome part. he'd had to learn not to give away his entire born name. "she gave me a good bit o'infermation, even if she gave me nothin' else."
he needed birchbark, and set off to find it. "out here i go by briggs. an' that's all they need to know."
she wasn't so wrong, was the irksome part. he'd had to learn not to give away his entire born name. "she gave me a good bit o'infermation, even if she gave me nothin' else."
July 19, 2022, 06:14 PM
She gave him a disgusted look.
Though his next part made her guffaw.
Sadey's mind began to work.
Sadey was thinking, she called out to him.
She wasn't sure if he would or not, probably not, but it was worth the ask anyhow. For now she needed to come up with a plan. Where they were sleeping tonight, though he seemed to have his own little cozy set up here. She wondered if she could worm into sleeping nearby, and not have him breathing down her neck like some nutcase.
You ain't a woofin, there fool man Briggs. When you gonna learn to thick with more than your member. Godsalmighty.
Though his next part made her guffaw.
Well i'll be. The infamous Colt Briggs didn't get his prize. Pure shame that is. Smart womenfolk they must have around here. A step above those usual types you go for innit.
Sadey's mind began to work.
Though, if she was amenable to you, we could certainly use her for future information.
Sadey was thinking, she called out to him.
You grab me some mint you happen to see any. I have a a might to chew on.
She wasn't sure if he would or not, probably not, but it was worth the ask anyhow. For now she needed to come up with a plan. Where they were sleeping tonight, though he seemed to have his own little cozy set up here. She wondered if she could worm into sleeping nearby, and not have him breathing down her neck like some nutcase.
July 19, 2022, 06:54 PM
mint. pah. but when he came back, he had bark tucked into his cheek and a mouthful of pungent green shit for sadey.
"nasty stuff," he growled, spitting the mint out near her paws. colt roller the bolus of bark to his other gumline, reclaiming his perch on the moss.
"she said there were a lotta packs around. might be good to give em a good scope before we choose any fer a score."
he shot earthen juice onto the ground from beneath his tongue and beamed at sadey. "she was real charmin' but yew know I ain't one to court my way into bed."
"nasty stuff," he growled, spitting the mint out near her paws. colt roller the bolus of bark to his other gumline, reclaiming his perch on the moss.
"she said there were a lotta packs around. might be good to give em a good scope before we choose any fer a score."
he shot earthen juice onto the ground from beneath his tongue and beamed at sadey. "she was real charmin' but yew know I ain't one to court my way into bed."
July 19, 2022, 07:02 PM
Well color her surprised. Colt had brought her some mint. Though, she still found him god awful, at least this rose him a little in her eyes. Not mightily mind you, just a tch, but it was enough.
She wondered at it. Had he seen Augustin and just her, like she had or had he seen more of their ole crew than she had. She hoped so, because thoughts of just Colt Briggs to keep her company was a right sad occasion.
She wrinkled her nose.
She sniffed in derision.
Tastes better than that shit you're always chewing on. Doesn't make your teeth brown neither.Not that her teeth were all the best, they were carnivores after all, but she did enjoy reeds in her mouth, and mint like now. She chewed at it slowly, eyes slowly closing at the burning, minty taste.
Well, we'll start scoping out tomorrow, and hunt for the others. Who you've seen besides me?
She wondered at it. Had he seen Augustin and just her, like she had or had he seen more of their ole crew than she had. She hoped so, because thoughts of just Colt Briggs to keep her company was a right sad occasion.
She wrinkled her nose.
Oh i know. Might do you some good to have the rejection of the genteel. Learn some class.
She sniffed in derision.
Though some of the tarts you hang out with. Well, there's no courting them anyway. And most you want their head in a bush while you going to town. Really. Truly. Poor Taste.
Oh my goodness she's so mean.
July 20, 2022, 06:27 PM
what could he say? no one was clamouring to give colt 'romantic of the year' type awards. but he knew how to facilitate community. when he wanted to. when it suited him. "just jaime," he said. "an' what do i care if my teeth brown up? ain't stopped me from bein' pop'lar with the fairer sex."
sadey continued to berate him. colt rolled his eyes and scratched his chest with foreclaws. "yew always got somethin' ignorant to say about my extracurriculars. what about yer own? word is yew cut a man up real bad back home, sadey." the red eyes burned. "is it true?"
sadey continued to berate him. colt rolled his eyes and scratched his chest with foreclaws. "yew always got somethin' ignorant to say about my extracurriculars. what about yer own? word is yew cut a man up real bad back home, sadey." the red eyes burned. "is it true?"
July 20, 2022, 06:47 PM
Sadey had no doubt that the asinine canine in front of her could probably be romantic if he put half a mind to it. After all he just brought her mint, cause she asked. He could have said Fig off Sadey and it wouldn't have many any bit of difference.
Sadey snorted.
She had no time for women that prowled around whoring themselves out like god awful bees to honey. At least if you were gonna be an escort have some damn standards. Pick a man with good hunting skills, or something. Not just one who made it jiggle when it wiggled, like lord have mercy.
Sadey narrowed her eyes at him and let loose a low growl.
Sadey snorted.
You sure them ones you chasin' and fixin' up with are fair? I'm not too sure Colt. I've seen some of 'em myself.
She had no time for women that prowled around whoring themselves out like god awful bees to honey. At least if you were gonna be an escort have some damn standards. Pick a man with good hunting skills, or something. Not just one who made it jiggle when it wiggled, like lord have mercy.
Sadey narrowed her eyes at him and let loose a low growl.
O'course I did. He touched what not was his too touch. I belong to no man, and ain't no one allowed to touch me without asking and express permission. It's just bad manners.
July 21, 2022, 12:05 AM
it was kinda titillating, knowing that sadey had left a man basically for dead. and all for touching. colt could say a thousand things, but putting hands on that firebrand of a woman was not on his to-do list, not for all his rabbling.
he spat birchbark saliva in a wet string.
"yew gonna make a habit o'killin' fellas this side of the river?" he asked next, prodding her a little with his eyes. sadey was a damn good fighter and hunter besides, loyal, fierce. but if she'd gone rabid, he needed to know now.
he spat birchbark saliva in a wet string.
"yew gonna make a habit o'killin' fellas this side of the river?" he asked next, prodding her a little with his eyes. sadey was a damn good fighter and hunter besides, loyal, fierce. but if she'd gone rabid, he needed to know now.
July 21, 2022, 06:44 AM
Sadey had not allowed a man to touch her since her beloved, but she wasn't gonna lie and say she hadn't thought about it. However, if she were to do so. It would be on her terms and with a man she chose. Not some upstart who thought he had a right to her, because she was female and had showed a bit of interest. No, that just wouldn't do.
Sadey wrinkled her nose at his spitting. Chewing harder on her mint to keep from gagging. Sometimes, that was just a foul act. She had seen many a males and females in the west with this habit. And it turned her stomach everytime.
Sadey wrinkled her nose at his spitting. Chewing harder on her mint to keep from gagging. Sometimes, that was just a foul act. She had seen many a males and females in the west with this habit. And it turned her stomach everytime.
Not if they keep their paws to themselves. I wasn't gonna leave that'n for dead neither, but he didn't take too kindly to my answer the first time.
July 26, 2022, 12:07 PM
colt chuckled. "yew tan enough men out'n their hides, won't be none left who'll wanna marry ya." of course he said it to be antagonistic. ain't no way in hell a spitfire like sadey wanted anything to do with the sacred union of marriage.
he stretched his hips till they popped and fell into a playbow. "enough love talkin'. let's go huntin', yew an' me."
and along the way, he'd search for that sonofabitch reno. surely they'd flush him out eventually.
he stretched his hips till they popped and fell into a playbow. "enough love talkin'. let's go huntin', yew an' me."
and along the way, he'd search for that sonofabitch reno. surely they'd flush him out eventually.
July 26, 2022, 12:12 PM
Sadey narrowed her eyes. A soft growl then silence. She didn't want t marry again. It hurt too much. Though she'd never sdmit as much to this ass. She shrugged.
Sadey stood tiny body moving to stand nect to Colt. She returned his play bow. Then bounded over the grasses.
Then I do.
Sadey stood tiny body moving to stand nect to Colt. She returned his play bow. Then bounded over the grasses.
Sounds good.
July 26, 2022, 04:20 PM
fade? <3
they set off into the proverbial hills. if sadey did not shove him away or otherwise shush him, colt would begin another of his cocky and horrible songs, pitched low enough just to disturb her and nothing else.
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