Ouroboros Spine it seeps into the pores of my open skin
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All Welcome 
She had managed to crawl her way out of fever and pain, though the effects still remained. But, her head was clear (though throbbing), and she had managed to escape the healers for the time. Enough that she had made it down to the lake.

She lay in the spindly shadow of a tree, using its bulk to keep herself sitting up and not lying flat. Her illness left her to ponder.

She pondered a lot of things. Samani’s marriage, the knowledge that she would be expected to marry herself. Perhaps not expected she didn’t not believe Kukutux would force it upon her in such a way, but it was still a thought. A village stood on the continued renewal of life, and life came from women bringing children to their husband’s hearths. Vairë, even with her mismatched spirit, knew this. The doe was a great great grandmother by the time she had passed. That biological clock wasn’t ticking, she wasn’t old enough quite yet, but it thundered in her ears like hoof beats, promising that time would eventually catch up with her. She grew older.

She lowered her nose to stare across the water.

Would a husband find her here? Or would she be sent elsewhere? She couldn’t answer that.

Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Much of Moonglow's wolves were not only hunters, but travelers. Once a year the pack would travel to allies and hunt among one another. The youth in particular would go on their journey, to find the place they wished to be in life- whether it was to continue to explore or settle within the village they were born to. 

Mojag had wandered. Inutsuk. Kausiut and Stratos. Lote and many of her children. Even Vairë, but she had too returned to them. She was the only one remaining from a bloodline Moonglow had lost sight of. 

As Aiolos comes to see this wayward daughter, he woofs out to her softly. She had fallen ill with the turning of the season and prayed to Mother Moon above for her guidance for the young girl. Much of his children had found interests, this one and Ariadne had not yet. The father could cling to them a little longer before their young lives whisked them away. 

Getting a little more strength each day... The father murmurs to her as she comes to her side as she rest against the tree. He wouldn't tattle that she was out and about in the cold- not yet, at least. It will take some time.
moonglow daddy
315 Posts
Ooc — Box
The voice of her father was what brought her from her stupor, her head lifting up from its slouched position to find the man. She gave a short noise, something akin to a very tired laugh.

So I’ve been told. The infection raged for some time. The new scar sat shiny across her cheek, where it would remain for the rest of her days. She was silent, for a moment.

Taataa? She was quiet when she spoke again.

You and my mother were married. Did you love her? Vairë sought out Aiolos with her question, which referenced Lote instead of Kukutux. The moonwoman, in her eyes, was anaa and always had been.

Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
I know... He speaks lowly, coming to sit next to her. I was worried for a time. He admitted, for he was not a man who pretend he held no fear, especially when it came to his beautiful daughters. He was a lucky man. A lucky father. 

Then, she asks of her mother. It had been only just recently that he and Kukutux spoke together of how much they missed her. 

I loved her very much. He still did. As he loved Kausiut. As he loved Huojin. Gone from him but not at all forgotten. He did not explain how his love to Lote was different then with Kukutux. Not yet. Not unless she asked. 

And it brought Aiolos another thought- Lote had wanted to tell her children the truth of their real father when they had grown older. Had she ever told them? Aiolos would hate to be the barer of that, either.
moonglow daddy
315 Posts
Ooc — Box
She was quiet. Aiolos had loved her mother, she didn’t know why she had ever doubted such. The girl shifted her weight, rolling onto one hip with a small wince.

Samani is getting married. She spoke after the quiet had grown almost too big. Her eyes turned from the lake to Aiolos again.

And I am all that is left of Lotë’s blood in this pack. My sister, my brothers, they have all scattered. Vairë wished them well, wherever in the world they had gone. She let her eyes close. She was ready for this, perhaps. She’d gotten the worldly experience she so desperately wanted.

Her eyes opened.

When I am healed…I believe I will be ready to seek a husband of my own. And begin to give back to Moonglow and the village. I will be a hunter by next winter.

Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Finally can get back to normally now that January is over. Sorry for the wait!

Aiolos watched his daughter's shifting, her wince and a frown turned down onto his features but he said nothing. Perhaps she should go back soon to settle onto soft heaps of furs. Not yet, however. 

She is... He said with a 'hmmm' on his lips. Soon, at least. He confirmed that the time had not yet come. Samani wouldn't be going anywhere, at least not yet. Maybe she wouldn't. Maybe not until her first litter had grown a bit with the help of her mother.

It nagged at the back of his mind that while he had many children now, they would all grow and most would take to their own paths, perhaps their own packs even. He wondered of Huojin again. Of Kausiut. 

Now Vaire spoke of those having gone. All her blood sisters and brothers. Her mother. I hope some day they might return to us. There are many which have left Moonglow but there are also many which have returned home as well too, with new stories to tell or friends from their travels to meet. It was painful, the come and go of others, especially so when not a single 'bye' was offered. 

She spoke of finding her own husband. Of giving back to Moonglow and becoming a hunter. Whenever you are ready and your certain of the path you wish to take. He side-glances to Vaire. It wasn't until after I had just turned four years, did I find a woman who'd be proud to call themselves my wife.
moonglow daddy