Moonspear A Face with Eyes and Ears
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
All Welcome 
Heph had long intended to see Moonspear and she felt a pang of regret that she did so now only when she intended to hasten her return to Moontide and ready for the hunt. But she was curious and not quite tired from her travels so she approached the territory that Rodyn and his children had spent so much time with perhaps some trepidation. Though she had met a few wolves from the pack she was not sure if they were likely to recognize her so she called at their borders, hoping to find someone to pass the news of the hunt on to and perhaps a request for @Sialuk but did not put any urgency into her tone and waited to see who might answer.

Looking for Sialuk but all welcome!
Being vague about whether they know about the hunt based on how this thread goes
who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Elentari healed. Argent was still away. Sialuk found solace in the quiet of winter. Her children grew, and soon, Seal would come of age. Already she had planned where to send the girl, and she would seek her out in a few more days time. The girl, almost a young woman, was growing into quite the apprentice. Sialuk was loathe to lose her, only for a month, but she thought it a good experience to force the girl outside of her comfort zone. She would grow quickly among others she did not know, and there was much to learn where the starwoman intended to send her pupil.
The Ostrega lingered on the border today, her ears pricked toward the sound of a voice she did not recognize. A newcomer, perhaps? She moved fluidly across the mountain's side, finding the caller upon her doorstep.

This woman greets you, she said. I am called Sialuk. The other woman smelled of seasalt, and Sialuk wondered if she was perhaps from the village her late sister had founded.
Atkan Aleut
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
The wolf who approached wore a pale pelt and her name Heph recognized. But she still smiled, a hint of mischeviousness at the edges since it was a first impression though she might have seen the other wolf in passing before.  "A lovely face to be greeted by." But her voice turned quickly calm and even. "I'm Heph of Moontide."

"I'm sorry for calling without much notice but I was wondering if Moonspear might have any healers they could send as well as hunters for the hunt in Hoshor plains?" She hoped that they were not needed but she would rather be safe than sorry especially with Panuk and Rolayne potentially coming as well. Though the experience would be good for the pups, a chance not only to see their family, but also meet many new faces, she did worry. She could have asked Sapphique or any of the other packs for healers but it was something that she felt most comfortable asking the sister packs of Moontide although perhaps the others would send their own anyways to ensure the safety of their hunters.
who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
The name was one Sialuk had heard from Rodyn many times before, and she was glad to finally put a face to it. She started with an apology, which the starwoman waved a paw at. There was no etiquette breach as far as she could tell, and her request was a perfectly reasonable one.

Moonspear will send both healers and hunters, she confirmed. It also meant that she might be able to spend time with her scattered loved ones from other villages, something Sialuk would never turn down.

How are Panuk and Rolayne fairing? she asked.
Atkan Aleut
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
"Thank you." She said earnestly, glad to hear that Moonspear would come.

At the question of Panuk and Rolayne there was a split second of hesitation. Even in grief Heph had not turned bitter, it was not in her nature, and though she was ever grateful that Rodyn had Moonspear and Sialuk to lean on with Samani's passing, that Panuk and Rolayne had survived, she had been tied to Moontide in those months following, had missed so much of their short lives - both Rodyn and Samani's children, her strongest link to her friend who had passed. A part of her did not want to admit that the pups struggled to acclimate to Moontide, wished that they were happier and settled in the place that she called home and their mother had, that they had never known her as a stranger. Though none of these things were because of Sialuk the events were entangled with the white wolf in Heph's mind.

But the mass of feelings was a complicated thing and the question was a simple one. "They are...confused, the move was hard for them, they miss you and Moonspear and their family here. @Rolayne gets up to mischief. @Panuk is well." A small smile at that, easier to smile at now than hearing Rodyn's doubts and fearing for her friend. "Kukutux asked Rodyn to bring them to visit Moonglow" she offered because it was a shorter journey to Moonglow from Moonspear than to Moontide. "They will have begun learning to hunt by then."
who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk was glad to hear of Panuk and Rolayne, even if the transition was a difficult one. If they were not at the hunt, she would make time to see their faces soon. That they would be in Moonglow soon would make a good time for meeting with them, and Sialuk made the note to check in when that happened. Moontide was further than Moonglow, and making a plan to visit there always felt like a much bigger task.

I will make a path there when they visit, she assured Heph. Has Rodyn's grief eased since the songs? she asked. Sialuk knew it was not his way to send off the dead as she had learned to do as an adolescent, but she also knew how cathartic it had been for herself. While she missed sistraa a great deal, she knew that her younger sibling had made it to the island of the dancing lights and her spirit was safe there until Sialuk made her own journey there.
Atkan Aleut
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
She nodded her head a grateful smile on her face, because for all the mess of hurt and frustration, the aftershocks of grief she knew it would make Panuk and Rolayne happy and Rodyn too if she was there. When Sialuk asked after Rodyn, Heph nodded hesitation in the movement before she elaborated. "The grief is still there, but I think he's finding joy again." There was a moment of pause, she had not properly met Sialuk before and it was perhaps only her own thoughts but she offered them anyways. "I invited Njord and Void, old friends of his, to the hunt and hope they'll help raise his spirits." She was sure seeing Moonglow and Moonspear all gathered together would be a source of happiness for him as well but those two wolves in particular she remembered him telling her about and having a deep bond. While she was more than happy to be someone to lean on for him she also wished him to feel the strength of many bonds of care.
who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk was glad to hear it. She smiled, happy to hear also that Njord would be attending the hunt. She imagined he and Meerkat would also attend their daughter's coming of age ceremony in a few days. It would make for a very full several days of activities for the family. She wondered how Orca faired, wherever she had gotten off to, but Sialuk did not dwell on it long. She was a young woman too now, and more than capable of taking care of herself.

Do you have time to stay? For a meal? Sialuk asked. The journey from Moontide was not long, but it was also not short. Sialuk had traveled it, and she knew that Heph must have a hollow belly.
Atkan Aleut
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
"Thank you, perhaps another time? Hopefully if this hunt goes well. I'm headed to Moonglow and Moonsong next before Moontide." She said a steady smile appearing on her face, at the prospect of the journey ahead as well as meeting once more. But once she reached Moonglow the trails would be more familiar to her for she had traversed Neverwinter forest a few times now.
who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
last from me; feel free to archive here!

Heph declined the offer, and Sialuk nodded. She understood that the woman had many invitations to make. Of course; I will not keep you. There would be time for sharing meals when the hunt was through, something which Sialuk could now look forward to.
Atkan Aleut