Redhawk Caldera Spring and Meadows
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Amalia shifted through the pack lands. Her green eyes on the trees as they flowered and bloomed or began to grow green.

There was a small smile on her face. She was excited to be here. She had been scarce for a little bit. Hunting and scouting.

Though it wasn't often that she left the borders of Brecheliant anymore. Though she had to sesrch for the girl that had harmed another. But she had not found her, though that Pony Boy had returned was good.

Today she found herself nosing around the lake. Watching birds in flight.
838 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Hey Amalia!

Bridget greeted the other woman cheerfully, pausing to say hello rather than continuing. She had been leaving here and there to check the nearby meadows for flowers, but a late chill had dissuaded most of them from blooming just yet. Patience! She was just so excited to have a stock of plants to work with again, and a permanent location to store them.

Pretty soon she could possibly begin her traveling medic role, to a small extent. She’d need to talk with Teya.

It’s nice to have the sun back, isn’t it? She grinned, enjoying the warmth on her shoulders and shaking her pelt out. Once the remainder of her winter pelt was gone it would feel even better.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Green eyes, dark head swung towards the cream wolf and she smiled. Heya! Bridget!

Amalia bounded forward to nudge the other woman in delight and friendliness. Amalia wasn't one that knew anything about flowers or herbs or how to heal. But she did delight in watching others do so. Her brother, Bridget. She had deep respect for those who could know so much.

Amalia nodded her head. It really is! I couldn't wait. Don't get me wrong I Love winter too, but sometimes it fills like it is going to be cold and dark forever. Then Boom! Spring comes.

She waved a paw about as she talked. Excited clearly.
838 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Amalia’s cheer never failed to brighten her own day. The other wolf was adorable in the best way. For me it’s the sun. It just feels so much more real when spring hits. Bridget tipped her head back, illustrating her appreciation, and then laughed lightly.

I’ve actually been considering a little travel. Nothing too far, but it’ll be nice to get out and see some of the neighbors. Maybe trade supplies for anything I can’t sniff out myself. Sialuk would be willing, she knew, even with the slight strain between their packs after prior events. Moonglow intrigued her as well. She had yet to follow up on that specific curiosity.

You looking forward to anything? She asked conversationally. It had been a while since she’d really sat down to talk with some of her packmates, she realized. Time got away so easily.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia nodded happily. Lookong sround in a small delight. It does. It feels like an awakening.

Amalia blinked. Well if you need a travel companion. I'm quite a good scout if I do say so myself. a hint of a twase. But pride too. She was proud of what she could offer her packmates.

A shake of head. You can't laugh. she held up a paw sternly. But her maw crinkled into a smile.

Baby animals. All of em. Rabbits and birds and little fishes and baby deer. I try not to hunt too much in spring
838 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
I’m sure! I’m definitely used to travel by now, but I’m way too aimless with it to consider myself any kind of scout. Show me a patient and I’m sidetracked instantly. She certainly didn’t mind her priorities. It was only natural someone with her role would help anyone they could.

Oh, shit, that’s adorable. Bridget didn’t laugh, but she couldn’t prevent a grin from filling her features. They are cute! You have to be patient to see them, though, right? I don’t think I’ve managed it, except maybe once or twice by complete chance. Stealth wasn’t exactly her strongest suit, and most critters with sense would steer clear of a wolf, even one who wasn’t on the prowl.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia smiled. Then you and me can have fun adventures this year. a wag of her tail. Gentle laughter. It would be nice to have a friend and strecth her legs.

Amalia laughed then. See i told you no laughing. And her i am.

She nodded in the affirmative. It is very hard and yes patience is key. But i am also prone to taking naps in meadows and as such don't always seem so dangerous.

She giggled.
838 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oh, napping! The hidden secret, I figured I was missing something! Now that Amalia was laughing, Bridget laughed with her, tickled at the idea of falling asleep and waking up surrounded by frolicking baby animals. It was almost too cute to even imagine, especially with Amalia’s open joy tossed in the mix.

What sorts of places interest you? Obviously, baby animals is something to watch for. But anything else? Teya and she had spoken about both the mountains and the beach, but Amalia seemed well traveled. Probably better traveled even than Bridget herself. What did she find interesting in a place?
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia grinned. Full of teeth and happiness. Listen a nap is almost always the secret to so many things.

The question caught her off guard and she had to think. Hard.


She licked along the seam of her maw. She liked mountains, but not that much. She wasn't fond if glaciers, but was unsure if it was the glacier itself or the bad upheaval that had been there.

Meadows. Rivers and streams. Lakes. And sparse forests. Not dense. Ones i can look up and still see sky.
838 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
The sky. It was a good answer, and Bridget filed it away to add to the picture she already had of her packmate so far. The place I grew up was so different from that, but I think I understand it. She replied with a smile, remembering the forests. The Court had been similar in many ways to Brecheliant’s first claim. That could have been part of why she felt so comfortable from the start, though she was just now realizing it. I like that about here. We don’t have the trees, but there’s plenty of sun and stars to make up for it.

I probably would have answered mountains before, but I think the thrill has worn off. Now I think my favorite place to be is in good company. Even if it’s cheating on the answer, a little bit. She didn’t think she’d ever met a place she didn’t like, and that was mostly due to the individuals she’d encountered along the way.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia wagged her tail and looked up at the sky after her answer. Tracing across clouds with her muzzle. A small smile on her face.

We grew up deep in the forest, but we built a home in a clearing. Before that though my family was nomadic.

Amalia held up a paw and laughed. Hey! I like your answer better! Is it too late to change.

She mock pouted, but broke it off with a snort and a giggle.
838 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bridget laughed. Never!! Imitation is the purest form of flattery, right?! Amalia did feel like a kindred soul, and Bridget looked across the Caldera, suddenly struck with the desire to ask a question she hadn’t really mentioned to anyone before. I love this place, and I’m glad to be back. But it definitely feels a little big sometimes, with all of the quiet. Do you ever feel that?

It was neat to know that her family was nomadic. Bridget’s own hadn’t been, but she’d known since a young age that she intended to see the world, and her parents hadn’t exactly been surprised. Even without the elders forcing her out, she’d have chosen to go regardless. I don’t know how it can feel quieter than when I’m out wandering, but for some reason it does. It sounds like your family and I would get along.

She liked having a home to return to, but her job was to help where she was needed. She didn’t see herself ever remaining in the same place the way Maia and Eljay were apparently content to.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia laughed. Well then consider me flattering you to the purest and greatest!

Amalia's tail shifted and thumped against her haunches as she heard the question and thought about it. Her own green eyes looking up and around. She nodded her head.

That the silence presses on all sides and if you shatter it it will break something?

Amalia smiled a little sadly. You probably would. They were all healers, storytellers. I cannot heal, but I can tell many stories. My brother can tell stories and heal and sing. That is not me. She chuckled softly.

I am more of a wandering hunter.
838 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
You miss them, huh? Bridget asked, guessing at the reason for the sudden wistful expression on Amalia’s features. It wasn’t hard for her to understand that. She’d loved her own family quite a bit, but the occasional wondering about how they were didn’t change the fact that she’d found a new life for herself here. She imagined Amalia felt the same.

That’s a good way to describe it. Pressured silence, I guess. But not pressured by anyone here in particular. Just… a feeling. She looked at the Caldera’s edge and sighed.

I love it here. It’s the closest I’ve found to a home since leaving mine. But I sometimes wonder if I’m not built for homes. I can do so much more to help when I travel.

She used to think of herself as a hunter before her leg. Now she still did, but in a different way - and she wondered suddenly if that was a part of the problem. Maybe she just needed to challenge herself a little more. She’d grown complacent.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She smiled. I do, but I am also happy here. I don't even know where they are truly.

She missed them. But Amalia felt as if she jad finally found her own place at least right now. Perhaps that would change in time and it almost head. Until she had met a dark cat on a shadowless night.

Amalia shrigged. Maybe you aren't exactlt. But that doesn't mean you still can't have it. Travel and return. Thats what makes a home yea? A safe ppace to return too.
838 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
True! And the ones that welcome you back each time, of course. She agreed with a broad smile, her tail waving happily behind her. Bridget did not consider herself close with anyone in Brecheliant, not the same way she felt a kinship with Teya. She’d grown fond of them, though, and hoped that the feeling was mutual. It was probably on her that she hadn’t expanded her own circles since coming back.

Maybe we could have a hunt together, when I get back from the shore. I promise not to slow you down too much, and it would be nice to push myself a little. See if I really lost my touch. She laughed a little, lightly, saying it. But there was a little honest insecurity there too, and for a moment she didn’t bother to hide it.

She’d just assumed, for a long time, that larger hunts were beyond her reach now. She wasn’t sure where that assumption had come from but she was ready to test it out and potentially get rid of it.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia chuckled and nodded. Though a part of her felt a small chink in that sunny armor she always carried. She had no real lasting friendships here. Other than Maia. Everyone else always left. She thought of Reno and Atreus even kigipigak and Sahkmet. They were gone and she was still here.

Amalia wagged her tail. Oh I would love one! You would never. I don't think you quite know how amazing you are. I will endeavor to prove it when we hunt. Dealio?

She would do her best to show Bridget she was not lesser than. That she could still hunt well. She had no doubt she could. Her ever rising optimism showing her this.
838 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Dealio! The turn of phrase was adorable, Bridget couldn’t help repeating it. It was nice to have a few things to look forward to, now, though Bridget had no clue just how much this would matter in only a few weeks time. Right now she just appreciated a potential friend; she had an incredibly small number of those herself.

I was on my way to the meadow to see what’s bloomed, actually. Want to come along? The morning was getting longer and soon she’d need to scrounge up lunch. With company she could carry more and the time wouldn’t be as quiet, but Bridget didn’t mind the thought that she might have had plans of her own.

if you like, we can fade with your next post! I plan to start a new thread for them as soon as she gets back <3
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia's tail wagged harder. She wondered briefly if it would loosen from the way it wagged today. Could a tail do that? Nah.

Amalia's ear pitched forward in delight. Absolutely!

Amalia motion3d for Nridget to lead the way a bounce in her step. Never ceaseless chatter.

Gladly. :) happy for a new one <3