Felltree Marsh a bucket and a [m]op
263 Posts
Ooc — Bees
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thick sludge of mud and water, air so humid it felt like vapor; diesel was a solid chunk of turd in the shitpie of summer heat.

wading trough tits-deep marsh filling was cooling the first hour, which was an hour ago now, if how much hotter the sun on her back had got could be used to measure. the sludge turned lukewarm, which definitely added to the mental image of being trapped in someone's toilet waste pit. 

the birds she'd come to catch sounded as if laughing. she was bleeding watery pink blood into the swampwater behind her.

and she was so hot.

like, internally. unbearably.

diesel trudged on, each step-pull accompanied by a sucking sound of mud barely letting her go.
Redtail Rise
707 Posts
Ooc — ebony
augur hunted.

he had followed a single deer down into the morass. and there he had lost it. the nimble hooves had carried its smaller body far more easily than his own.

the young hunter panted in the heat. his ears listened. there was a figure padding through the mud. a figure attached to a specific scent.

the giant wolf followed, moving quietly through the slicker patches.
263 Posts
Ooc — Bees
she saw a patch of semi-solid ground, where she could climb out of mama nature's personal sewage. 

each step was like being slurped in, but eventually the mastiff pulled herself onto slightly-less-sucking land, groaning loudly as the liquid let her go. 


she was dipped in brown with a tinge of mushy green plantstuff along her sides. her paws were caked in mud. god knew what had crawled into her wrinkles. diesel felt too miserable to shake.

crumbling onto her side, the mastiff let the soggy, warm ground embrace her. fuck hygiene, the air here was thick as a fart and she was exhausted, hungry and unexplainably horny. 

diesel snorted, sinking into it.
Redtail Rise
707 Posts
Ooc — ebony
augur was enchanted.

the figure was not a wolf. but it was her heat which drew him through the sunbaked mud. when the woman lay down, he put his head to one side and drew closer.

she was heavy-jowled and thick-haunched. the scent which had ensnared the hunter filled the air all around her. buffalo hunter. that would be her title.

he chuffed to her. he patted the ground with massive polite forepaws, waiting to be noticed.
263 Posts
Ooc — Bees
the shalp-shlap of something coming was ignored; just another sound of the marsh. when it came close, diesel snorted, to inform the deer or boar or whatever that she had no fucks left to give.

the chuff was what made her head pull itself free of the muck, the good side brown and its eye encrusted shut, to turn and squint at the wolf.

"...hack you 'ant?" said in the voice of a woman too tired to be pissed off.

one hazel eye went up, up, up and down the form. big motherfucker. grey as pavement. sight of a pale giant might've sent her into shell-shocked panic, but his face wasn't hers. too long, too dumb-looking. none of that hardness the big bitches of the wolflands had. just a fucker lucky enough to win the gene lottery.

diesel snorted. beneath the hot air and stale water was a scent that made her twitch

it was a guy.

for some reason, she looked at him again and thought; good enough.

the mastiff rolled onto her back, yawning and stretching her legs skywards. she gave him a lazy smirk. 

"-hat, ne'er sheen sho'one hot ash 'ee?"
Redtail Rise
707 Posts
Ooc — ebony
buffalo hunter rolled.

augur stared with his mouth shut and ears hunting forward with swift swoops of interest. 

he knew this scent. he understood it.

buffalo hunter spoke.

augur crooned the two syllables of his name in introduction, a pair of long low growls that rumbled down into the soggy ground.
263 Posts
Ooc — Bees
she looked at him unamused from the mucky ground, and wondered if he just burped at her.

"-ell." with a swing she rolled herself to the side, and with a couple slips got onto her feet.

she craned and cracked her neck, looking at the giant trough one half-lided eye. measuring him in base ways.

then turned fully to face him, tail now wagging, relaxed smirk obvious on her good side.

"not huch hor 'ords, eh?" the mastiff inhaled deeply, taking in his swampy manly wolfmusk, then boldly dragged her muddy self under him, just behind his frontlegs, and out to the other side. "i 'ike that in a guy."

the fact that he smelled of others, she decided, wasn't relevant now.
Redtail Rise
707 Posts
Ooc — ebony
augur was very still as she rolled to an approach, save for the tip of his tail. and when buffalo hunter slid under him, he was delighted. her scent followed the tickle of her powerful shoulders against chest then belly then lower.

she parted from him. he turned around at once, grey ears sliding back and an appeasing whine burbling in his throat.

red woman was his leader. but buffalo hunter had smitten him. augur held off his exploring touch, waiting for her to invite him.
263 Posts
Ooc — Bees
pleased smile gave a curve to all her wrinkles, when she saw just how excited he got because of her. a compliment to her unmatched appeal.

she brushed against the wolfcoat again, and came to stand in front of him, craning her neck to have a good look at his face.

"heeey, 'uddy..." the mastiff hooked a paw around his grey rebars, resting her jaw on his bicep. "i knooow you're eager, 'ut there aren't no easy 'ay to say this..."

diesel climbed his front until her paws kneaded his chest, her flat muzzle thrown as far back to catch a look into his eyes.

she was smirking.

"-ut you're gonna hah to crouch."

faaaade and then continue? :D
Redtail Rise
707 Posts
Ooc — ebony
yes! i had an idea for a follow-up thread too!

augur needed no further encouragement.

buffalo hunter signalled her receptivity through word and movement. the flirtatious way she pressed against him, making more obvious their height disparities, brought an approving growl from the clawan.

on a firmer patch of earth, he wrapped her in his column-like arms and for a while he performed as she indicated, but eventually in eagerness his covering found different ways to compensate for her smaller stature.

he stayed with her after.