Ravensblood Forest Through Forest and Dale I'll save you
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,416 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Please let @T.K. post first and then @Lorelai . Not over the border at the cusp of Sacrarium. Rodyn is going to be extremely short, and protective.

Rodyn and T.K. Had traveled, Rodyn trying to keep an eye on T.K. make sure he didn't fall over or sleep. Head wounds were tricky, he knew that enough. He didn't think it was serious, but perhaps he was wrong. All he knew is that this dog beast was stuck with him now. He'd die protecting him if he had too. Finally, they made it to a pack border. 

Rodyn paced for a few minutes by the border line, unsure and a little wary. He would have preferred Moonglow, but he wasn't sure how bad this wound was. So with trepidation in his heart, and wariness on his mind, he lifted his nose into a slow mournful howl, begging for some assistant for a wounded friend.

He then turned to T.K. Stay behind me, okay T.K. and he took up a protective stance, because he wasn't sure what was going to happen or who would answer his call.
125 Posts
Ooc — Bees
crying still but it was little sounds like hiccups and snorts

blood dripped from wound hung to brow and heshe wouldn't let rodyn lick it clean again.

bloodsmell was strongest but as they came near there was scent of wolfbeasts all together mingling near

didn't need be told to stay behind

terrible ringing howl was reminder what rodyn was and there was uncertainty fear nibbling at heart filling head with bad thoughts-

rodyn led me for wolfs to eat me will make bones go crick-crack

-but those were trampled and stomped and forced back resurfacing again and again with every beat of skullpain.

stayed behind rodyn cowering watching what comes out the forest was it another monster 

@Lorelai let's goooo
104 Posts
Ooc — The System
A call came, one heavy with need and urgency: someone was wounded. This was the first time Lorelai had ever even come close to the borders. She saw them there, a wolf and another canine creature, who was bleeding. The young Mystic rushed forward, and she greeted them anxiously. "H-hello. I'm Lorelai. I'm Sacrarium's healer..." She looked at the not-wolf, then asked, "What happened? And... and come with me, I've got herbs close by, just in our tunnels," Lorelai would turn to lead them towards the tunnels.
Physical Health (100/100)

Lorelai is healthy.

Mental Health (60/100)

Lorelai is current dealing with the loss of her family.

Lorelai hears and sees things others cannot. She is beginning to believe that she can commune with the dead.
"Regular speech." | "Voice of the dead." | Visions of the dead.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,416 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn was glad when a petite wolfcame to their aid he spoke softly. Deer hoof to their head. Wait, T.K. doesn't  like to be touched, please be careful. I'm Rodyn.

Rodyn turned to look over T.K. he lowered his muzzle and chuffed gently. You ready T.K.?

He hoped T.K. would follow. He offered his own body in case T.K. needed something to grasp or even be nesr enough that they wouldn't be as afraid
125 Posts
Ooc — Bees
appearance of strangerwolf like jumpscare made dog cower hide behind rodyn's hindlegs afraid still horribly this was trick

and when strangerwolf came near tried to greyhound rushed to other side of rodyn to hide better but spindly quivering legs still stuck out

you re ady  t.k.    ?

fearful fearful eyes went up to look at rodyn heart drummed still this was horrid bad idea and tears now poured new fresh over eyerims


such small whisper but fear of dying by cracked skull was real as was twin to it fear of death by wolfteeth

would keep close near to rodyn side of it opposite strangerwolf fears still weighting
104 Posts
Ooc — The System
Tag is for reference!

Lorelai winced as Rodyn told her how the wound came to happen. She would take care to not frighten the creature. Turning dark blue eyes on T.K., Lorelai said gently, "It's alright. I'm going to fix that wound for you."

She led the way to the tunnels, giving only a call for Violante and @Vagabond, to alert them to their unexpected company. Quickly and quietly, they went, and when the spring came into view, the Mystic murmured, "T.K., can you clean your wound for me in this water here? It'll be cold, but starting with a clean wound is very important."

She then looked to Rodyn, and she asked, "Where are you from? You smell like a pack. I... I don't travel much," she chuckled, a breathy, nervous sound.
Physical Health (100/100)

Lorelai is healthy.

Mental Health (60/100)

Lorelai is current dealing with the loss of her family.

Lorelai hears and sees things others cannot. She is beginning to believe that she can commune with the dead.
"Regular speech." | "Voice of the dead." | Visions of the dead.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,416 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn stayed near T.K. the entire time. Whispering quietly to them. Letting them know, they were fine, he wouldn't let anything happen to them. Being as supportive as he could.

He turned to T.K. at the she wolves gentle request and asked him quietly. You okay T.K. do you need help? He wasn't sure how T.K. Would react to the news, but he knew they would probably take the chance to do it themselves, than endure a touch.

Rodyn met her gaze, but quickly averted his own, with a small smile. I'm from Moonglow. Kukutux is my leader. T.K. is my friend. I try and take care of them. Rodyn chuffed gently at her, trying to dispell her nervousness.

Nothing wrong with that. I wasn't much of a traveler until recently. You are a healer though. So what you do by staying in your pack lands is important, it's very important.
125 Posts
Ooc — Bees
following following following after, hackles rising and rising until they could no more smell of own blood strong but smell of wolfs everywhere everpresent thick consistent

rodyn whispered and ears were upright focused on rodyn instead of wolfscent


eyes wide looked at water. strangerwolf. water again


water hated awful water stung eyes made body slick and slippery had such horrible stech clung to coat for hours after and if shehe tried wash it in flowerpatch would get water again smelling worse

and little glimmering see-trough water balls didn't even taste that good

rodyn asked if help was needed


"no." with quick shake of head

greyhound came to water stilted legs looked at own reflection

face smeared blood.

heshe was still and looking for long moment, rodyn and strangerwolf talking.

soft, hitched sobbing. shehe dropped down to ground, covering bloodsoaked face with paws. hindlegs made motions as if swimming in place and body rolled side to side in effort to still horrible mess of thoughts not aware it made state more obvious

sniff sniff sob hitch

me: i have made Character 

conscience: you fucked up a perfectly good dog is what you did. look at it. it’s got anxiety
104 Posts
Ooc — The System
Moonglow. Lorelai's eyes flickered in recognition, and she murmured, "We are friends, then. Our leaders met recently..." She glanced to T.K., who seemed to be struggling with washing themselves. She assumed they were afraid. The Mystic edged nearer, inquiring gently, "May I help, T.K.? I won't touch you — I'll just get water onto you, like this," and she moved to the pool, using her muzzle to splash water up. She coaxed softly, "If we don't get your wound clean, it might get infected.
Physical Health (100/100)

Lorelai is healthy.

Mental Health (60/100)

Lorelai is current dealing with the loss of her family.

Lorelai hears and sees things others cannot. She is beginning to believe that she can commune with the dead.
"Regular speech." | "Voice of the dead." | Visions of the dead.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,416 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn breathed a quiet sigh of relief he had been incredibly wary about going across pack lines, but T.K. couldn't wait. He needed the help of a healer immediately before it worsened.

Friends then. He offered a small smile.

The healer moved towards T.K. And Rodyn felt a flare of hot protectiveness rise up and take hold, forcing his throat closed and his chest tight. He almost growled, but as he fought it, it came out a soft gggg. He moved closer and lay down next to T.K. but didn't touch them.

Hey T.K. What has you upset about the water? How can I help? He used a quiet calm voice. Sometimes he knew that T.k was scared of things, until they understood what was happening. And it had been a tough time for the heshe dog beast.