Ouroboros Spine Wilderstar
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,417 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A small part of Rodyn was pained that she had even entertained the thought that he would be so cruel to his own children, but he also couldn't fault her for it. So it was a pain that he would eat. After all, she couldn't fault him for his feelings, just as he couldn't fault her.

Moonglow was a beautiful, welcoming place. He liked the traditions and the things he had done here. So he had no objections to wanting to further that reach, if Samani so wished. However, he also liked the thought of finding answers for their children. He could do that. He could make trades to ensure they grew up well-rounded.

I like that, Samani. he murmured quietly. A small smile on his face