Moonspear Porto
253 Posts
Ooc — Zina
All Welcome 
@Sialuk no pressure and all welcome :D

Moonspear was beautiful. Toad wanted, more than anything, to be able to support Kukutux and her litter. Hydra too deserved this support, and largely they were getting it nicely from both their husbands as well as the hunters of the pack. Still, Toad could not help but want to give more to these youngsters as they grew. There were many stories to tell. There were many hunts to have.

That day Toad had brought a gift to a cache beside the rendezvous. This time, it was a hare, small but meaty, that the woman carried in her jaws. The hare was a good size and a solid catch for anyone hoping for small prey among the mountain. The huntress began to dig to bury her catch such that others might be able to find it. Part of her hoped that she might find her packmates while doing this, despite the day being rainy and unwieldly.
Moonspear and Firefly Glen members can powerplay Toad for whatever they'd like barring injury, just tag her!
who stole my toe?!
1,200 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
A week of speaking. A week of asking so, so many questions to anybody who was willing to listen. Sialuk was happy to have found her voice, and she was even more happy that everyone else seemed to be happy about it, especially anaa and taataa. The raindrop wished to become a daughter they were proud of, and apparently she was heading in the right direction.

Speaking of raindrops... it continued to rain, although she had caught a glimpse of the blue sky the day before. Had it ever not been raining? Sialuk thought on that, trying to remember a time when she'd seen the sun for more than a minute or two, but she couldn't conjure up a visual memory—just the sensation of warmth and whatever the opposite of "wet" was.

Sialuk had been idly daydreaming about her future ugi under the cover of a tree, when she caught movement out of the corner of her eye. It wasn't anybody she knew by name, but that didn't stop her from approaching (with a guarded sense of caution) and asking, Why are you digging in the mud?
Atkan Aleut
253 Posts
Ooc — Zina
The dirt was uncooperative. The soil easy to dig out because it was so wet, but water started to fill the hole as she was digging, and it resulted in nothing more than a sloppy mess. She was letting out a frustrated sigh when a small voice asked her a rational, but aggravating question. She looked and found a white puppy that could only be Kukutux and Jarilo's little daughter.

The hare was still in the storyteller's mouth. She set it beside the poor cache and shook herself lightly, smiling at the girl. Toad wondered if they were fully weaned yet. Well, I was trying to fill a cache in case someone was hungry later, but it's too wet, she explained. Are you hungry? She wanted to make proper introductions, but first thing was first. Hungry puppies were always to be fed.

Toad nudged the damp hare lightly, looking at the pup, her tail wagging softly. She hadn't actually met Kukutux's puppies, but had been wanting to since she'd arrived.
Moonspear and Firefly Glen members can powerplay Toad for whatever they'd like barring injury, just tag her!
who stole my toe?!
1,200 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk did not think that muddy, wet meat would be any good to anybody in the future, and the stranger confirmed her suspicions. When asked if she was hungry, the Ostrega shook her head. Why did you catch something if you weren't going to eat it? There was no ill will in her question, although it may have been taken that way under the right circumstances. What is your name? Mine is Sialuk Ostrega. My taataa is Jarilo. He is a leader here with my dear aunt Hydra. Did Hydra bring you here to find your ugi?

She wasted no time in firing off question after question, probably overloading the poor adult in the process.
Atkan Aleut
253 Posts
Ooc — Zina
Toad frowned. The pup was the curious sort. She was young; this was expected. The creamy girl was not hungry. She was also not the calm, submissive, lovely version of a pup that Toad had somehow conjured from her mind of what a Kukutux child would look like. This girl before her was instead a rebel of understanding. She was a true child of wonder and exploration. This was something Toad very much approved of.

So you could eat it, she answered. The girl asked her name. Toad. The girl was an Ostrega. She would grow to be fierce. This, Toad was positive of. She would bet her life on it.

The little girl finished with a question that Toad had to take apart in order to understand it. Even then, she didn't know what an ugi was. Since the girl was not going to eat it, and since Toad could not cache it, the woman did not hesitate in ripping into the hare and stealing a portion of it. She swallowed it before answering any of the girl's questions, allowing for a healthy silence to step between them. I don't know what an ugi is, but it was your mother Kukutux that brought me here. This in itself was sort of an untruth, for Kukutux had never asked for her to come. The invitation had been fond and swift, however. Toad waited for the further onslaught.
Moonspear and Firefly Glen members can powerplay Toad for whatever they'd like barring injury, just tag her!
who stole my toe?!
1,200 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
"Toad" was a funny name, and Sialuk giggled at it. She thought it strange that Toad would bring her something without asking if she wanted it, but maybe she had asked her parents, and they had said she was hungry. In any case, Sialuk quickly forgot about all that as soon as Toad explained how she had come to be with Moonspear. Her eyes widened upon hearing that anaa had brought Toad here.

You are to be my ugi! Sialuk exclaimed, suddenly overwhelmed that this day had come so soon. Alas, she did not understand that Kukutux had not brought Toad here for her daughter at all. Sialuk tried to remember what her mother had told her about being a good wife, and she decided her first order of business was to find out what kinds of foods Toad liked.

What is your favorite food? she asked, tilting her head to one side.
Atkan Aleut
253 Posts
Ooc — Zina
The girl had a pleasant little voice. Her giggling and awed expression made the huntress grin as she continued eating, swallowing large chunks of the rodent whole. Sialuk declared swiftly that Toad was to be her ugi, and the newly declared ugi was quite confused over the title. The girl seemed very excited about this. Toad blinked and smiled as she swallowed the meat, completely mystified. She racked her brain to try to figure out why Hydra would bring anyone here for someone else's child.

All she could think of was a teacher, so she went with that.
Then the duckling asked about food. Again, Toad blinked.

Well, hmm, she thought for a moment, tilting her head to match the girl. She looked sideways as if deep in thought. I would say... Boysenberries and boar! Toad said it partly because it was the most elegant-sounding dinner she could think of, but she really was a fan of the two things. Boar had such a nice, sweet taste to it.
Moonspear and Firefly Glen members can powerplay Toad for whatever they'd like barring injury, just tag her!
who stole my toe?!
1,200 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Oh dear. Sialuk didn't know either of those things, and she was immediately perplexed and driven to remedy that. What's a boysberry? And what's a boar? Anaa says I am supposed to find out which foods you like and keep you happy. And when twenty-four moons come, you'll stay here for good. You are staying here, aren't you? she asked. Being the child that she was, Sialuk had no idea that she was likely confusing the ever-loving snot out of Toad. Ah, to be young and unaware.

If Toad did not stay here, Sialuk decided that she would refuse her as her ugi, and she would demand a new one. One that would stay here with her and her parents. Either that or she would have taataa make Toad stay. Kukumama had said that he had the power to do such things because he was a leader.
Atkan Aleut
253 Posts
Ooc — Zina
It was clear that Toad had done little except confuse young Sialuk, who looked quizzically as she sought more information. Toad tried to clarify. It's a sweet little fruit that grows on these long green vines. And uh, boar, but Toad didn't finish. Instead, Sialuk continued by explaining that indeed she was supposed to learn about what foods Toad liked. Because..?

Toad was completely at a loss, but the last question was easy enough to answer. Of course I'm staying here. You're like family now, she said, though she didn't know what the girl meant by waiting twenty four months. I think maybe I should learn your favourite food too! she decided, which made sense since Toad was the hunter after all.

She was very confused, but children were confusing people to talk to sometimes, and that was just something Toad had accepted.
Moonspear and Firefly Glen members can powerplay Toad for whatever they'd like barring injury, just tag her!
who stole my toe?!
1,200 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
A fruit! That was something Sialuk felt she could handle. She really was going to be the very best ayaga. Well, anaa was the best, but Sialuk thought she could certainly do her mother and father proud by being the very best she could be. She was ecstatic that Toad was to be her ugi, although she did not quite understand the ins-and-outs of it just yet. Perhaps her parents had decided that she was ready now and did not need to wait a whole twenty-four moons.

She was, of course, delighted to hear that Toad would be staying. "You're like family now," was music to her ears, and Sialuk blushed beneath her white fur. And what about Saviguk? Would he like Toad, too? Maybe he would be jealous that he did not yet have an ayaga. Sialuk hadn't thought to ask about that process, but she decided she would bring it up with her mother the next time they talked.

I like fish the best! Sialuk declared. There was something pleasant about the flavor that land creatures just didn't have.
Atkan Aleut
253 Posts
Ooc — Zina
Toad appreciated young Sialuk's bright spirit in these soggy days. Her curiosity and strange questions provided a much-needed injection of joy into the lives of Moonspear members. Although the weather was poor, Toad hadn't seen much in the way of hardship. Hunting was still decent enough and the packlands were largely unaffected by the downpours, despite the mud.

Fish?! Exclaimed Toad, as though greatly astounded by this choice. But what about all those little bones in there? What about that weird taste of lakewater? She decided to play the game of asking the questions this time. Toad was actually indifferent to the flavour of fish, although the ones with eggs stuffed in them were quite nice.
Moonspear and Firefly Glen members can powerplay Toad for whatever they'd like barring injury, just tag her!
who stole my toe?!
1,200 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
You get #100!

The bones are the best part! Sialuk enthused. They give it that real good texture. And what's wrong with lake water taste? It's just water, isn't it? she grilled, now quite defensive of her choice in picking a favorite food. Would you rather have mud water taste? Sialuk asked, giggling even as she did so. Mud wasn't very tasty, although she had drank mud water before. She strongly preferred the fresh water of the lake.
Atkan Aleut
253 Posts
Ooc — Zina
Toad maintained a shocked expression, making faces as Sialuk explained that it was the crunchy bones that made the meal. NO, she answered in the way a girl might answer her brother telling her she liked eating mud. Toad stuck her tongue out at the thought of mud in her mouth. It's not just water it's like grimy and weird tasting in the fish, she explained. It was true that lake fish had a peculiar flavour to them that reminded her of the way the lakeshore smelled. As a lady of refinement, she started, speaking in a faux British accent, standing tall and keeping her head high, I much prefer river water.

Toad she her eyes, as though the mere mention of lake water was offensive. She opened one eye to peek at Sialuk, a smile breaking through to show she was only kidding.
Moonspear and Firefly Glen members can powerplay Toad for whatever they'd like barring injury, just tag her!
who stole my toe?!
1,200 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk still didn't understand, but it seemed Toad was a lost cause in that regard. She remembered that she was supposed to learn her ugi's preferences, not dispute them, so Sialuk refrained from objecting further. I will make sure to never bring you fish, Sialuk said with finality and a nod. She was meant to make her ugi happy, and if Toad was to be hers, Sialuk had to do whatever Toad wished.

What is a 'lady of refinement?' Sialuk asked, having never heard that particular term or phrase before. She entirely missed the joke (or rather, ignored it in favor of asking another question).
Atkan Aleut
253 Posts
Ooc — Zina
Never ever fish! Got it! Toad admired the girl's propensity for getting to know her, although she didn't fully understand the reasoning behind it. She wasn't sure how to answer the question, either. She attempted to fake her way through it. Why, a lady of refinement, she began, adjusting herself and dancing somewhat on her paws as to portray a woman of high breeding and integrity. Is a woman who, Toad paused again, looking to the pup for apparent dramatic effect as she searched for words, knows what she likes and what she does not like. Like, really knows.

This didn't make much sense, but Toad kept going with her goofy fake accent and overly expressive faces. Are you a lady of refinement?
Moonspear and Firefly Glen members can powerplay Toad for whatever they'd like barring injury, just tag her!
who stole my toe?!
1,200 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Toad explained what a “lady of refinement” was, which left Sialuk with no real answer or her question. Doesn’t everybody know what they do and don’t like? she asked. Sialuk didn’t really get the difference between knowing and really knowing. How could one know, but not really know? She struggled with this concept, but the raindrop did not wish to appear unschooled or like she was not smart, so she nodded along.

Of course I am! Sialuk responded. If Toad was a lady of refinement, Sialuk would be one too. She would really know what she liked and did not like. She was about to ask another question, but she heard the summons of her father. Oh! I must be going. Taataa is calling for me. I will see you soon, my new ugi!
Atkan Aleut
253 Posts
Ooc — Zina
"Doesn’t everybody know what they do and don’t like?"
Toad wanted to laugh, but resisted. Instead she gave a soft smile. Sialuk was too young to explain such high-order concepts like "how does one know what one wants?", and the huntress was positive that she wouldn't even be able to give a good summary. Instead, the brown woman simply shrugged. She accepted that sure, most people knew what they wanted (they definitely didn't).

Of course, Jarilo interrupted their party. Bye! was all Toad could manage as the little white puff left her. She still didn't know what an Ugi was. She made a note to ask Kukutux, but also knew that she would promptly forget. Alas.
Moonspear and Firefly Glen members can powerplay Toad for whatever they'd like barring injury, just tag her!