Sun Mote Copse sonder
980 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
It was a drizzly afternoon and Njord sought the girl named @Auburn with a fat hare in his jaws. @Meerkat and the pack had fed the vagrant for the past week, hoping to help her achieve some emotional normalcy until she could be assimilated into their clan.

Njord had yet to meet the yearling, however. The encounter with Kigipigak and Asivaq had left Njord’s heart a bit more bruised than he cared to admit, and so he steeled himself against outsiders… especially ones who acted aggressively in front of his children.

Njord let out a chuff as he approached, not wanting to surprise her.
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

20 Posts
Ooc — Harvest
Auburn had been left in this place alone for the past week, with visitors only bringing food. Given time to think things over, she had calmed down some about this treatment. The idea that she could harm pups in her aggression had sent the cogs in her brain turning. She had never known any other way, but she was realizing that if she wished to make it in another pack, she would have to learn.

When the chuff came, she perked her ears up and made her way cautiously forward. She did not recognize the voice, nor the male who came into view, but that fact that he had brought food tipped her off that he must be part of the Copse. Hello? she said, her voice high but soft, body low to the ground, in reverence but also nervousness.
980 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
The young female was smaller than Njord expected… tiny, even… with a coat the color of marcescent leaves. It seemed like the frequent meals had helped improve the girl’s rail-thin appearance and attitude. She did not act feral, as Meerkat had originally described.

Njord set down the hearty meal before the girl. “For you,” he said and rolled the hare towards Auburn with a push of his nose. “My name is Njord… I am the Laird, leader, of Sunmote Copse,” he explained. “You’ve met my wife, Meerkat, an’ son, Skipjack…” his voice trailed as if to give her a stage to explain her intentions.

Would Auburn only take, and never give?
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

20 Posts
Ooc — Harvest
Auburn eyed the hare with an uncomfortable mix of emotions that made her gut roil. She'd been working for days on her food-aggression, but she still had to force her hackles back down every time food was presented to her. She forced herself to sit down and stop looking at it, keeping her eyes firmly on Njord, though she avoided his eyes as a sign of respect. She certainly wasn't trying to challenge him. Thank you, she said softly, her wispy voice in direct contrast with the feral behavior she had exhibited with Meerkat that day.

It is nice to meet you, she went on, dipping her head. I-I am Auburn. She opened her mouth to speak again, but realized she had no idea what to say. She'd always been softer than those of her birth pack. No one else had ever said thank you that she remembered, leading her to wonder where she'd even picked up the phrase. Um... She glanced at Njord awkwardly, trying to think of what to say. Th-thank you for the food and for letting me stay here...? Her voice landed in a questioning tone, so high-pitched as to be squeaky, her eyes wide, begging. Is this right? Am I doing it right?