Lion Head Mesa Love me, love me
Bearclaw Valley
382 Posts
Ooc — Decay
He had seen the healer of Mereo once before. But the scars he had earned once before have yet to heal. Worse... they've begun to ache again.

Though reluctant, the jodai made the trip to the workplace of their known sesh, @Tavina

Like with any chambers, the man would wait by the doors. When she knew he was there, he would await her invitation.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

672 Posts
Ooc —
Master Medic
preparations had been laid, @Gucci shyly asked to officiate, senmut the priest asked to sanctify their union in the way of akashingo.

"jodai," she greeted the sober dark man as he came to her small examination room. "what can i do for you?"
Bearclaw Valley
382 Posts
Ooc — Decay
While in Mereo — myself escorting the crown prince —, the imperator and I encountered an unwanted guest. They weren't too pleased... even left a heavy scar, here, Stepping further into the room, the jodai leaned over a bit so the sesh could have a better view.

I'd thought it had healed, but it's begun to ache. The same said for my shoulder. It got jarred a bit while we drove it away.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

672 Posts
Ooc —
Master Medic
tavina nodded and stepped forward to examine the man. the cuts had been deep and were indeed healed, but with deeper palpations she found the source of his aching.

"scar tissue, i imagine." her purple eyes studied him. "we can cut the wounds open again and let them heal properly. or i can give you a salve, applied twice daily, that will help relax the tightness there."
Bearclaw Valley
382 Posts
Ooc — Decay
Carefully, she examined. Then he was given his options.

The jodai did not take long to decide. Cut them. Hoarse and husky, his voice. He did not fear the process, nor would he display such a reaction.

I cannot properly carry the weight of my responsibilities if I am set back by injuries. Even if they happened to the smallest of those possible.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

672 Posts
Ooc —
Master Medic
"all right." 

khaba could change his mind, of course.

she did not think he would.

the doctor gathered her astringent willow-bark water, wetting his scars. she kept a paste of poppy to numb and ground lemon balm for the dressing itself.

without preamble she cut into the first scar with her tooth, cutting it open. black blood flowed; she drew back to stem this with a cloth, then cut the next, so on and so forth.

more dabbing. astringent which might sting. the poppy-lavender slathed over top, then the fragrant citrus of the salve. she lay strips of wide leaf over these and then sat back.

khaba had not moved nor flinched.

'"eating will be difficult for several days. you should ask to take some time off your duties. as sesh, i insist."
Bearclaw Valley
382 Posts
Ooc — Decay
The sesh did her work, and soon it was done.

Stinging sensations flowed, but he paid no mind to them.

When she suggested his time away from his duties, Khaba shook his head simply. My tasks are not too heavy. Besides, if I steer from them, who will do them in my place?

The man who called himself medjay was here, granted, but he was always off completing tasks for the pharaoh or crown prince. The jodai was left to tend to the rest and he was just fine with that.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

672 Posts
Ooc —
Master Medic
tavina wanted to roll her eyes but did not.

khaba was a guardian through and through. "i suppose i have no argument," she said crisply and with a small smile. "there. you're patched up. you'll need to be back twice a day for five days, morning and evening," tavina instructed, moving away.

she started to put her things away. "how is the crown prince?"