Neverwinter Forest An endless hunt
Daddy Moonglow
1,034 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
All Welcome 
Aiolos was back and he toed the lines of the forest's borders, bright amber eyes staring into the foggy gloom of the dark forest. Even as the moon shown high in the sky this night, a certain darkness was unpenetrated within that Neverwinter. He howls and he waits with an obvious impatience, pacing the open glen just outside their home.
moonglow daddy
390 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Vallkyrie knew the voice, the howl. He had come here before just a month prior, the red tall wolf here to train the potential warriors and guardians of their pack. @Valencia had been one of them, whom spoke of the man she had practiced sparring with. Now he came again and Kyr wondered if it was for any updates on a potential scouting mission. Kyr had just about thought it to no longer be happening but since Aiolos was here again, she came with an obvious curiosity. You've returned. Obviously enough, but why? Her ears perked curiously as she padded closer with a light stepped trot.
166 Posts
Ooc —
Lenny has been out on patrol when she heard the call, ears perking up and attention caught. She knew that voice. The black wolf followed the sound to the border, not surprised that Kyr had beaten her there. "Hey," she greeted her golden sparring buddy amiably, arching a brow and looking between them to see what was going on.
Daddy Moonglow
1,034 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Feel free to skip around Kyr.

Vallkyrie came, their huntress and scout, followed by her sister whom he had taken to training with. A dip of his muzzle politely is offered to them both, a small smile lingering to Lenny, but business was needed here and so he quickly went on. Ying has been gone, we do not know where. Have any of you perhaps seen her, know where she may be headed?
moonglow daddy
166 Posts
Ooc —
Lenny was not sure who Ying was, and her brows knitted together, concern showing on her features. "The only wolf I've met from your pack is you," she admitted, apologetically. "Do you know if she might be in danger?" That would be priority number one, Lenny thought. Making sure that the wolf in question wasn't at risk at the moment.
Daddy Moonglow
1,034 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Mal knows her well off. She is leader of Junshi. A white wolf with a black strip down her back. He explains, wondering where Mal may be so that he may clarify if she had been here. But Ying's appearance was unique enough that surely if either of these two twins saw her, they would know. Physically, she is a perfectly capable woman holding her own. But mentally? I was told she had gotten her memory tossed around when she equally got tossed around the waters recently. She wandered off and how her state is, who knows to where... Hearing himself outloud, he couldnt help the frown. If she wasnt in the right state of mind, she wouldnt know to seek allies. She could be anywhere.
moonglow daddy
390 Posts
Ooc — Vami
She was, as it were, shocked. Stilled in her placement, her breath hitches as her sister questions and Aiolos fills them in. All the sudden breaking her silence, a whine takes her, cutting the forest air. I, I know her... she's my friend. Another friend, like Belharra, lost to her. But this one she didnt even get to say goodbye too. This one might not even know who she was even if she did. Where all have you looked? She asks, already ready to assist in the search party.
166 Posts
Ooc —
Yikes - the lost memory was not a good sign. Lenny's ears flicked back momentarily, particularly at her sister's whine. That would be the second friend Kyr had lost recently - that was... rough. At the very least, Ying was a unique-looking wolf. 

"Hey, don't worry," she assured, near desperate to make the two feel better. "We'll find her. Do you have any idea what direction she might've headed in?" she tacked on to Kyr's question, tipping her head to the side as she looked up at Aiolos.
Daddy Moonglow
1,034 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
A frown pressed to Aiolos mug, nodding at Lenny's reassurances though he couldnt help the falling of gingered ears. He shakes his skull. She was a quick-footed woman and no one knows which direction she may have taken, especially without any right thoughts. I've just come back from checking along the coast as far west as the Ocean Breath Plateau and then made rounds here. A scout of ours has checked around the east coast too. Which left all of inland and how vast that was. With so many knowing Ying, however, hopefully she was safe wherever that may be. Please, if you would - keep a look out, pass the message. I shouldn't stay long. His legs shifted about with an eagerness. He couldnt help but be in and out though quickly. Time was ticking and there was so many places left to look.
moonglow daddy
390 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Having no direction of where she went and her last known place being home on an island left far too many places she could have gone. Without any direction who was to say how or when they might find her? Still, Ying was a well known woman. There would be plenty of eyes out for her and if she was found it was likely by an allies then for. But wandering alone? Pregnant? With wolves known to attack those at such lonesome disadvantage? 

Kyr nods to Aiolos but says nothing more on the manner to him. He was best useful off looking then here. Same as she. I should tell @Mal... Her voice cracks, holding back the tears and she turns, rushing back into the forest.
166 Posts
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Kyr was quick to run off to find Mal, and Lenny couldn't blame her. Still, the other Archer sister was concerned - for both the pregnant, missing wolf and her friends. Moonstone eyes found their way up to Aiolos' gold and she tipped her head to the side. 

"Neverwinter will keep a lookout for her. But could you do me a favor too?" she began, tipping her head to the side and scanning him over. So tense. "Take care of yourself, too. Okay?"
Daddy Moonglow
1,034 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Eyes shift to the slimmer, stream-line sister as she dashed off into the thickness of the forest. But only a moment as his fiery attention was pulled back to Valencia. He tried to force a smile, but it was grim and pained. He nods, whispering a small Okay. from his lips before he politely dips his muzzle down in farewell and begins off again on his journey.
moonglow daddy
166 Posts
Ooc —
Lenny nodded in return, watching after the brightly colored male for a moment before she turned around to head back into her own territory. They could search for Ying after Mal had been notified.
