Hushed Willows He's got a string attached to every bone
Everything lies within Emotion
483 Posts
Ooc — Meebee
For @Bridget - before Dawn's arrival

The fae was freshening up at the Pond of Reflections, a stunning new discovery inside their little retreat. The water was so clear it acted as a mirror and frog songs were plentiful and beautiful. She was casually spying on a pair of ducks - she could tell one was female and the other was male. She saw herself and Dante in them, the way they interacted. Surely they were a couple? Were Dante and her one too? Gods, she'd never felt like this about anyone before.

The tired fae queen was simply resting there - one could probably smell the smoke of the gears in her head turning, trying to think of the best move forward. Was Hua alright? Had she gathered their troops? Could anyone please come and distract her?
823 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Cue Bridget.  She was getting a feel for the place by now, despite her semi-irregular presence.  She was the type of wolf who had a lot to give, and staying in one spot? Wasted potential.  Energy needed an outlet, and that outlet sometimes meant running scouting missions out into the greater wilds.  

Unfortunately, her last one had been a bust.  Boring old forest, not another soul around, and nothing interesting to hunt.  At least the shade had cut the heat, but the muggy forest-trapped air tended to cut that benefit short.  

On her way back, she'd stopped for a swim, and it was now a slightly-damp Bridget that wandered across Lumiya's path.  Honestly, she was a bit on the out-and-out with pack affairs... but even she could read that expression.  Y'know, I've never tried to read a duck's mind, but I imagine it's pretty boring stuff.  She said, with a huff of laughter.
Everything lies within Emotion
483 Posts
Ooc — Meebee
She hadn't been paying much attention to her surroundings - she was far too engaged in the affairs before her. The male duck ran his beak through the female's feathers, patting her softly on the head and then continued to prune her. The female in turn, ran her beak through the feathers on his chest and quaked softly. They froze in their embrace, closing their eyes before Bridget came and spoke loudly enough to spoke both them and the fae that had been rudely spying. The couple flew off without a goodbye, probably returning to their nest somewhere near the denning area.

The fae was surprised Bridget had run into her, but happy to see her nonetheless. She was gone most of the time she'd notice, but as she'd said to Valiant before; the court was a retreat, not a prison. Gosh, did Bridget even know about all the things that had been brewing?

She chuckled, a slight blush settling over her cheeks. They're not the most fascinating creatures, but they did look awfully cute. She responded fairly. How have you been Bridget? We haven't seen you around much — enjoying yourself?
823 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Yeah, I guess.  She hadn't looked hard enough to notice what they were doing before they flew off, so it was clear the agreement was more formality than anything.  The second was a little easier to answer.

Yeah!  This place is great, well, mostly.  Figured I should get the lay of what's around, and I found some good plants around too.  It had been a frequent task of hers... as a pup, anytime she'd wandered, she'd always get stuck with herb gathering or helping to organize them as a punishment. Probably because half the herbs tasted horrendous, and it would take days to wash the taste completely from her mouth.  Just enough time to be stuck with it again.... she'd wandered off a LOT.

Only paid attention enough to know how about half of them work, but better safe than sorry, yeah?  Anyway, what's up from the court side? She didn't feel much guilt for being so out of the loop, but Lumiya's comment did remind her of it.
Everything lies within Emotion
483 Posts
Ooc — Meebee
Bridget probably knew more about herbs and plants than herself - so far, she'd only been good at finding pretty flowers or things with a magnificent scent like lavender or mint. She was glad to hear that the blonde girl was enjoying herself though, even if she was scouting most of the time. Happy to hear that. She commented truthfully, not dismissively.

The wind fae nodded in agreement. Even if they had no wounded yet, it was always a good idea to have all kinds of herbs available for when something did go wrong. Her expression soon turned grim however, when the other asked about the ongoing events of the court. I'm afraid it's not good news. The mountains, our allies and us are being terrorized by a new pack - The Saints, they call themselves. It was better to be upfront about it then lie about the severity of the situation. A war might even come of it, if they do not heed our warnings and move someplace else.
823 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Wait, seriously? She was only taken aback by the news for a moment.  Surprise pretty quickly transitioned to anger, not at Lumiya, but that anyone would dare even trying to 'terrorize' them.  What the hell is their problem with us?  If they did have a problem, of course it would be them doing the moving.  Bridget would more than help to see to that; she had no issues with the concept of knocking a few heads around in order to stop whatever conflict this pack thought they needed to bring.
Everything lies within Emotion
483 Posts
Ooc — Meebee
From what I understand, they think us weak, for we are not like them. She answered, clearly not believing it herself. If anything, those who strove to to mend conflict with words and kindness were much stronger than those who used violence and fear. The fae queen was disappointed there were still individuals like that, even when her family had moved away from the Wilderness. She knew not how to retaliate; these wolves could not be reasoned with, even if her arguments came from a place of truth, wisdom and understanding. What did her court expect of her in times like these? Charge into battle, throwing away all she stood for? Try and remain peaceful yet defiant?
823 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
On the one hand, that kind of stupid opinion deserves to be pummeled into the ground.  On the other... Bridget scoffed.  Well, it isn't like we have anything to prove, she said, though her tail twitched irately.  They can come try it, but they'll regret that pretty quick.

Bridget didn't enjoy fighting, not like that, but she wasn't about to let that pass if they came looking.
Everything lies within Emotion
483 Posts
Ooc — Meebee
A series of agreeing nods were given, but uncertainty was still clear in her expression. She wanted them all to be safe, and with those wolves near they certainly weren't. I just hope we'll be safe here. She wasn't looking forward to a potential move - especially not with this forest being so beautiful and exactly what the court needed. Not that I doubt you and the other warriors won't do a good job of defending us. She clarified.
823 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Don't worry about that, she replied, and there was an intensity to her confidence in it.  This was a challenge Bridget would be more than happy to meet, and it was one she knew she was up to.  Same with the others.  There was no way these other wolves would get the better of them.

But I'd be willing to bet they are all talk, she added with a dismissive wave of her tail.  Usually the ones who talk the biggest for no reason are the worst cowards.
Everything lies within Emotion
483 Posts
Ooc — Meebee
Not worrying... that was easier said than done. It seemed that nowadays, all she did was worry about the future. At least it distracted her from the past, but if it was only horrible scenarios she could muster up, well, then she'd rather be stuck with the equally horrifying memories she already had - thank you very much.

She shook her head. I wouldn't be too sure - the pack near the coast told me they've actively hunted their kind down. Their teeth aren't just for show I'm afraid.
823 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
we can fade this here! And maybe have another soon!

Bridget gave a bit of a hmph, a gentle scoff.  Neither are ours, she answered, with a bit of a lilt to her brow as she looked at the Queen.  Since she was a leader here, maybe she had to worry, but Bridget had nothing but confidence for the Court and their capabilities.  Peace might be their preference but that didn't mean she wasn't ready to fight.

Either way, guess I'd better start preparing.  If they do plan to go on the hunt, I'll want some stocks, so when they come my teeth are unoccupied.  She smiled, then dipped her head to Lumiya, excusing herself.  She didn't lose her jaunty air as she departed... if anything, there was a renewed energy to her.  Finally, perhaps, a little excitement! So long as it did not harm them, she could embrace that.