Broken Antler Fen Please allow me to have ONE cathartic experience in my life -
415 Posts
Ooc — mercury
All Welcome 
She'd tried.

She'd looked for Arielle anywhere and everywhere, to no avail. She had discovered so much—and so many different souls. She had changed. . .for the better, she thought.

But still, no sister. And so, she returned to Brecheliant empty-pawed and empty-souled.

At least her mother would be here to comfort her.

No strong trace of Ibis upon the borders, though, but. . .she howled, anyway, thinking her mother might be busy with the pups she'd been carrying when Lilitu left. Maia, Eljay, Teya, others. . . It was much the same.

This little fen had not changed much.

Lilitu had. But that was neither here nor there. She was just happy to be home.
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
A call for Ibis from a familiar, and well loved, voice on the border. Maia's heart broke all over again. Still... she knew that someone needed to deliver the news. And Maia moved immediately to be the one to do it, giving the other children hushed kisses and departing them for a short while.

She had grown up, Maia noticed. She hadn't been a pup when she left but it was always amazing how much growing they still had left to do. Lilitu. Welcome home. She smiled, but there was something more behind it. She took a step forward and, if she was allowed, would exchange an affectionate nuzzle. How are you!? It's, um... it's really good to see you.

She needed a moment. No doubt Lilitu would ask anyway.
415 Posts
Ooc — mercury

She rushed forward toward the patchwork woman, nuzzling against her with the utmost affection. She drew in her scent, that damp, thick scent she'd associated with the fen for so long. It was home—as many homes as she'd made, this was home.

How are you?? Are you— Her nostrils flared wide, taking in the woman's smell. You have—kids! With Eljay? Oh, my! What's. . .where's. . .?

Lilitu trailed off, tail wagging happily. Her eyes were bright and broad, taking in every inch of her surroundings.
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oh, oh!! Oh wow, she'd really missed her! Maia was a little overwhelmed with emotion as Lilitu hugged her with a gusto and she returned the gesture with just as much feeling. She couldn't get choked up yet, she hadn't even gotten to the worst part. And Maia knew she couldn't draw it out - it wasnt fair.

We do! Two girls, Sylvia and Hymnal. Maia smiled but didn't move away. Her expression dropped some, and she took a breath. It was time.

And three more. You have a few sisters and a brother here, now. But your mom... she got sick. And she didn't make it. I'm so, so sorry. The words came out a little halting and a little rough. It was still raw for all of them.

Maia was committed to staying where she was and letting Lilitu do what she needed to absorb that news. She was here to hold her if that was what she wanted, but if she needed space... that was okay too. If there was one thing she could offer right now it was that they were, and always would be, family. None of them would ever be alone, not while Maia was here.
415 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Her excitement was palpable as she almost jogged in place, vibrating, at the news of Maia's children. Then more—oh! Sisters and a brother! She was about to butt in to ask about their names when the woman continued.

It was a segue she hadn't expected in the least, and Lilitu's face remained stretched in a smile for a couple more heartbeats. It slowly faded, though, all life in her face draining away as the words sank in.

She didn't make it. I'm so, so sorry.

No, she said, shaking her head. That—she was fine, when I left. That can't be true.

But why would Maia lie? Her friend was a storyteller, but she was no fibber.

Lilitu sat suddenly, heavily on her haunches, feeling as if her body was weighed down by immeasurable pressure. She felt herself hyperventilating, struggling for breath. And then the grief came, pouring violently from her like blood from a mortal wound.

A wretched keen escaped her maw, tears rolling thick and fast down her cheeks like the spring rains.
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
There wasn't really anything Maia felt she could say to make this easier. It hurt to see the joy fade so quickly into shock, but Lilitu had needed to know why her mom hadn't been the one to meet her here. It wasn't fair to draw it out and to keep her hoping that everything was okay.

As she sat down and began to sob, Maia almost instinctually closed the gap and wrapped her in as big of a hug as she could manage, holding her tight while she cried. She couldn't stop a few slipping down her own muzzle as well, but she was just going to be there for her, just as fiercely as she had been for her younger siblings so far.

It isn't fair. I'm sorry. Obviously her niece didn't truly think she was lying, but Maia quietly responded, feeling her heart breaking. It really wasn't. They hadn't done anything to deserve this, and if the world was fair, Ibis would be there right now to watch all of her children grow up.
415 Posts
Ooc — mercury
An explosion of breath.

Sick?! Lilitu exclaimed, bending forward, her stomach curling into knots. Gone—how? Maia, how? This last syllable extended into a wail, ripping through the air, punctuated by sobs.

She folded in upon herself, feeling as if everything was unreal. Nothing—not even the time she'd found those bones and bodies on the mountain.

Maia wouldn't lie. Ma was dead.

She breathed deep and fast, stirring the air at her paws. Are— is— Did anyone come back? she finally decided, raking her bloodshot golden eyes to the woman. My father, Arielle— is—

She'd ask about her siblings, but they were still unknown to her.
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She didn't really react or respond to the embrace. She seemed to fold in on herself and Maia, regretfully, gave her some space. She wasn't sure what the right thing to do was. She was completely out of her depths here.

I'm not sure. Bridget or Eljay might know more. She answered, subdued. All she knew was that when they'd found her, she was already gone. She was so young, and had seemed fine so shortly before. What had happened!? She still didn't understand it.

That someone could be there one day, gone the next. It was terrifying.

I don't know where they are. Your dad, he... he left. And she never.... Maia trailed off, feeling absolutely abysmal. There was no good news to give. Nothing except...

But your mom, she had... you have sisters, and a brother here. Eljay and I have been taking care of them. They... I think they'd like meeting you. Things had been so hard. Maybe she'd be able to do what they could not.
415 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Nothing about what Maia said was comforting. Her knees buckled, face still contorted in anguish. Siblings. . .okay. But her mother was still gone. 

I need a moment, she breathed, seeking the other's silver gaze Please..

Without waiting for further permission, Lilitu went—and at the edge of the fen, removed from all, she let loose a ragged sob for her mother. 

Gone. Dead.
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia wanted to follow her, to reach out and hold her and to let her know that she wasn't alone. The way she felt was so familiar, and it tore at her own recent wounds within her chest. It wasn't fair that they'd had to lose so much.

But she held back. Lilitu needed space, not her, and Maia watched her go before sitting down and slumping some, feeling the tears start to prick her own eyes. It was awful. She hated having to be the one to deliver the news, but only because it was news no one should ever have to get.

She'd be here for her if she needed it. Until then she sat here, silently trying to hold back her own sobs, before returning to the quiet comfort of the rest of their family.