Honeyed Pasture kipik
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the sun continued its barrage in the days that followed. imi's nose burned and peeled and darkened to the shade of a bruised raspberry. so too did the flesh beneath her thick coat pinken, though it was hidden by the heavy cloud of shedding fur that kept her safe from the harsh light of summer. twigs and leaves tangled in her coat, turning her into a wild thing like those she'd met. 

the lands south of the sea were not what she'd pictured -- if taggâni could've envisioned them at all. 

her clan would've thought it paradise. 

there were mountains, to the west. forests and shelter too, though that was fewer and far between in the sea of grass. the caribou here were different, but caribou all the same -- though her first sights of them had made her think of twisted spirits and put fear in her heart. their coats were thinner, chestnut in place of the earthen sable and ivory she had come to know. and only the males sported horns bizarrely enough. but the caribou were everywhere, filling imi's heart with an unfamiliar envy.

if only the clan were here; her kin would live without worry. they might've even settled without the need to follow the herds throughout the seasons.

such thoughts were hard to dispell but did the dog no good in her task of survival. 

the snowfall woman did her best to ignore the faint pain that wound tightly around her ribcage at the thought of what once was, setting her precious otterskin upon a stone by a shallow stream. the words of the womens' song came to her as she purified herself in the rivulet, a broken and guttural whisper of a hum crooning beneath her breath as she attempted to wash out the multitude of natural debris caught in her downy fur.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,362 Posts
Ooc — Danni
[ooc]Thank you <3 and Hello. I apologize for some reason it won't let all my paragraphs be separated. [/occ]

Rodyn stared up at the offending sun as it beat down on his russet fur. Normally he didn't mind the sun, but today as he walked, it beat upon him and felt much hotter than the air. The air that didn't stir at that. He padded along the trails of high grass, nose bombarded with the many scents of game. This would be a good place for a group hunt, as long as it were not claimed, he smelled the stale smell of wolves and coyotes and other things, but nothing tangible. 

He gazed at the trails of caribou that traversed these lands, and wondered as all hunters do. How much skill it would take to hunt one down. And the horns upon the males, filled him with a tiny dose of fear. He would need to stay from those, they could break his ribs or pierce his chest easily.

Though as he continued his gentle clip, a new smell hit his nose and as all youths who are curious and hunters, he followed it. It smelled like, well a bit like T.K. but it was different too. Strange different, but not unpleasing. It was with no surprise then when he came across a small dog, bathing in the river.
She was gossamer like a cloud. Woven strands of white coloring her pelt, her tail curled. He couldn't see her eyes from his spot, but he was momentarily struck dumb and unsure what to say, and he quickly averted his eyes. She was tiny, so much smaller than him. A great longing to protect her as he did with T.k., with the pups beat upon his breast, but he quelled it. Chances were if this tiny thing was here now in the wilds, looking as feral as they land the traipsed she was well versed in taking care of herself.
He chuffed quietly and moved a little closer, but not close enough that she may bolt and run. He was curious about her now, and wanted to know a bit about her. There was some sort of skin on the rock near where she stood. Though from his standpoint he couldn't see it. She made noises, a bit more guttural and harsh than Callyope, but a hum all the same
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with the splashing of water filling her ears, and her attention focused on the task at hand, the she-dog didn't notice the male's presence until the soft chuff -- not unlike the clearing of a throat. the croon died in her throat, the owl straightening with a tiny jerk as wide eyes of dusk pink and lilac flew to the man. 

he was much like the sentinels of the seaside forests. huge, as so many of his kind were when compared to miki. dark, a creature composed of loamy soil and the lengthening shadows of coming nightfall. even his eyes reminded her of a forest at dusk, like the golden rays that stretched between thick trunks. 

a heartbeat passed as the two observed each other. kissimi soon settled, blunt auds falling back as her curled tail dipped low -- inching between her legs instinctively. a pinkberry nose lifting to the air to catch the autumnal scent of the stranger: the cinnamon of crushed leaves, the musk of herds, a cologne of the feral mountains he hailed from.

a nictate of her ivory eyelids. a rasping noise escaped, what might have been a noise of greeting if not for the ruin of her vocal chords. the brumal fae's head cocked curiously.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,362 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The river ran swift and strong, for a brief moment, Rodyn was unsure if the she dog would even hear him. Was she perhaps part wolf, he didn't think so, too small. And he didn't wish to say strange looking, that felt wrong, because she wasn't just different. He felt bad as she jerked, her song peppering off in quick succession. He hadn't meant to scare her.

He couldn't quite get over how small this female was. She barely came to his chest he'd wager, though perhaps she was bigger than she seemed. He fought a smile, small things were usually mighty things, his sister, his mother, both had proven that time and time again.

The silence stretched, but it wasn't unbearable. Though, Rodyn felt another lick of guilt as the femme curled her tail. Rodyn abruptly sat down. He didn't wish her to think he was towering above her on purpose, or with ill intent. He sniffed once, smelling pine needles, and dried leaves, soil and river. The damp, earthy smell that only seemed to converge around rushing bodies of water, fresh, new.

She made a noise, and as Rodyn took her in he wondered at it.

Hello, I'm Rodyn Ardeth.

He spoke quickly, quietly, but she could hear. He felt the need to go small with this she dog. Lower himself to her scale, not be loud, unassuming.
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rodyn ardeth.

it was a strong name, crisp and fierce as it fell from the tongue. For the ones who could speak perhaps. but even trapped in perpetual silence, miki could hear the ring of it. like those with a missing limb, a phantom in its place, there were times the sullâjuk felt she could feel the ghost of speech on her tongue. 

the blanchard dipped her pale diadem in understanding, the dog's iolite gaze flickered again as her chin lowered. 

a grating sound followed. 

"kissimi." it was little more than a wisp of sound, likely lost over the burble of the diminutive river. "imi," she clarified, attempting to strain her chords to speak louder and be recognized, though it cost her greatly. a grimace graced her soft features and a dry cough of discomfort followed.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,362 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn had always been proud of his name. Proud to share the last name of his father. Despite their rocky ending, despite that he had been chased out, as was his father's right to do so. He still loved the male with everything. He still missed his father, longed to make him proud. Still carried his name.

Ears ficked back, hard and fierce against his head. The grating noise sounded painful. Before he could speak out, tell her not to continue she did. Her voice was soft like crushed velvet, almost indescernable. Her face was pained and Rodyn felt his heart go out to her, he moved his head closer, yellow eyes taking her in, kindly. He averted them after a few seconds.

Well met Imi. I was hunting and didn't want to startle you.

He wondered at her silence, what had happened that she couldn't speak very well, or was she born this way. He had heard of it happening, though most would have taken the life of the child in moments.
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the kulângi shifted ever so slightly, weight pressing from paw to paw. she did not entirely understand the empathy etched into the shadow's features and even if she had, she would not have desired pity. her own rounded ears fluttered back delicately, uncertain. her own gaze dropped to the trickle of the waters shyly.

"hunt? tuttuk?" the girl managed in a harsh, scraping noise. Her ears lifted, eyes brightening with a spark of intrigue as they returned to the dubloons of rodyn's, of their own accord. how did one man manage to bring down the strange caribou of the grass sea? were the men of these lands stronger than the clan?

-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,362 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She moved from feet to feet, uncomfortable maybe. He wasn't certain, and he didn't wish to dwell. He was about to get up and move from her sight, continue his hunt. He didn't wish to cause her unrest, and he was reading her body language as best he could (wrongly) but trying all the same.

Rodyn smiled at her words, eyes lit up. They reminded him of Moonwoman, and Sialuk. He enjoyed the language of his new found family and to hear it on another's maw. He would have to take her to them.

My leader speaks your language, or at least it sound similar.

He nodded after that. Yes I was hunting some smaller game to take to the pack, but I was also keeping track of the caribou. I wouldn't be able to take down one on my own, but I could possibly take a fawn, or a lame doe. Can share my findings with my clan.
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sorry for the wait, it's been a hectic week at work. by way of explanation, much of imi's communication is based on body language, both lupine and human. hence all the gestures and submission since Rodyn is a larger male and also a pack wolf.
the summer-cloud woman's small ears tilted forward -- visibly drawn in by this piece of information. there were others here who spoke her language, or what little she could manage with the thievery of her voice. others like her, perhaps. 

the dog could not express her interest verbally; already her throat ached as if singed by the smoke two-legs occasionally used to drive her people from their land. to attempt too much was to be struck with utter silence for several passings of the sun. 

instead, kissimi lifted to her tufted paws and gave her damp pelt an invigorating shake. a pink tongue flashed across her chops in excitement as she gave a rare grin, her digits prancing in an eager little tempo before she settled like a spirited filly with a small toss of her head -- fluffy tail wagging exuberantly at her hocks. 

it dipped between her legs as it stilled, the canid tiptoeing closer hesitantly. rodyn was a stranger after all. only the spirits knew if it might be a trap, if he might launch himself at her and attempt to overpower the smaller creature once she dared to move into his personal berth of space. 

if allowed, the moonbeam would inch closer, extending her neck to sniff at him investigatingly -- amethyst and rose quartz hues darting up questioningly before she touched the burnt berry of her nose against the earthen swathe of the he-wolf's chest fleetingly, beesechingly. 

i go with you? the movements seemed to belay in her noiseless dance of expression, the question clear in her sunset eyes as miki drew back and waited in the natural curve of a submissive posture.

-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,362 Posts
Ooc — Danni
I completely understand Hectic :) Thank you for the information on her. She's adorable

Rodyn couldn't hide his boyish grin, at her absolute excitement. It was clear she had difficulty speaking, so he would have to read her body language. Though, honestly he wasn't certain if he could entirely. He was a verbal type of male, never paying much attention to father's lessons on body language and how to tell when another meant you ill will or not.

 She was adorable and he wanted to keep her safe though. As was often his way with things smaller than he. Unless it was food. He always wanted to keep the little things safe. He failed sometimes. 

Rodyn didn't move, allowing her to breach closer. He didn't think she meant him any harm, and he wasn't too concerned if she did. He could fold her under him. Her nose against his chest tickled, and he had to stop a snort from escaping. He sniffed at her in return, though he wasn't sure where to touch her, so tiny. Maybe her head? But that could be misconstrued wrong. So instead he opted for a deep breath and a small smile. and a nother Hello

Rodyn nodded his head thinking he understood, but not 100 % sure. You want to come with me? Meet Moonwoman and the pack?
9 Posts
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it's np, thank you! <3
imi's head bobbed fractionally, the movement slow and docile. amaranthine-dashed eyes blinked, dipped -- apprehensive and trembling. the samoyed was reluctant to impose or bother either rodyn or the people he called clan. not to mention her hesitancy. not all wolves were like her own village. not all were accepting of dogs.

"imi hunt," she offered, her voice little more than a smoky wisp of a whisper, nearly gone. the snowberry turned, indicating that she could help the timberland male with his trapping by sweeping along the grasslands with a motion of her ivory jaw. the girl did not wish to distract the man from his task with her curiosity.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,362 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn knew Moonwoman would treat her at least with respect, and he couldn't see her sending her away, especially since she spoke their language and very possibly knew their ways. Even more so than he had.

Rodyn noddd his head. Alright you flush them out and I'll catch? Deal? It was a yes or no answer, he was trying to keep them as thus. Especially, given that the poor shebeast clearly had an issue with her throat. He felt badly and didn't want to make her strain it further.

He hoped she wouldn't try and chase one of the elk his way, because that he couldn't handle on his own. He and Astraios had only managed barely with two.
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imi nodded, a tiny grin of anticipation ghosting across her lips before she dashed to the otterskin -- handling it with the utmost care as she hid it amongst the rushes of tall steppe grass. the snowbird would return for it, without fail. 

after her treasure had been stowed away from prying eyes, the she-dog trotted into the grass which parted to hide the girl. the blades were soft, brushing against her thick coat not unlike waves of seawater breaking against her skin -- though these waves whispered and murmured against her, snagging occasionally and taking a handful of wooly white with them. their depths concealed the procession of a different ballad. not the watery songs of distant whale and the chirp of dolphin but the creaks and cries of insect life. 

prey was prey. fish were silent too but harder to track than the small creatures that took their place in this alien ocean of green. 

the sun was hot against her, the air thick and close in the grass. it smelt almost like the sweet cakes the old two-leg had occasionally shared with her upon the sea -- like something fragrant and baked. hot and heavy as the air was, miki could almost taste the musk of rabbit when she caught its scent. turning abruptly, she followed her sensitive nose -- which had been bred to sniff out things buried in mounds of snow. 

it was different, creeping around the foraging rabbit but not so different from the dance of fishing. the end goal was the same: take care not to startle the game away. she lined herself up to angle the fleet-foot towards Rodyn (who had hopefully followed along as she tracked the critter down) and leapt from the cover of the reeds. 

the dog had no voice left to startle the rabbit, nor would she have been able to even in the event that she hadn't expended her ability to talk. but the sudden sight of the predator was enough to make the burrower balk and dart in the opposite direction.

-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,362 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn's head tilted to the side. His own smile jumping to grit hers with pomp. She was cloud kissed, and beautifully adept and it filled him with anticipation. They would make good hunting partners, he would wager. Though he was a bit confused about the thing she held in her mouth. She disappeared with it and when she returned she was fine. Perhaps she was like Sialuk with her bones, and the seer Cerne with his bag of stuffs.

The she beast darted into the large grasses and she completely disappeared from Ro's sight. So with hurried yet careful steps, he followed her into the sea of green. The tickling movement, causing him pause, but ony for a moment. Sharp eyes watched for the movement's of bushes, ears forward, alert for any stalk breakings.
He followed her path, both by sight, smell and the occasional tuft of white that blew past him.

Rodyn tracked her whilst she tracked a rabbit. Getting his bearings, he went the opposite way of the tiny thing, realizing quickly that she planned to chase the rabbit to him. It was with an air of patience, he waited. Body quivering, ears listening, yellow eyes on the grass, darted from one corner to the next.

Finally, with a loud sound of paws against dirt, and the panicked sound of a rabbit running. Rodyn readied himself and snatched the rabbit that the young white dog beast sent his way. With a snap and a growl, he ended it's life. It hung limp in his jaws.