Lost Creek Hollow Pale morning Sky
-I don't stop when I'm tired. I stop when I'm done.-
243 Posts
Ooc — Killi
All Welcome 
all welcome, but maybe @Silvertongue so his joining thread isnt complete yet, but i figured he could still meet. And i gotta post or he fall inactive soon.

Sandy moved through the new pack lands with a purpose. His intent was to share his skill of hunting and fill their caches before winter was fully upon them.

So with practiced ease he bent nose to the ground and traveled. Red paws upon the ground. Yellow eyes snapping from one spot to the next. The morning dawn splashing him in pale hues.
Qeya River
845 Posts
Ooc — ebony
i'm gonna throw her into both his threads so they count! <3

sandulf. this time silvertongue approached with a ribald purr, for they knew each other now. the morning was beautiful upon his pelt. "what are you doing this dia?" she said of their world turning from deep emerald to the shades of autumn. "i need help with something." she held tonguetip between teeth, knowing there was no such task. her eyes danced.
-I don't stop when I'm tired. I stop when I'm done.-
243 Posts
Ooc — Killi
Okay thank you.<3
Her words fell onto his ears and he turned to study her in turn. Pretty as the day was long, with gentle whites and grays and intelligent eyes.

He smiled at her, the scar on his nose giving a soft twinge. Hello miss. SilverTongue. How are you today? I was planning on hunting.

Though her next words and he turned more fully to meet her gaze. What do you need help with? Lead the way.

He wasn't upset with being asked to assist, in what she may need. Though he wasn't certain what they would need, other than caches, maybe some dens dug. He could do that. Fire kissed footpaws, moving to step into closer proximity of she.
Qeya River
845 Posts
Ooc — ebony

sandulf fell into step with her and silvertongue was pleased by how quickly he came to attend her. "i found all these thorns, you see! and one has hurt me!" she lifted her small paw to show him how indeed its tiny softness had been scratched, across her palm. "so we are going to rip them all out, si? all of them!" she marched ahead indignantly.
-I don't stop when I'm tired. I stop when I'm done.-
243 Posts
Ooc — Killi
He eyed her paw as she held it out. Suddenly he stopped her and motioned for her to bring her paw to his maw again. He looked it over and spoke softly, deep rumble.

How about instead of ripping out all those poor thorns, who were just guarding their secrets I give it a small kiss better? That way the foliage stays the way it is.

He gave a soft sound. But if you really have that heart of yours set on ripping them out. I will do so.

Perhaps it was forward of him to offer such a thing, but he meant nothing by it. He was merely doing teh same thing he would have done for one of his younger female siblings.
Qeya River
845 Posts
Ooc — ebony

a kiss? silvertongue raised her paw and made a great show of rolling her eyes. but she was charmed, and when sandulf had presumably soothed the hurt, she slowed her path. "i will at least show you where they are, so you do not suffer the same fate." she let her tongue loll, then pushed onward. "you are a hunter. i saw you, here in the hollow."
-I don't stop when I'm tired. I stop when I'm done.-
243 Posts
Ooc — Killi
Sandulf chuckled but did as offered. Chaste and sweet, gentlemans kiss.

Thank you i appreciate it. he followed her towards the briars.

I am. 

He smilwd and lifted his head to watch the area. I enjoy it very much. Where i was from. We were hunters all of us.
Qeya River
845 Posts
Ooc — ebony

"what is your favourite thing to hunt?" she led him down the way and toward the caves, then veered off toward the waterfall. toward the base of a small sapling were roses and their thorns lay in a fierce patch. silvertongue skirted them with a snort and then glanced to handsome sandulf. "well. here they are!"
-I don't stop when I'm tired. I stop when I'm done.-
243 Posts
Ooc — Killi
Sandulf plodded along enjoying her company and the crisp autumn air. When her question drew him pause and quiet comtemplation.

Deer. I enjoy partner hunting. Then you must work together and it creates a bond.

Sandulf smiled at the rises and gently bent to smell them.

Thorns to protect such aoft petals. Yes?
Qeya River
845 Posts
Ooc — ebony

"yes." but now she was looking at sandy's strong back and wondering how easily he might support her own smaller frame during — a sweet smile graced her mouth. "i am not good at hunting. or finding a deer. but i will help you today, sandy."
-I don't stop when I'm tired. I stop when I'm done.-
243 Posts
Ooc — Killi
Sandy lifted his head, a huge smile on his face. 

Sounds good to me.

He nent his head down to the groind and motined with his black tail for her to follow or step beside.
Qeya River
845 Posts
Ooc — ebony

silvertongue laughed a little. "i do not know where to go! you lead." she pranced at his side, pointing out a mourning dove here and a cardinal there. she was very taken with the hollow, and it showed in all parts of her.
-I don't stop when I'm tired. I stop when I'm done.-
243 Posts
Ooc — Killi
Sandy nudged her softly when she stepped beside him. Eyes following each creature she pointed out Listening with a gentle patience as she told him of the hollow and the secrets here. 

Though he would snuff along the ground on occasion to route a rabbit or a squirrel, though at the moment he was on the trail of another weasel. The slinky creature ahead of them, a little ways, but not far. They'd be upon it soon enough.
Qeya River
845 Posts
Ooc — ebony

she watched. she followed. she kept silent. soon silvertongue began to see as sandy did, little tracks here and there. the mark of where a tail had been dragged. a tuft of fur. her gaze intensified and catlike she crept beside the hunter, learning all she might from his silent movements.
-I don't stop when I'm tired. I stop when I'm done.-
243 Posts
Ooc — Killi
She grew silent and went into hunter mode. A ghost of a grin lit up his eyes. And she said she wasn't a hunter, look at her now. He tilted his head towards an underbrush nearby. 

Just as it rustled and a weasel brown and turning light burst from the undergrowth. Chattering and clacking. He'd let Silvertongue try her hand at it first, and he grasp it if she couldn't.
Qeya River
845 Posts
Ooc — ebony

the animal ran. silvertongue reacted blindly. she lunged for it and missed, but this did not dissuade her. off she ran, light as a feather and keeping speed for now.
-I don't stop when I'm tired. I stop when I'm done.-
243 Posts
Ooc — Killi
Sandulf followed behind the she wolf, and then around her, making as to pinser the creature in. Giving her an easier way of catching he weasel. 

A soft growl as he surged forward, herding. Yellow eyes intense and locked.
Qeya River
845 Posts
Ooc — ebony

sandy moved to corner the creature. her own small teeth flashed. there was blood, and then the weasel lay dead. silvertongue stood over it in shock! "i caught it!" she cried, looking to sandulf with an expression of sweetened excitement. "thank you! thank you, for showing me." her heart raced; she looked between he and the kill with a growing invitation in her glassblue eyes.
-I don't stop when I'm tired. I stop when I'm done.-
243 Posts
Ooc — Killi
A gentle chuckle curled from deep within his chest, and yellow eyes fastened on her face for a brief moment. She could see if she looked the amusement and kindness in those eyes. Then he quickly looked away and down at it.

you did well. Very proud of you, Miss. Silvertongue. Go ahead and eat it, we'll catch some more for the caches.

He put his nose to the ground, yes there were more, they'd find them and have a nice little cache up for the pack.
Qeya River
845 Posts
Ooc — ebony

she snapped it down and looked at sandy, briefly annoyed that he had not taken up her invite. but she was not truly perturbed; silvertongue flicked up her tail and sighed. "what a lesson!" she laughed and paced. "thank you, sandy." her grin was genuine. "i am going to find crowfeather now and tell him what our new hunter has taught me." she laughed.