Lion Head Mesa don't change that
785 Posts
Ooc — anon
All Welcome 

a woman swollen with life was among them. where on earth had she come from? a fellahin had mentioned toula and it soothed some of the instant flares in her gut.

yet this woman has not come to see her, despite walking her halls.

so she moved on quick feet with a point posture. content to suss the woman out herself if she must.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
heh hello lovely

The pharaoh wouldn't have needed to go far to find her. And as it were she was getting ready to leave anyway. She was just very slow her body misproportioned and unbalanced as it were.

A sharp sound of paws on stone and she turned with ear to her skull, blue eyes searching. She didn't know her, but the noble bearing was clear. So she bowed her head, though she couldn't peostrate herself.

Good day, Pharaoh. I apologize in advance i cannot get lower or I will be unable to stand back up. I am healer and spirtualist of what was former Basilica. I came to visit your princess. I brought gifts of herbs and knowledge.
785 Posts
Ooc — anon
in her, makono saw potential. healer. spiritualist. another adrift from basilica.

it is you who is brimming with the holy gift of life. i need no apologies. her eyes crinkled at the corners as a brief smile marked her face. had she ever seen a pregnant woman before? she did not think so.

it is your knowledge i am most interested in, among your gifts, which are greatly appreciated. i wish to have a meal with you, sesh.

not her sesh! and yet the woman seemed one all the same.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw was uncertain the words of Crowfeather and Silvertongue ringing in her head, but that had been undwr the tutelage of the former Pharaoh, perhaps this one was different.

A small smile, ease of her shoulders and she glanced down at her belly.

She dipped her muzzle in gratitude.

It would be an honor, pharaoh. Thank you.

Ash Paw would move into an easier position one that was easier on her back and sides, though certain to keep her head down. She didn't know much of pharaohs but she did know they were said to be born of the divine.
785 Posts
Ooc — anon
it would be sayf who went off to order the gathering of meals for the two of them. makono content to eat wherever the woman settled herself. for pregnancy was not a thing she knew anything of! not even the toil it took upon one's own body!

have you come to settle with those also once of basilica? or have you found home elsewhere?

her lapis gaze was bright. dazzled by the odd woman already.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw opted for something light fearful that she may grow sick with anything heavy.  What that would entail she didn't know, but she looked around her with bright eyes. It was so opulent here, almost frighteningly so.

Ash Paw settled to her seat in an awkward position with a small unladyluke grunt, but she couldn't help it. It took her a few moments to acclimate herself and finally she was comfortable and no strain upon her body or pups.

i reside in Riverclan with Silver and Crow. she only gave small pieces of their names. Unsure if this pharaoh was the reason for their fear and she wouldn't endanger them. 

They are spirtual like me and also not like me. I follow bear gods and covet knowledge of any god I can. I know of some of your own gods even. I find your goddess Tawaret close to my heart.
785 Posts
Ooc — anon
she did not know these names or places, but she held them close. riverclan with a silver and a crow. they sounded...basic. in a way. perhaps primitive and not of the luxuries and rules of the palace.

there was no envy in her.

ah, Taweret! you should hold Her close in your heart during these times. her eyes crinkled with a smile full of knowing. perhaps one of the priests or priestess might make you something to carry Her blessing.

is your travel far? she would not think a pregnant woman would take such a risk! especially not one who knew of the importance of spreading divinity.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw found Riverclan to be a peaceful place. It wasn't as harsh as others. Though a small part of her wondered how they'd react to her return. They had made it clear the didn't like this place, but Ash Paw kept her and Ingram was here. That was more important to her than what two new leaders though, even if their thoughts were important too.

She smiled. I do and your lovely princess Toula also gave me a talisman with Taweret's likeness on that I will keep close.

Ash Paw sighed softly. It was, but I needed to go to the Plateau for my herbs, herbs that would help with an easier birth. And if there are any complications. From the plateau to here wasn't hard, or long, but going back it will be.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw found Riverclan to be a peaceful place. It wasn't as harsh as others. Though a small part of her wondered how they'd react to her return. They had made it clear the didn't like this place, but Ash Paw kept her and Ingram was here. That was more important to her than what two new leaders though, even if their thoughts were important too.

She smiled. I do and your lovely princess Toula also gave me a talisman with Taweret's likeness on that I will keep close.

Ash Paw sighed softly. It was, but I needed to go to the Plateau for my herbs, herbs that would help with an easier birth. And if there are any complications. From the plateau to here wasn't hard, or long, but going back it will be.

My timeline got all messed up. So if this could be before she spoke with Ingram mabye.
785 Posts
Ooc — anon
im cool with anything and we can keep this short and simple if it helps <3

she is my sister and i have much pride in her. a showing of soft emotion here, but her interest was carried on golden wings. the talk of her travels far more interesting.

which way will you go to return? i have traveled much in my young life. the corner of her eyes wrinkled as a small smile took over her face. she was no ranger, mind you, but as ambassador and tactician, she had learned to traverse the lands well.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Thank you Lovely <3

Ash Paw chuckled. Please forgive my bluntness, but I was never one to beat around the bush so to speak. I don't like the hemming and hawing. But as you should be. She is a good girl, and it speaks well of you that you can see it too.

I will pass back through the plateau and up towards. And i will need to go through the tarns. I don't like that pass, but that will get me there the fastest.