Lost Creek Hollow [M] Drop-off
154 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
All Welcome 
LONG OVERDUE!<3 backdated to night of June 22nd. Right after azul.

Heavy. Long walk. @Silvertongue was draped over his shoulders, his skin stinging where her nails had once raked. Every step taken, his muscles rippled underneath. A slow build up, but days of food and stalking the prey was beginning to build him up. No longer was he starved.

At the border, when his nose twitched and burned from scent, he grunted and scrunched his nostrils in a huff. Glancing back at her quickly, he did a double take before coming to a slow. Her soft eyes, no matter open nor closed, drew him in under his own breath. "This it?"
911 Posts
Ooc — ebony


the sharpfang slid from bonnie's back and affected a look of gracelessness as she slung herself to the ground, cradling the 'affected' limb. her glassblue eyes were luminous as she looked up at him, and there she felt the connection, some sizzle of nerves. "yes. thank you." lips curving. "you were so strong, to carry me so far." teeth, glittering in a smile; yes; she knew her craft.
154 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Boom..boom..boom. The strength of the beating in his chest made his stomach churn. She found him strong.

When her body was flopped on the ground, his limbs leaned forward soon after, nose towards her teeth. Hackles at a firm raise, ears perked forward and paws digging roughly into the ground, his lips parted low. In furrowed brows, he spoke in an awkward, confused huff that was threaded with threatening inflections. Boom. Boom. Boom. His head quirked up, motioning at her lifeless muscles. "You want me to just leave you here or something?" He was sure her packmates would come crawling forth, somewhere. He did not imagine she'd be anywhere near lonely in that regards.

What if she was?
911 Posts
Ooc — ebony

"yes. unless you want to stay?" dios mio, he was uptight. as silvertongue was not injured at all, she meant to dispel bonario of these things. "you have brought me home. what more could you do?" she teased, leaning back upon one elbow in the shaded emerald grass. her smile glittered up at him. "do you like living in kvarsheim?"
154 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Cracks knuckles and rubs hands together

A crystalline coat. Eyes of jewels. Eyelashes dusted in quartz. Lips dipped in obsidian.

His eyes widened, and then his nostrils took a mighty, quick flare. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom.
Then, his voice came to tune with hers, and the quick song of his response missed no given beat. "Yes." Hus voice never lost its firmness. Looking to her claws, where the fur on her shoulders collided with her flank, then to her eyes, he went again. "Kvarsheim is my home." For this moment, for all his uncertainty of Kvarsheim and distaste, he sounded certain here. "I'll stay with you," he quickly put out next. Until help came.

Then, he fell down to his stomach, laying with her, in front of her, eyes fixated on a refined diamond.
That he did not know was a feigned polish to remove him from Kvarsheim.
"Tell me about yourself."
The fur on their paws graced one anothers, where he next swiftly shuffled his own away once he felt his accident of doing so. Not that he'd minded. But she might have.

911 Posts
Ooc — ebony

was he easy? was he weak? silvertongue did not think she could apply either of these terms. he moved like a slinking predator, his eyes upon all of her, and the secretly uninjured silvertongue felt the responsive glitter low in her belly. "i belong to riverclan. before that, i belonged to the sea. i have traveled a very long time to reach this valley. and i know things that would warm your face, dear man." abridged. vague. edited. but he was still a man, still beholden to a man's fascination, as she arched in luxuriant parody of a stretch before those watchful eyes.
154 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
In the wild, the winds bursted once more.
At the edge lines of their territory, he was wrapped in the eyes of a vixen. The wisdom to call upon her kin tried to slip beyond him, and he felt pulled to let it. Her injuries must have been grand, for her to ask for his aid. He had been helpful. He withstood her raking nails.

At her arch, his eyes touched upon her back. It had been a quick switch of vision. It left to wonder if he even noticed it, but in fast ways, subtle ones, he showed the attention that he had for her. All of it was instinct; brisk and rapid. But his mind was there.
She held secrets.
"I could take them and many more." Her name touched his lips. "Silvertongue." His chest muscles tensed. "Names Bonnie." He'd not told her his origins, but she'd known. By smell, he presumed. "I've sought prey towards Teekon from nose, for miles that may battle with yours in plenty. You'd be repulsed. The sea has brought you?" His tail twitched in anticipation.
911 Posts
Ooc — ebony

that bonario had ignored all her small hints until now was a piece of information that silvertongue did not forget. he glittered before her, attuned suddenly to all of her movements, and she wondered if his hunger was only piqued by the idea he could be — caught. "well, bonnie," came her gently teasing, gently pressing voice, "nothing can repulse me." and silvertongue meant it. "the sea brought me. sands made me. now i am riverclan, and riverclan is me." the glassblue eyes danced, dazzled.
154 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Bonnie too was also young, foolish, and inexperienced. For the first time, someone wanted him.
It was a wild drive that kept him in place.
"You've not called upon your pack. What has happened to your body? Your leg. Have you fractured it?" He showed worry in his eyes.

For all of his veins pulsing and the attraction the was ripping at his soul, for her and only her, there came a problem he loathed; she was injured, and he would never act upon the prodigal rushes of heat, desire, as she was. A cruel act. He would not engage it.

But he would want it.
He wanted her. As his.
Only his.

And then, boldness. He was not blind. "Do you want me?" He wanted her. "Tell me something that would impress you. Tell me what you value. I will bring it to you." Traditional.
911 Posts
Ooc — ebony

the smitten boy. had she not seen it many times? "yes." silvertongue favoured him with a grin all for him. "your company is enough, bonario," the sharpfang promised, her eyes alight with interest and an ardor she did not hide. "i am well enough to lie here with you. they will treat me when i cross the boundaries." her teeth glittered. "and what is your desire? what do you want, what do you find impressive?"
154 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
A family.

With crossed paws, a high chest and eyes that tried hand in forest fires, he gazed upon Silvertongue in dour.
A lost cause. Wastelife. Strapped. A trashy street kid; youngblood with no morals. A vagrant. A muddy-shoed scoundrel. Impoverish, dishonest, petty theft to condiments. Doomed blood. Day one struck with a low-blow fate, born to half-alive family with no food to feed a crying offspring. They said he carried like a bum. Empty cupboards and a roof hung on by a thread not to cave in by storm. Heat-deprived winters. Scrappy teeth and bruised knuckles, dirty skin.

Aint she something.

"Someone who can keep up with me," cut dry. "I cut through miles down passes and land feet up hilltops. Ain't settled, never have been." For her, he was soft. Heart on fire. He knew they would not lead anywhere. But he wanted them to. An enterained amusement with no chains for grounds. She'd go home and he'd never see her again. But he wanted to see her a million times and for every time to be even a sliver of peace as now was. 
"My sights are on the mountains one day. Somewhere secluded." Many must have tried to appease her. He had nothing. Nothing valuable. No man of authority or wealth. He tried with nothing to offer in his pockets but himself. "Is Riverclan forever your home? You feel safe here?" He questioned in strange earnest. 
911 Posts
Ooc — ebony

ah, ah. he changed from eldritch boy to lust! to desire! had carrying her a distance done all this to the fine bonario? silvertongue was fascinated, flattered, and for a moment she allowed herself the complete insanity of contemplation: what would her life appear if she simply ran off with this trouble-making kvarsheim wolf? he was handsome, young; he did not have to know anything about her. and yet — "si. this is my forever home," was what silvertongue said. but now, without any sign of her injury, she rose in grace and crossed to drape her spine over his forelegs, gazing up into the brutish, youthful face with inviting glassblue eyes. "perhaps you will let me make you feel another way, mm?"
154 Posts
Ooc — Neoma

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Sexual themes. suggestive!
Last from me!! <3 I hope they can meet again one day I loved this so much!
He talked with her.
In fact, it was all he wished to do.
He found grace in her voice, and comfort in talking to a woman, a person, who did not run from him nor spite him. Where simplicity ruled. She did not tremble. She did not find the rage in his eyes that cemented in layers. It had been so long since he had had this. Had he ever?

He had never.


It was the silky fur along her spine spilling out in his arms that drew chills up his own. The warm, lush cheeks below her eyes that filled his chest now with calm sickness that was not there before, in a chokehold by the beat of his own chest that she stole from him. It became hers now. The tip of his nose, grazed with each breath he took as he looked down upon her with eyes of hazy restraint. Buried, blurred and crossing paths he had never known to cross before. Their lips, so close he could soon feel the strength of her pillowy speech. Bonnie didn't want her to run away with him. He didn't want to run away with her. In every way, even before she had laid herself out before him and made him think vile things that she could only drag from him, he wanted only to learn of her. And that one day, maybe in this way, as it was now, it would be just the two of them. Where he didn't have to feel pain anymore. And someone would care for him, as he would them. None had ever shown interest in him as she had to him that night.
He believed all of her.

Heavier, heavier. Now he wanted her.
Was she comfortable? Between breath that grew heavier, before it grew too wild and untamed, he looked upon her neck, then to her eyes. "You are not worried about your pack?"
His face nestled in the soft of her neck. He was gentle. Again to her eyes, with a voice to match her own, "is this what you want?" Desire, churning in his stomach, strangling his veins. He saw only her now, and he wished to hear it. Wished to hear yes. Wished to hear no. If not, he would stay with her blindly until she was safe. She would control him, and if she reeled him in farther, he would be a gentle man with her that wished nothing but to give her enjoyment. To make her happy.
That would make him happy.
And she would take him to places and discoveries he never once knew imaginable.
911 Posts
Ooc — ebony

i loved this also! <33

her eyes were bright. "si," and reached up with slender silver forelegs to enfold his neck, to draw him down. for her this was catharsis, an act which pleased them both but allowed her mind to wander, to depart; allowed silvertongue to think of many things and conceptualize while her skin was warm. she did not know it, but she had learned this in akashingo. the sharpfang was not displeased with her lover, and entertained him with several things, her laughter a moongilt bell. the penultimate courtesan, playing a role that sated silvertongue to an unseen core. and when they had paused, for she was not finished with the energetic kvarsheim man and his clear passion, she again favoured him with a grand smile. "do not go back home tonight. stay — near here, with me." she kissed the top of his paw. reeled, tempted; she kept him as long as she was able, for her as well as himself.