Redhawk Caldera Lost in the loneliness
559 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Alaric had left Acrux in the waiting arms of his mothers. He would do better there with them anyway. Sometimes when you were a child a mothers touch just soothed better.

Instead Alaric headed towards Brecheliant with the she wolf @Bronte. There was agitation in his step and he was hurried and rushed. He tried to speak kindly to the girl, but he still didn't fully trust her either.

 One of her own had attacked a wolf he loved so much. No matter that Acrux was not his. He loved the children of the spear fiercely, bravely, softly. And he would both die and kill for them.

As they srrived. He lifted his muzzle for @Maia. His ruff raised and ears high atop his head.
736 Posts
Ooc — Me
With Frolic and Calahan gone and Teya's children going about their own business, caldera had grown a lot more quiet. Back in summer Dwin would have given anything to have such calm and serene days, now - in the middle of winter that still felt so desperately long despite the gradual return of the daylight - she found she missed those little rascals.

@Glee was still around and did not seem to have any inclination to go, and therefore Dwin spent some hours a day in her younger sister's company. Teaching her skills in survival and engaging in long conversations about nearly everything. She kept @Eljay company, making sure that he had enough food to eat and entertaining him with stories of things she had seen and done during the day and enjoying a nap together, lying side by side and finding comfort in each other's presence and warmth. 

This was, where an urgent call from the borders reached her. Though not the one, who was addressed, she considered it her duty to fill in for her mom, until she arrived. So she did, running to the borders to meet, whoever was there and wanted to talk. It was with a little surprise to see Amalia's brother (his name had escaped her memory) with Bronte by her side. She shot the latter a quizzical glance, then turned to study Alaric's alarmed expression, feeling confused. 

"State your business," she told the man, closing the distance between them. When they had met last, she had been a yearling and he had been the one to hold power due to his seniority. Here, however, with the safety and pride of her home, Dwin's demeanor was completely different. Calm confidence and watchful presence that let the man know without words that he did not belong here and therefore should tread very carefully with, what he was about to say and the way he chose to do that.  
559 Posts
Ooc — Danni
mai says she'll bring bronte in later if you want to wait until she does?

He recognized this one, but she had neveŕ given him, her name. He ahifted and wondered at the way she looked at him now. Their conversation had been a pleasant onw he thought, but perhaps it hadn't been.

I am here because a wolf from here, Miss. Bronte says attacked one of our pups. I just want some more information and to possibly see a reason why they would do so. I didn't get her name. Youngling though.  And possibly with the help of your leaders come to a conclusion. As far as i can tell it was unprovoked. I apologize for bringing such grave news to your borders..

He blinked, but kept his stance neutral his tone calm. He wasn't accusing anyone yet. He juat wanted to understand and find out what the leaders knew. He didn't want to step pn any toes.
103 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Bronte led the way. She knew it best. Brechliant was her pack, not Alaric's. She still didn't get why he felt distrustful of her, as if she had done something wrong.

When he raised his voice, she made it a point to step ahead of him, calling out in an urgent cry of her own. When Ceridwen arrived, she was visibly relieved. She all but rushed up to her, ears plastering back. "Oh thank goodness it is you!" She embraced her in a quick hug. 

As Alaric spoke, she let him. But when he was finished, she sent him a sharp, pointed look as if to say I'll handle this. 

"I was out an excursion when it happened. I heard the commotion and when I got there, I saw Anathema with the boy's scruff in her jaws. Trying to shove his face in water." She quickly tacked on more details. "Another girl was there too, to get her off him. I-I never thought she would do something like that to another wolf. The boy...I met him once before. He seems perfectly nice. But he's pretty roughed up."

She let them take it all in. A breath, and another stern look between both older wolves. "I had to get the word out. It isn't right, what she did. She needs to be held accountable."
736 Posts
Ooc — Me
Throughout childhood Bronte had been the most quiet one, overshadowed by her more rambunctious siblings, who demanded attention. At the time Dwin had been simply glad that there was at least one sane person in the Blackthorn madhouse, but this also meant that she had spent the smallest amount in her company and almost knew nothing about her personality, her dreams and aspirations. Despite this the young Blackthorn was woven in the web of those very close familial relations Dwin felt immense loyalty and responsibility to. 

Bronte's embrace was met with warmth and sincerity and a quick look of concern crossed Dwin's expression, as if she wanted to be sure that the girl was okay. Then followed the story of what had transpired and she listened carefully, brow furrowed, her gaze going from Teya's daughter to the Moonspear's envoy and aback, as if waiting for the facts to be either corroborated or challenged. She pondered in silence, first feeling a sarcastic remark bubbling up wanting to say that "what kind of boy cannot stand up to a girl?". Another proof that weak men were born and raised to be such.

But this meeting was not about finding out Dwin's opinions, this was about a crime, one of their own being involved and fixing it with diplomacy. So she started with a genuine apology and an inquiry: "In the name of Brecheliant, I apologize for this incident. We are a peaceful group and have no intentions to sour the relationship between our packs. I hope that the boy is not badly hurt?" She let him answer, then went on: "I know little of the girl's background - she was brought in as a stray by one of our children - Ponyboy. A quiet kid as far as I knew her."

Here she paused and side-glanced at Bronte, in case she had anything to add about Anathema's character. "And neither she, nor our kid have been home for days. Therefore I am unable to bring her forward and hear her side of the story," she explained. "The least I can promise you to keep her here, if and when she returns, so that a representative of yours can come and question her and we can decide, how to remedy the situation. Or, if you happen to catch her first - I kindly ask not to judge her without the presence of Brecheliant representatives," she finished. 
559 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric listened. It was a little more dire than that. The girl had ripped chunks out of his throat. And Acrux was not used to violence of any kind he had never seen it nor been shown how to really protect himself as far as Alaric knew. But that was their failing.

He dipped his head to Bronte. Thank you.

Then he looked to Ceridwen. He could accept these terms. 

He's hurt pretty bad she got his neck and throat, but he will heal. Though the emotional and mental scars may take time. He is unused to violence of this caliber. And perhaps that is our failing in not teaching.

Alaric wrinkled his brow. I will accept these terms. I ask that if she is waylaid an envoy is sent to us before you hear her side. So we can also hear it. And we will extend the same courtesy. She will not be questioned if we find her until someone from your pack arrives.

He dipped his muzzle down. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter and i am sorry. It is hard to hear that those we know have done unkind things. And I hope to meet you both another time under better circumstances

He had no more to say. I should get back and see if they need my healing help and also to share what I was told. Would you like Bronte to return with me when I speak to Sialuk and Elentari? Once they receive my report perhaps we can send someone back to help you find them?
103 Posts
Ooc — Mai
She remained silent while Ceridwen processed all of this disturbing information. Bronte watched the variety of emotions that flickered across her face. She was of course, interested in the state Acrux was in. And just as important, that this accident would not disturb the alliance between their packs.

Bronte's silence did not last.

Anathema had fled. And taken Ponyboy with her.

"Shit..." She muttered softly under her breath. Caring little if either wolf took offense. The hackles of her flame tinted spine bristled. She stared at the ground, deep in thought and frustration. She knew her agemate and Ponyboy were close. But if Anathema had gone so far as to attack someone unprovoked, then who was to say she wouldn't do so with her brother?

He very well could be in danger.

At Alaric's mention of her name and possible trip back to Moonspear, she whirled to face him. "No." She stated firmly, defiantly. She was only a kid, but this was her turf and she was taking charge. "I am needed here. That girl who I thought was my friend, just took off who knows where with my brother!" She huffed and then drew in a steady breath to calm herself. Between he and Ceridwen, she shared glances. "I suggest we consider calling a meeting about this. Who do we have that we can send out, to scout for them?"
736 Posts
Ooc — Me
For the second time in this conversation Dwin was pleasantly surprised by Bronte's quick wit and... well, acting like an adult? She listened carefully to, what the girl said, and secretly felt even a bit smug for putting Amalia's brother in somewhat uneasy position. Even if he did not think like that himself. 

"Me and Sylvie will be soon heading out to visit Moonpacks - she wants to collect the histories of the families," she said. "I can pass around the message that we are looking for them. I think that we can tell mom and Teya to keep an eye out on here, in case they return. And maybe fetch either Bridget or Glee, or whoever else is free, to inform packs south of here," she suggested. 

"And with you," she now turned her gaze away from Bronte and looked at Alaric, "having many connections along the coast-line. You could possibly warn people there." She was not entirely convinced that this would work - in her experience - if people went and weren't heard from again, they were gone for good. But at least they would have given a try. 

"Is there anything else we can do for you?" she asked being polite and diplomatic, but thinking that they had covered all of the points in their discussion.
559 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Perhaps it was merely the situation, but he found both daughters of Brecheliant made him uneasy. As if they would drive their teeth into his back the minute he turned away from them. He hated fakeness. It irked him. And as far as he was concerned they had no right to make demands or treat him lesser than. After all it was their packmate that had attacked a little boy.

But manners dictated he be kind and polite. And so did his position as leader. So he dipped his head. 

No i think that is all. We'll send someone to the coast to speak with those we know. Thank you.

If there was nothing else. He'd turn and leave the wolves to themselves. He had a little boy to check on.
103 Posts
Ooc — Mai
It was with relief, that Ceridwen and Slyvie would be heading out, with pre-planned visits to the Moon packs anyways. The tension on Bronte's face eased slightly. Getting the word out would prove vital, but only if Anathema and Ponyboy could be found.

Even Alaric had contacts along the coast. She did not think much of the possibility until Ceridwen brought it up. He needed no more from them.

But before he left, Bronte stepped in front of him. "Look. I apologize if I haven't been exactly pleasant." Her voice was firm but not unkind. "This is a lot for me. Someone I thought I knew attacked one of your kids, then ran off with my own brother. I can't help but feel somewhat responsible, even if that isn't the truth."

She stepped aside, hoping the air was cleared between them. "Look after Acrux, 'kay? And maybe, if it is okay with you, I will pop in to see how he's doing?"
736 Posts
Ooc — Me
Bronte - it appeared - was more of a diplomat by nature than Dwin was. Because she would have never stepped up to apologize for not acting in a friendlier manner. She had her pride, she had done no crime and therefore had no responsibility to accomodate Alaric or make him feel more welcome. She had been polite to him out of necessity - the situation was not good. Bronco's daughter on the other hand had more empathy and had probably salvaged the exchange, where Dwin's pride would not have cared to bother. 

She waited in silence, until Alaric was nothing but a black dot moving away in the distance, then turned to Bronte and praised her: "Good job." Had anyone told her months ago that she would give any well-earned credit to any of the Blackthorn children, she would have laughed them loudly. "Let's go find others and tell all about this," she said, turning to move. "And I think it's best, if you do the explaining first. And I will add on, what we promised and what we plan to do about it," she added.

"What on Earth got into her," she murmured to herself, shaking her head as they left the borders. 

Last one from me.
559 Posts
Ooc — Danni
last from me also

Alaric looked at the young girl and his eyes softened a degree. He gave a nod. It's alright and I imagine Acrux would like that

Hw bent hix head and shoulders in a small bow to both girls. Then without another word turned and went the way he had come. He had much to share with Acruz's two mothers.
103 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Last for me. <3

Bronte nodded to Alaric, grateful that her apology was accepted. While it was true one of their own had attacked their boy, she did not want a rift between the two packs. So she tried to be civil, even in this time of high stress. "Thank you. Safe travels back home."

She watched him go.

Then, turned to Ceridwen. She just shrugged at the praise. "Sounds like a plan. I will try to find mom, first." With Ponyboy missing, Teya should be among the first to know, as a mother. She felt confident with Ceridwen at her side, through this. Bumping up against her shoulder, Bronte turned away and headed with her deeper into the Caldera.