Ouroboros Spine sobriety test
lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
All Welcome 
Old habits died hard, and when Phox returned to Moonglow to visit with Peregrine, he slowed, still not quite comfortable with the thought of just barging in to a place where he didn't have the keys, so to speak. Instead, he halted his three-legged gait and called for somebody to greet him at the border. To say he did not know everyone here was an understatement. He knew Kukutux to some degree, but beyond that, most were strangers to him.

With him, Phox brought the large bone of a deer he had felled with the help of some of those who shared his home in Moontide. He hoped the marrow within would help his son's head to heal more quickly. He knew little of medicine, but a delicacy was one thing he did not think the boy would pass up. That was, of course, assuming he was conscious this time around.
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499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei heard the call and she approached with wariness born of her shy nature. The bobcat fur tight sround her shoulders. The tawny pelt breaking up her own red. Even muting it slightly. Not that she minded her red fur.

A small smile. He was an older wolf woth three legs. She felt bad upon sight. How that must have pained him, possibly still did. He smelled of moontide and her body relaxed. Ahe didn't quedtion his call. Some wolves preferred old ways of calling out than just approaching.

Hello this wolf greets you. I'm Ajei. How can I help you today?
lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
It wasn't Kukutux or even Peregrine who met him. Instead, it was a young girl, presumably one of the medic's daughters, though Phox couldn't be entirely sure. Oh, hey. I'm Phox. I'm looking for Kukutux. My son, Peregrine, he's been staying here with her for a little while as he's recovering. I thought I could visit him for a bit. To be fair, Phox wasn't sure if Perry intended on staying long term or just until he got better. Truth was, he hadn't even seen the boy fully conscious yet.

Do you know if he's gotten any better? he asked. He wanted to ask more, like what Peregrine had said, if anything. How quickly would he recover? Was he going to make a full recovery, or would he have some horrible lasting effects? For now, he gave Ajei room to answer his first question before he fired a dozen more at her she probably couldn't even answer.
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499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei smiled. Well met Phox.

At his words she thought about it. She had known someone was in the medics den but not why or who.

Oh come. I will take you to moonwoman and the healers Ulaq before i go find my mother Shikoba. Come come. I wish i could tell you of your son, but I cannot.

Ajei looked at him and smiled warmly. Your son is in good paws. Moonwoman is a very good healer. And you are here. That will help his healing. Come.

She motioned again.
lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Phox breathed a sigh of relief, if only because no news was better than bad news about Peregrine. It also seemed he was wrong about the girl's mother. It wasn't Kukutux, but another wolf named Shikoba. He followed with his odd gait, feeling much more comfortable with a chaperone than without one. As they walked, he figured it wouldn't hurt to learn more about Ajei.

Have you and your mother lived here long? he asked as they continued toward the healing ulaq.
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499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei hadn't known the bite of having loved onws wounded amd resting. She had only seen the aftermath both prettily and not. So ahw couldn't surmise what this man must be going through. But she did know it was probably hard.

Green eyed gaze alight him and softening arouns the edges.

I do not know how long Mama has been here. I know it has numbered many seasons. But I was born here last spring. Next to my brother Chiteo and I havw onw okdwr brother Mojag. Also a heart brother in Rodyn of moontide. Mama adopted him as her own.
lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
It wasn't much to go on, but Phox gathered enough about Ajei and her mother. The name Rodyn of course piqued his interest. Ah, I know Rodyn! he chirped. Been hanging out in his pack—er, village—for a couple of months now. Nevermind that Heph was the real reason he was there... but Phox certainly had no qualms with Rodyn. The guy had been through a lot this past year, and unfortunately it was something he could relate to.

That was nice of her, Phox said, to adopt him, I mean. It also made Phox feel rather old, but that was becoming a constant these days. He realized Ajei could quite easily be his granddaughter. Maybe even great granddaughter. He didn't think he had any of those (yet). Are you a healer, too?
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499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A smile lit up her face. Oh then you know Heph! She took me fisjing in the ocean. So many big fish. And some funny looking things too. And I met the seal hunter Chakliux once.

Ahe nodded in thought she had enjoyed her time in moontide when the sadness wasn't unbearable.

Ajei smiled then. Pride for her mother in her eyes. Yes Mama is good to her very bones.

Ajei shook her head. I am being taught so I know. But it isn't where my heart lies
 I enjoy fishing and also medistion. I like to help two wolves who are fighting feel better. And talk to each other.
lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Heph's name came up—which was no surprise, considering she seemed to know everyone—and Phox put on a big, goofy grin, likely giving away his feelings for her even to a near stranger like Ajei. Chakliux was another name he knew, though Phox wasn't quite sure what to think about the guy. He had two wives, and they all seemed to keep to themselves for the most part. Maybe he should be making more of an effort to get to know the other folks in Moontide. He could make that a priority when he got back.

When Ajei mention mediation, Phox thought bitterly that he could have used somebody like that back when Niamh had been around. It seemed as though they were either madly in love or at each other's throats. Looking back on it now, it never had been the most healthy relationship. Not that he ever wished her dead, but he did wish he had seen things for what they were at the time.

I used to know a gal who liked doing that kind of thing. Her name was—is, I guess, if she's still out there—Sequoia. She said she could see smells. Weirdest thing I'd ever heard of. It was Sequoia who had helped him grieve for his first wife, Camilla.
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499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajwi saw his smile and hwr own met his. She be your wife then? You look happy at her name. That's good. She's a good one.

Ajei didn't know if she could ever fully realize her wants and dreams, but she would try. And she thought she could do well. She liked to help and was usually calm and collected. Usually.

Ajei blinked. How do you see smells?

She didn't understand this, but it might be pretty cool to be able to do. Unless it was a bad smell. Then....well

But what would a bad smell look like? I don't think I'd like that.
lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
A fair assumption to make, Phox mused. Nah... we're just friends right now. Maybe "just" wasn't exactly correct. He did think there was something there, but Phox was in no rush to call her a wife or make any long term commitments until they had time to sit down and talk about what they both wanted. Not just from each other, but from life as a whole. Luckily for him, Ajei changed the subject.

I guess there was a colorful aura around everybody she met, and she could see their scent trails. A different color for every wolf she met. Apparently more memorable than their names for her. Phox now wondered if he had been a particularly offensive or pretty color.
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499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei smiled then and nodded. Friends are always a good thing and we are blessed when we have them. But if you wish for more. Good tidings to you. 

She hoped if he wanted Heph as a wife, that he was able to love her well and she him. She hoped the best for them.

Ajei blinked in wonder. I bet it was a pretty life she led. Perhaps she was blessed by her gods for some reason. I hope she didn't find distress in it.

Ajei grinned as they approached the healing den. Here we are. I hope you and your son have a good day together.

Did you want to fade or continue?