Bearclaw Valley toothsome
Bearclaw Valley
522 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
the big guy hadn't been around in weeks. come to think of it, neither had the other big guy. drust, glaukos, keiko; it looked as though the valley was simply going to belong to the bearclaws after all.
ancelin scratched behind his ear and yawned. would certainly be cool if glaukos had taught him a little more about merrick and these altars, but no matter. he could learn on his own.
his ears twitched; his mind thought of ameline.
Bearclaw Valley
919 Posts
Ooc — Jess
The valley was quiet- which was just as well. The more she grew, the more defensive she became, and the less partial she was to outsiders. While she wanted an empire, she also found herself unwilling to go on a crusade just to find more warm bodies; besides, the ones within her grew and wiggled and writhed- they would be born soon, she felt. 

She growled as she approached Ancelin, a wag of her tail low at her ankles to express fondness. She moved alongside him and went to bump her shoulder against his, only to find that it was the sides of her belly that touched him first. She cackled.
Bearclaw Valley
522 Posts
Ooc — ebony
gosh was she ever round and ancelin felt a hundred emotions leap out of him at once, namely lust and a deep, surprised admiration for how her body had grown these past weeks. her growl was returned; he kissed her swelling sides and nipped gently at her shoulder.
"wow," he said, indigo eyes admiring with only a hint of nervousness at what was to come. "you're glowing."
and it was true; ameline was radiant with a light that ancelin did not understand but knew was deserving of aplomb.
Bearclaw Valley
919 Posts
Ooc — Jess
"I'm burthting too," She said, as little paws and muzzles began to push out from the insides. She leaned against Ancelin so he could feel the writhing of his brood. "Any day now, ugh- they jutht can't come thoon enough!" She complained with a light whine, as she settled uncomfortably into a seated position, bloated stomach hanging over her feet, and forcing her to lean forward slightly so she could keep her front elbows bent. 

She chuckled. "I look like a frog everytime I thit down like thith but I need to get the pressure off my ankleth.." One of the children gave her bladder a swift jab, prompting her to rise, and find a spot to relieve herself. "Nektht year....Yuh gonna carry 'em an' I get to do the babymakin', deal?" She called out.
80 Posts
Ooc — Twin
i saw an opportunity

athalia still didn't fully understand just how much things were about to change.
ameline was — pregnant, yeah, okay, whatever. not if she was gonna have anything to do with it.
athalia, as a result, was growing defiant in little passive ways. she'd started to bury food so no one else would steal it, she spent more and more of her down time sitting just far enough away from her family to (hopefully) make them feel bad and call her closer, and, her latest hobby;
covering herself in their scents.
she'd been listening in on their little conversation and watching ameline bumble around uncomfortably. she made her presence known only by the unblinking stare of the bright eyes, until ameline stood up to relieve herself. the bruingirl waits patiently, ever so patiently for the wet grass to be open for the taking before she strolls right on in and flops down on her back, making a point to never take her eyes from her mother figure.
my family! my mom! only mine!
Bearclaw Valley
522 Posts
Ooc — ebony
he felt, and marvelled, and looked at his round glowing wife with a great adoration. she had to piss so often that he was a bit worried, but figured it was just a temporary development. it had definitely helped the border markings.
"deal!" he trilled back. "also if you're a frog then call me a swamp because i'm —" ears lifted sheepishly as athalia approached — and soaked herself right in — oh man.
but he knew better than to truly and badly respond to his daughter's eccentricities. instead he watched her for a moment, trying to understand. "what are you worried about, hm?"
Bearclaw Valley
919 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She tilted her head back to accept his words, her tongue lifted as if ready to chuckle the moment he spoke whatever euphemism it was he was concocting out loud. But his words cut short- and she looked too to see Athalia, rolling and coating herself in Ameline’s scent. 

She was surprised- but not by Athalia’s actions. What took her by surprise was the memory it evoked. 

”Mark he-uh,”

Avicus’ voice, instructing her to mark the same place that the Wealda had, so that their scents could lay claim to the borders together. She held her daughter’s eye contact, feeling something like pride swell up within her. Ancelin’s voice floated past her ears as she rose to approach Athalia, and upon reaching her, bestow a kiss upon her cheek. 

”My girl.” She said softly. ”You mark here too. Thith ith our land.”