Swiftcurrent Creek curse of the black pearl
Swiftcurrent Creek
5 Posts
Ooc — Delaney
Limit Two 
forward dated a little to the 5th.

a soft start jolts caliste awake — it is not a subtle rising from slumber but a sudden one. motivated, massively, by food. someone left regurgitated meat — or perhaps it was a meal a sibling didn't finish ( she didn't know and didn't care ) and sniffs at it with a soft rumble in her belly and saliva pooling in her mouth.

she takes a small, almost demure bite at first.

then another and another until the small bit of meat is finished.

still hungry, however, she begins to sniff around for more.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
983 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne would often bring food for his sister's brood if they needed it. He didn't mind the action. Some didn't like that, but he was fine with making sure little bellies were always full. He would do what he could to be the best uncle he could for the little ones.

He had just had a meal of fish. And fish was horrible coming back up. But it was also full of vitamins and things the little ones needed. So he quickly allowed a small pile of regurgitated meat for any of the little ones. Golden eyes falling on Caliste.
Swiftcurrent Creek
5 Posts
Ooc — Delaney
patience is not a virtue that the young caliste is capable of yet, knowing only that she is still hungry and expects it ( as she expects all things ) now. her sniffing pauses as she reaches her uncle, a fussy cry about to leave her before he offers her some regurgitated fish.

though it was for any of them, caliste's thoughts are only on her siblings when she is playing with them, favoring towards the instinctual child self interest. she devours the fish her uncle has left; lips smacking with satisfaction afterwards.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
983 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Caliste was one that knew what she wanted when she wanted it. And she expected it when she expected it. She reminded Eti more of Suzu so far than her siblings. Suzu had been much the same. He gave a soft chuckle who was he kidding she still sort of did. But that was one ofthe many things about Suzu he loved. Wished he could be more assertive himself.

Was dat good little Caliste? He nosed along the child's cheek if she would allow. A kind nudge to his neice. Gentle as he so often was.
Swiftcurrent Creek
5 Posts
Ooc — Delaney
caliste's salmon pink tongue darts out to draw across her jowls, in case she missed any bits of food. she wasn't the cleanest of eaters. there was no time nor place to be demure with food when she had siblings to contend with.

ears perk and her gaze travels up to her uncle after his soft nudge to her cheek.

wi! she chirrups, finding the creole easier than common — and the word wi much more fun to say then 'yes' or it's common variants.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
983 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He watches as she takes whatever leftovers she could find throughout her whiskers. And he grinned despite himself. So much like her mama. It warmed him.

Trè bon. Mwen byen kontan. Vant plen?

Etienne had no qualms about speaking creole, it was the language he himself preferred honestly. He would cycle through french too at times. He had always had an ear for languages. Hoped to learn more, but he hadn't. He would have liked to learn some of @Anselm's and @Druid's but he had not learned. And there was no time now.

Tags just for reference
Swiftcurrent Creek
5 Posts
Ooc — Delaney
mwen t'ink so, wi, she tries to speak in the many tongues she hears and is exposed to, combining them into some sort of conlang of the them; but there is a sly glint in her eye, as if she thinks she is being clever.

she considers asking for a bone to snack on, to suckle the marrow out of ... but she would make a game out of it later. something akin to finding a lost treasure. even if it wasn't lost so much as tucked away in some corner of the den.