Sun Mote Copse He was never demanding, just understanding.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
903 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne hadn't called out. He had been too lost in his own feelings to do the proper thing. And that was how the she wolf would find him.

This one didn't seem to see him, but he wasn't close enough to determine if they were blind or just too far away. He shifted in his stance and debated. Should he just turn and walk away.

I'm sorry. My name be Etienne, but most everyone calls me Eti.

He tilted his own ears forward. I um was explorin' I be born from Sapp'ique, but i be making my 'ome in Rivenwood. I smelled missus Meerkat and Mista Njord.
Messages In This Thread
RE: He was never demamding, just understanding. - by Etienne - April 30, 2024, 04:56 PM