Sun Mote Copse He was never demanding, just understanding.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
903 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne knew most would recognize where he was from as soon as he spoke. If they knew it at least. It was arrogance to assume everyone knew of Sapphique.

She moved closer and he saw her face. And realized. She was indeed blind. It must have been for sometime. She had no issues getting to him. He was momentarily surprised, but small part of him gave huge props for doing so well. What adversity she must have handled. A queen stood in front of him. Like his family before.

A quiet chuckle. My Granme's an' mama's reach is a long one.

A soft smile and though it hurt to know they had started a new family after leaving the shire. He couldn't blame them. He swallowed and spoke.

I be 'appy for dem. Dey deserve 'appiness. Wut be your name?
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RE: He was never demanding, just understanding. - by Etienne - May 02, 2024, 10:15 AM