Noctisardor Bypass He's the one give his life to protect you
759 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Then he’s a very different man than I thought he was, Druid said quietly, her brow furrowed.

Striking first and thinking later reminded her of someone. She didn’t mention it aloud, at least not at the moment. Druid suddenly remembered Glaukos insisting Anselm had instigated their fight. Maybe she’d been wrong about that one, though she took cold comfort in knowing she’d still done right ousting him.

But should she toss out Anselm too? No, she decided. It would be preemptive. What if he did lay hands on Etienne? It pained her to look at him now, knowing he was in love with someone who not only couldn’t return that love but would reject him as a whole just for sharing it.

You do know how horrible that is, don’t you? she thought toward him, though it was another thing left unsaid, along with, How can you like him, much less love someone who feels that way about you? Love sometimes made little sense, she knew.

Aloud, Druid only said, Oh, Etienne, you deserve so much more than any of us have given you. Again, I can only speak for myself, but I hope you’ll at least give me an opportunity to make this right.

The Den Mother lapsed into silence, her thoughts roiling like the frothy current not too far away from them. One bobbed back to the surface.

Who is Anselm in love with? she demanded, dryly adding, Please don’t tell me it’s me.
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RE: He's the one give his life to protect you - by Druid - May 15, 2024, 07:49 PM